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  1. #71
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    The Digital World
    Luneth Tarot & Glimmer
    Eon Squad Villa
    Affected RP'ers: @Desolate Divine, @Neo Emolga, @Chakramaster

    Triad mentioned their new plan. They were to go on the offensive, strike at the Megamart, where the witches were thought to be.

    At the though of fighting the witches Luneth started to feel sick. “I don’t think I can do this…” Now she’d seen firsthand what Shadowcraft could do to people, and while she wanted to stop the witches, she knew now that she just wasn’t brave enough for the front lines.

    Seeing her discomfort, Glimmer stroked Luneth’s head soothingly. Whatever those Witches had done must have been bad for Luneth to react this badly just at the thought of them. However, unlike Luneth the thought instead motivated Glimmer even more.

    A vaguely familiar man spoke up. “He’s Jirachi’s trainer” Luneth whispered helpfully.
    The trainer pulled a star piece out of a bag, and proceeded to explain that they had been enchanted by Jirachi to warn when Shadowcraft was nearby, and also acting as a direct telepathic link to Jirachi. Luneth’s ears perked up at that. Communicating with Jirachi sounded very useful. And as he spoke on, he planned to rebuild the urgent care center too?

    Not everyone seemed to share Luneth’s enthusiasm however. Jon practically punched a hole in the wall beside him, before he verbally ripped into the trainer, who apparently was called Jimmy. Going after him over not informing anyone of Jirachi listening in until now.

    Woah,overreaction much? Glimmer thought, as Jon continued yelling. Does he distrust Jirachi that much?

    She did have to admit that Jon had a point about the Star Pieces though. If one got captured, Agatha would have access to who know how much power and info, let alone a key to one of the only secure safe houses. However, if Jirachi could sense things through those Star Pieces, couldn’t he just cut off their power if they fell into the wrong hands? Ah, but maybe Agatha could track them or reactivate them or something. She was very powerful, much more so than Glimmer had first thought.

    Before Glimmer had a chance to voice her thoughts, Jon had moved on from complaining about Jimmy leaking info to 4 years ago when Jimmy and Jirachi had first met.

    Glimmer frowned. Jon seemed like he was still holding a grudge from 4 years ago. While not mentioning Jirachi at the start had been a mistake, she felt Jon was taking it too far. From what he said his wife had been put in danger by Jirachi, so it was understandable. But he also seemed to think that Jirachi hadn’t changed in those intervening years. After all, if he knew that Jimmy was Jirachi’s trainer, did he really expect them to not have built up a psychic link by now? Jirachi listening in should have been obvious to him.

    She folded her arms and huffed with annoyance, but otherwise stayed silent. Better to let them cool off first instead of inserting herself into an irrational argument. However, by the time the meeting was adjourned, her opinion of Jon had fallen considerably.

    Jimmy wasn’t taking it though. He gave Jon a piece of his mind, essentially fighting back with every thought the Glimmer hadn’t vocalised herself, before storming out.
    Luneth’s concerned gaze followed Jimmy as he left the room, but Glimmer was now preoccupied by her next decision.

    When Jon said that those who were going to be transferred to Eon Squad were to stay for the next meeting, Glimmer was torn. Working with Eon Squad seemed like the best course of action, she hadn’t exactly got very far on her own investigations after all. But could she work under Jon? From what she’d seen here, though he had some good leadership qualities, was also rash and quick to anger. He seemed like the type to lead through fear. But if he could get the job done…

    At the same time Luneth was confused. She wasn’t sure if she should stay or go. She wasn’t part of Triad, but she wanted to help them with spells. But now it looked like they were going to be on the front lines, which she couldn’t do.

