Name: Luke Anderson
Location: Floaroma Town Meadows
Partner: Pichu [Spark] (5/5) Luxio (15/15)

Posts: 10
Points: 45
Items: ---
Event Double point counter: 2

Luke stood to the side as the others argued back and forth. Moments later however, he realized that things were beginning to get out of hand. Oberon had told them to avoid drawing attention, but it seemed the others were hellbent on drawing as much attention as possible. Luke sighed.

"Maybe you guys should, like... Not make a scene?" Luke suggested, Genuinely unsure of what the others were trying to accomplish. Luke removed his earbuds in preparation for what he knew was to follow. Moments later, the cops approached and asked to see the group's IDs. At this point, Luke knew that complying with the officer's request would be the best option. Luke reached into his pocket to remove his ID. Before he could hand it over however, he saw Pat grab Palila and begin running. Luke, his jaw dropping slightly, immediately turned back to the cop.

"I don't know them." Luke said tiredly, having already had enough of the rest of the group's nonsense. The group could literally have just walked past if they hadn't made a scene. Luke didn't really care if he was throwing the others under the bus. He wasn't about to get sucked up into the mess that they had made if he could help it. He held out his ID for the cop to examine.