    Glimmer crouched down to bee at eye level with the Vulpix. “Ok, you’ve probably guessed, but I’m going with Eon Squad.” Luneth sighed inwardly. She didn’t want Glimmer to be in such danger, but she knew trying to talk Glimmer out of it was pointless. There was no way she could just sit by and watch as more lives were destroyed by Agatha and her witches. But having witnessed it herself, Luneth knew that she would just be a hindrance if she went with them. So instead she just nodded. “Just come back safe, alright?”
    “Promise” Glimmer said with a smile, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

    * * *

    As Glimmer headed towards Triad, Luneth looked over at the doorway Jimmy had just walked out though
    She glanced guiltily over at Abbee, who was over with Jon already, before slipping outside.
    She quickly caught up with the Jimmy. From what she remembered from the Wishmaker he could understand pokemon, so she luckily didn’t need a translator.
    “Hi there! Been a long time since we last met” She said, tying not to startle him. “You probably don’t remember me. I was there with you and Jirachi on the Wishmaker before.”
    “Anyway, I think you plan was good. You were right, and Jon just went off the handle there. But even if Eon Squad aren’t going to use them, all the other operatives working on the defensive could really benefit from having those star pieces. You should give them out to Cynthia’s teams.” She smiled up at Jimmy.
    “I’m willing to work with you at least.”

    * * *

    Meanwhile, Glimmer had walked over to where Triad and Eon squad remained.
    She motioned at the apparent leader of Triad, the one wearing the Butterfree costume, to get their attention. “Luneth wanted me to tell you that she still wants to help with your magic, but she can’t go on the front lines. So she’ll be waiting outside for now.”
    She turned to look at the rest of the group. “With that out of the way, I should get it in the open that I can do some Shadowcraft too. Everything from the Initiator tome at least, along with a few others.”
    Oh and I’m really a Shaymin as well. She added mentally. Yeah, I think I’ll keep that bit of info to myself…

  2. #72
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Triad (The Diamond Ladies)
    Meeting Room of Eon Squad HQ, Eon Squad Villa
    Affected RPers: @Desolate Divine @Shruikan @Chakramaster

    It was then that Triad had seen Jimmy’s reaction. And it wasn’t what she was expecting, but it quickly became apparent Jon had pushed him far beyond his breaking point, and as a result, Jimmy had scolded Jon in return, criticizing him on demeanor and questioning his leadership. The whole time, the three of them were silent as the whole experience was surreal to them, but despite what followed in Jon’s reputation, Jimmy stood his ground and refused to be intimidated.

    Dude’s got balls, I have to say…

    Then, Jimmy looked to everyone else, explaining that he just wanted to help, emphasizing that working as a team meant more than throwing weight around. But before he headed out, he urged Jon to stop living in the past, and that it was more about the team than his leadership.

    Once he had walked outside, it caused Cassandra to question her next moves. She looked to Jarena, who watched Jimmy head out the door, and look sympatric for what just happened.

    “I… I can’t do this…” Jarena winced, looking to Cassandra and Violet. “Things can’t work like this.”

    “Jarena…” Violet muttered.

    Cassandra fell silent, thinking hard for a minute. She knew Jon had distrust in Jirachi, but it seemed bitter to keep it for so long, as Jimmy had said. And it made her think about herself. If Jon held such a strong distrust for him and Jimmy, was it possible he felt the same way about them? Especially after having cheated and tried to make a run for it four years ago? She had a feeling maybe he didn’t trust them as much as she would have liked. It was causing her to have second thoughts about this joint operation in the first place.

    It was then that Glimmer had approached Triad.

    “Luneth wanted me to tell you that she still wants to help with your magic,” she explained. “but she can’t go on the front lines. So she’ll be waiting outside for now.”

    “Yeah… I’ll talk to her…” Cassandra replied, feeling a bit of a lump in her throat.

    For a moment, there was a bit of silence, and then Violet looked to Cassandra for direction.

    “How do you want to do this?” Violet asked Cassandra.

    “We don’t,” Jarena interjected. “I don’t like this, something about it stinks. I don’t want to hear about what happened four years ago with us, either. I thought that was the whole reason why we left and stayed in Starglade in the first place. Not to get reminded about that and get old dirt dug up. If Jon is bringing up this hate for what happened with Jirachi four years ago, he’s going to do the same with us. Count me out.”

    “He just wanted to help…” Cassandra looked toward the door that Jimmy had walked out of. “He didn’t mean any harm. That dude’s never hurt anyone…”

    Unlike me…

    It made her feel sick to her stomach. She didn’t like what had gone down either, and Jon bringing up old sins and misunderstandings had her concerned, even beyond those times they had worked together. It was as though she had a feeling maybe he didn’t trust them after all and the cheating and deception they had done was this grotesque sin that could never be washed or forgiven. Not if he had demonstrated himself to not be the forgive and forget type. But she also felt that Jon was under immense pressure, not just because of the nature of the threat, but because of what he had at stake to lose. Even if her assumption was wrong, it seemed Jon needed space to make his own choices and only take the risks he was comfortable with. She knew, working with him would mean she’d have to adopt his standards of decisions, rationales, and acceptable risk.

    “Maybe we should reconsider this arrangement, Jon…” Cassandra told Jon, looking toward the door as she felt a ping of disappointment in what had happened. “Seems like you need your own space and your own team to work out your own plan of action. If what happened four years ago is still a concern about who you trust today, then the three of us should work on a different front.”

    Cassandra then headed for the door, with Jarena and Violet closely following. Prior to coming here, she thought things might have worked, but it felt too reminiscent of what happened back on the S.S. Wishmaker. And she was already getting that same feeling she had when the three of them were constantly under watch from the League because of that lack of trust that they would come around.

    As the door closed behind them, they found themselves outside. Cassandra sighed, knowing this wasn’t a situation that was going to be eased over anytime soon.

    “I want to talk to Jirachi,” Jarena requested. “Jon doesn’t trust him, but I want to give the dude a chance. Because that little dude saved our tails four years ago. I trust him and I think he could really help.”

    “We need to make our own call about this,” Violet told them both. “Like you said, we’ve heard what Jon has in mind and as we saw, it’s his way or the highway. Let’s talk to Jirachi, find out whose plan sounds like what we want to go with more. But if we go with Jon, don’t be surprised if old sins get brought up again. Cass, I think he trusts you, but I can’t say the same for the two of us.”

    “It’s true, Jirachi came through for us, too,” Cassandra replied. “We never would have paid off the debt without him and would have been left broke and homeless.”

    “And hated,” Jarena replied. “Insane how it took everyone believing we died before they stopped bashing us on social media.”

    And there was that, too. Cassandra’s wish to find happiness when it seemed like all the shadows of hate and despair were closing in on them. They found a new home, a new identity, and distance away from what brought them anxiety. The way Cassandra thought of it, Jirachi was definitely someone they could trust. And while Cassandra wanted to trust Jon and for him to trust in her, what happened between him and Jimmy was starting to give her doubts. In the end, she felt he had Eon Squad to manage and she knew he would have his hands full with that.

    As Cassandra saw Jimmy in the distance, she decided to approach him, although she knew he was still hurt over what just happened.

    “Hey there,” Cassandra casually greeted him in a friendly voice. “Listen, you’re right, I don’t think it’s fair for anyone to judge you or Jirachi when you haven’t been given that fair chance. That’s why we’d like to talk to him if you’d be okay with that. He really came through for us four years ago.”

    “So… tell me more about these star pieces,” Cassandra told him with a friendly smile, curious to learn more about them. “What else can they do?”

  3. #73
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Brianna Levine
    Heahea Outskirts
    Affected RPers: @Neo Emolga

    Brianna had almost reached the witch when she called out, asking her to reveal herself. Brianna smiled, as she stepped out of the shadows of the nearby trees into the dying sunlight, her silver hair now extremely visible.

    “Trouble in paradise?” Brianna asked, not waiting for an answer, “I can tell a deserter when I see one…”

    “Don’t worry,” Brianna said, “I’m not with Agatha, or the League. That being said, I do think that if someone wants to leave that hovel that she has you all holed up in, they should be able to, and when I saw a ghost following you figured I’d help out. Though you seem to have sorted that out on your own…”

    Brianna turned to leave, making her way towards Heahea City, her watch reading 6:30.

    “If you want to stand a chance at surviving after leaving, have a chat to Jon Drake with the League. He seems to have a fondness for strays…” Brianna called out, “Otherwise, I hope you like the idea of this place being your grave…”

    Brianna left, leaving Willow to wonder what the hell just happened…

    Jon Drake, Abbee Strauss, Dylan Squier
    Eon Squad HQ
    Affected RPers: @Chakramaster, @Neo Emolga, @Shruikan

    Dylan watched in shock as Jimmy exploded, unloading all his frustrations on Jon, who watched him, eyebrows raised. When Jimmy finally finished his tirade, Jon spoke calmly, before Jimmy stormed out.

    "If that's all you have to say about what has just happened, then it's painfully obvious that you just don't get it..." Jon said calmly, as Jimmy walked out of the room.

    Jon watched as another person approached Cassandra, claiming to be a witch affiliated with Luneth. Whilst Jon's concern immediately spiked, hearing Luneth's name helped him put the pieces together. The witch Abbee had mentioned being trusted by Triad. Jon only met her once, back on the S.S. Wishmaker. It had been his job to track her down and get her to agree to secrecy for the sake of the coverup that ended up being destroyed.

    Abbee watched in shock at the whole thing, as Victini sagged with disappointment. This was the last thing he wanted to see.

    "Maybe the bad blood is for the best." Victini said, trying to be optimistic, "They are just too different to be able to work together and trust one-another..."

    "They both yelled as much as each other..." Abbee replied with her thoughts.

    "They could not be much more different." Victini explained, "Jimmy is the sort of friend you want to have when everything is great and there is peace. He is optimistic, and sees the best in a situation. He dreams big and thinks about what could go right. Jirachi is even more like that. Unfortunately, he can tend to overlook smaller details, and that's what seems to drive Jon mad. Stuff like waiting until they had already shared classified information to mention Jirachi listening, or the fact that hiding the Emergency Treatment Center makes it inaccessible for the people who actually need it. Stuff that wouldn't be a big deal under normal circumstances."

    "And Jon?" Abbee asked. She had known Jon for three years now, and whilst he wasn't afraid of voicing his disapproval, it was usually in a calm manner. But as Victini said, these weren't normal circumstances, and he had more experience with Jon in these sorts of circumstances.

    "Jon shoulders a lot of responsibility right now. He has his family back home who need him, you and Dylan here, and then the rest of Eon Squad, and one bad decision could lead to people dying on his conscience, and will say and do what he has to to try and keep the others from being killed. He is the sort of friend you want to have when times are tough, because he will see the potential for things to go south and do whatever he can to minimize that. They are just too different."

    "So how is this bad blood good?" Abbee asked.

    "Because it means they won't be compromising themselves to work with each other. Their strengths are detrimental to each other. If they aren't working together, Jon won't be shooting down Jimmy's ideas that may just work over the things he may have overlooked, and Jon won't be having to worry about Jimmy overlooking something, and someone he is responsible for getting hurt. Teamwork is great and all, but not all the time. They will be at their best by leaving each other alone and letting them do their own thing…”

    As Abbee processed what Victini had said, Cassandra had approached Jon.

    “Maybe we should reconsider this arrangement, Jon…” Cassandra told Jon, “Seems like you need your own space and your own team to work out your own plan of action. If what happened four years ago is still a concern about who you trust today, then the three of us should work on a different front.”

    Jon sighed to himself, as the trio left. He didn't blame them for being cautious of him not trusting them.

    “Do what you think is right.” Jon said, “The three of you would be an asset in Eon Squad, but if you think your skills are better used elsewhere, then I trust your judgement…”

    As they left Jon turned to Eon Squad. It was 6:30pm. Jon instructed those who had just joined to gather their belongings and move into the Villa. Dylan and Abbee were assigned to keep investigating Brianna, and Jon assigned four of his squad to look into the Thrifty Megamart.

    Steven returned at 7pm, and he and Jon entered a private room to talk about what had just transpired.

    “We gotta talk about what happened during that meeting…” Steven said.

    “What’s there to talk about?” Jon asked, surprising Steven with how much he meant those words.

    “I don’t regret what I did.” Jon explained, “If it had been anywhere else, I definitely would have preferred to have had that conversation in private. But there were other people there, some of which had made it clear they weren’t okay with the level of secrecy we were demanding, even when it comes to other operatives. He could have mentioned Jirachi listening in when I first brought up the confidentiality, I would have forwarded that to you, and you could have okayed it. But instead, intentionally or not, he undermined my authority over my own squad, and yours and Cynthia’s authority. Because of that, I had to make it clear to everyone in the room that we mean business about keeping things secret.”

    “I know, I get that. He had my permission to have Jirachi listen in, but only we knew that, and he should have mentioned it earlier when you asked, or waited until after the meeting and told you privately.” Steven replied, exasperated, “But shooting down his proposition about the star pieces and bringing up what Jirachi did four years ago…”

    “I didn’t tell him to scrap the idea. I just said it would be foolish for us on the frontline to have it. It has the potential to be great, having some sort of HQ that only we can access, and instant communication. But if Agatha got a hold of the key, it would be a massacre. By all means, have those working behind the scenes run with this plan. And as I said, even if we have access to one of the keys, but didn’t keep it on us, that would be great. But I’m not going to support his idea to the letter, ignoring the oversights like that, to spare his feelings…”

    “That still doesn’t justify slandering Jirachi, and him by extension…” Steven replied, “He and Jirachi have been an asset the last four years to the League…”

    “So was Lance…” Jon replied, “Every bit of power and authority he had came from the League, and look what happened there…”

    “Jimmy isn’t going to become Lance-” Steven contested.

    “I am not saying he is Lance 2.0.” Jon explained, “I am saying that usefulness to the League shouldn’t cause you to overlook character flaws. Even with myself. I have proven myself useful to the League, but does that mean you will look past what I have done? Beating Lance and Matt senseless, refusing to fully cooperate with the league? You’d be stupid not to consider that…”

    “What are you trying to say?” Steven asked irritably.

    “I mentioned what Jirachi did because after four years, the first time I work with Jimmy, in this meeting, he essentially does what he likes, regardless of what is expected of him.” Jon said, “I have been given no reason to think anything has changed. Just his word, which lost a lot of value when he pulled the stunt he did tonight with Jirachi listening in. And now, he is offering for people to use Jirachi’s power to go to some hidden base of operations, and have their thoughts broadcasted to Jirachi. Why do I have any reason to believe that anything has changed, and that this won’t turn into that locked room on the S.S. Wishmaker, when Jirachi all of a sudden wants to play? If Jimmy wants to put people at his and Jirachi’s mercy, regardless of whether it is good or not, they need to know the risk. And if Jimmy wants me to trust him, and Jirachi by extension, he has to prove it. Not with words, but with action. Tonight was a chance for him to do that…”


    “What would you have done in my place Steven?” Jon asked.

    Steven was silent.

    “If I didn’t do what I did, we run the risk of planning an attack, and Agatha knowing, because one of the operatives thought nothing bad will happen if he goes and tells someone else from his squad over a beer tonight. Really, I did you a favour by being the token a**hole, so you and Cynthia didn’t have to be…”

    “What about what Jimmy said?” Steven asked, “His rant about you being a bully and a self righteous p***k?”

    “Do you agree with him?” Jon asked, “You’ve known me for over ten years, and in all honesty, are my best friend. If anyone knows me well enough, other than Alyssa, to tell me whether or not what he said is true, it’s you. Am I a bully and a self righteous p***k?”

    Steven was silent.

    “No…” Steven sighed, not liking the situation, “You did what needed to be done when he mentioned Jirachi listening in, in front of everyone. You made the right call about Eon Squad not taking the star pieces, and given your own experience, you did what you thought best with Jirachi’s past. It is just messy…”

    “It is messy. But mess we can contain and control is better than mess we can’t.” Jon said, “And to answer your question, about what Jimmy said, I am not too phased. He can’t see what is wrong with the situation, and the easiest alternative when you can’t see that is to blame the person who can.”

    “He might say the exact same thing about you…” Steven retorted, half joking, as he stood to leave.

    “He could. But actions speak louder than words.” Jon said, “But Steven…”


    “He and Jirachi do have potential to make or break this operation, hopefully make it.” Jon said, “But that won’t happen if the League is constantly trying to make us work together. He has written me off as a… well, you heard him. If we disagree about something, he will go against me, regardless of who is right and wrong, because in his mind, I am his enemy. Your best bet is to not try and have us work this out while we are dealing with Agatha. There is too much at stake to waste time trying to resolve differences. There is plenty enough to do without us having to cross paths and butt heads.”

    “I’ll let you do your thing.” Steven replied, “Let me know what I need to know, and ask when you need help.”

    Jon nodded as Steven left.

    Above Eon Squad HQ
    Affected RPers: @Charkamaster @Neo Emolga @Shruikan

    Latios waited above the building, remaining invisible as was his sentry duty. He hadn’t been in contact with Jon during the meeting, as to follow the rules that Steven and Cynthia had set about keeping information private. His instructions were to only contact if there was a concern, so Latios had been waiting eagerly to tell Jon of his revelation about his past and his sister.

    He noticed someone leave the building below, exhibiting rage and nothing but. Latios quietly descended, remaining invisible, unsure if this anger was indicative of a threat, before recognizing the person. Jimmy Kendo. He continued walking, as Cassandra, Violet and Jarena emerged from the building. Latios floated towards them, about to reveal himself, before he heard them speaking.

    “I want to talk to Jirachi,” Jarena said. “Jon doesn’t trust him, but I want to give the dude a chance. Because that little dude saved our tails four years ago. I trust him and I think he could really help.”

    “We need to make our own call about this,” Violet replied to the pair of them. “Like you said, we’ve heard what Jon has in mind and as we saw, it’s his way or the highway. Let’s talk to Jirachi, find out whose plan sounds like what we want to go with more. But if we go with Jon, don’t be surprised if old sins get brought up again. Cass, I think he trusts you, but I can’t say the same for the two of us.”

    “It’s true, Jirachi came through for us, too,” Cassandra said. “We never would have paid off the debt without him and would have been left broke and homeless.”

    “And hated,” Jarena replied. “Insane how it took everyone believing we died before they stopped bashing us on social media.”

    Latios halted making himself visible.

    “Jon, what have you done…”

    Latios left quietly, presuming the meeting had ended, though not well by the look of it, entering the building to find Jon.

    Abbee Strauss and Dylan Squier
    Crown Harbour Hotel
    Affected RPers: None

    It was 8:30pm when Abbee found herself dressed up and sitting alone at the bar of the fanciest hotel on Akala Island. She had ordered a drink, thankful that Alola had the drinking age of 18, instead of 21 like other regions. That being said, the menu here was expensive, and she hoped that she wouldn’t be here too long. Whilst she had inherited a large amount of wealth from her father’s estate she didn’t want to spend it so flippantly.

    Victini stood on a rafter above the room, watching over Abbee, maintaining a telepathic link between her and also Dylan, who waited in the bathroom next to the lobby. The plan was simple actually.

    Victini had used his uncanny ability to wander around unnoticed and spent some time watching the service desk in the kitchen, where room service orders came in and were processed. Taking note of the uniforms that were worn by the staff who worked in the hotel, he located a storage room full of them, stealing one that would fit Dylan. Dylan took it, before hiding in the bathroom, whilst Abbee waited in the bar, hoping to attract the attention of someone that wasn’t a man too old to be hitting on her. She wasn’t lying when she told them she was waiting for someone. That person was Brianna Levine.

    She was staying in the hotel under an alias, and if they found out what that was they might be able to learn more about her. The only lead they had was an affinity for a certain wine the hotel stocked. Peter, Eon Squads computer genius, had given Dylan a discreet flash drive that when plugged into a PC, would transmit the screen to Eon Squad HQ. However Brianna knew Dylan, and the operation would be out the window if she knew he was here.

    But, she had mentioned knowing of Abbee to Dylan when they spoke. The plan was for Abbee to be waiting in the bar, waiting for someone, for Brianna. When Brianna eventually shows up, as she seems to love being smug about how much she knows and how little she is going to tell you, Abbee would keep her occupied whilst Dylan, disguised as a hotel worker, would plant the flash drive.

    However it had been forty minutes, and so far nothing.

    “Come on Brianna…” Abbee thought to herself, as she twirled the straw around her drink…

    Jon Drake
    Eon Squad HQ
    Affected RPers: @Neo Emolga

    The clock read 9pm, when Jon finally decided to send Cassandra a message. He had held off, knowing that emotions were high after the meeting, and they were with Jimmy after they left. Latios had overheard their conversation, about whether or not Jon thought the same about them and their mistakes as he did about Jirachi and told Jon. Granted what Cassandra had said as she left implied that pretty heavily.

    ’Hey, it’s Jon.

    I didn’t get a chance to clear things up, and just wanted to apologize about before. Latios overheard you guys talking on your way to see Jimmy, and made sure I knew about it, if you know what I mean. He takes after me…

    Don’t think for a second I don’t trust the three of you, because I don’t trust Jirachi after what happened back then. The difference between what you three did four years ago, and what Jirachi did, is that the three of you have given me more than enough reason to trust you. You followed your end of the deal to the letter when I offered to vouch for you to the League, and I know the reason you never took Alyssa and I up on our offer to help after Wishmaker was so we wouldn’t get caught up as collateral. Cass came to my aid at a moment's notice, with not much intel to go on, and the three of you kept a secret that could have ruined my life had it come to light. Your actions were proof enough that you weren’t the same people you were before Wishmaker.

    I haven’t seen Jirachi or Jimmy for four years, and had no reason to think anything was different but Jimmy’s word, and honestly I wanted to believe that things had changed and I could trust them now. But what happened tonight, the fact he didn’t mention Jirachi when I brought up the confidentiality until after we had both shared sensitive information, well, I realized I couldn’t take Jimmy just at his word. I brought up what happened four years ago, because based on what had just happened, I thought relying on Jirachi came with the same risks that it did back on Wishmaker, and believed that people deserved to know that before making that decision. I couldn’t have it on my conscience if I said nothing, and something happened because of it. Really, I want to be able to trust Jimmy and Jirachi, but their actions need to speak that.

    This isn’t some long winded way of trying to get you guys to join Eon Squad. The three of you would be a major help, but I know that you three have earned my trust, and understand your talents and where you best fit into this whole mess we have found ourselves in better than I ever could. If working with Jimmy and Jirachi is how you think you can make the biggest difference, or something else entirely, I completely understand and would rather you do that. If there is anything you reasonably need from myself or Eon Squad, say the word, and we will be in touch as well, to get those protection charms sorted before we give Agatha hell.

    Watch yourselves out there.

    He pressed send, before finding himself back at work, looking over the landscape surrounding the megamart...
    Last edited by [Desolate Divine]; 05-26-2021 at 10:04 AM.

  4. #74
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Thrifty Megamart, Akala
    Affected RPers: N/A

    Nicodemus had looked dourly upon the aftermath of what had become his apprentice, Boris. Standing beside him was Agatha, still in her artificially youthful state, looking at least three generations younger than Nicodemus when in truth, she should have been dead from natural causes by now. But she too, had looked upon the bloody remains of Boris, barely even noticing the dead Morpeko lying dead in a sickly pool of his own blood.

    “Fool boy…” Nicodemus spat at Boris’s remains. “You useless, rotting pile of-”

    “Why did you let him draw the blood?” Agatha scowled, interrupting him. “That incompetent buffoon you call an apprentice couldn’t complete a simple task without getting himself killed and now let that Latias get away! We need her blood for the spell! This was crucial, it shouldn’t have been done by this bumbling idiot!”

    “We don’t need the blood, Agatha,” Nicodemus replied, hissing through his crooked teeth. “The spell can be completed without it. It will just take longer.”

    “I want it done as soon as possible!” Agatha demanded. “If anything happens to the Netherclysm spell because of this delay, I’m holding you personally responsible.”

    Nicodemus gritted his gnarled and crooked teeth and growled a bit, irritated that his proposed solution to helping Agatha complete the spell faster was now being used against him like a liability when he could have remained silent to keep himself off the hook. However, he remained quiet, knowing challenging her would have been unwise and fatal.

    “Willow… where is she now?” Nicodemus asked Agatha, looking past his shoulders with his shifty eyes. “The Latias specimen may have returned to her. Once I have one of the initiates clean up this fool boy’s molding carcass, I will perform the bloodletting myself. And this time, it will not fail.”

    “And why do you think I know where she is?” Agatha asked him, growing impatient. “Ask one of the sentries. I have enough to do and I can’t keep watch on every witch on these premises all by myself.”

    “Fine,” Nicodemus snarled. “We’ll find her and get her back here. And in the meantime, I will assign some of my underlings to hunt down the brother. We already know who he belongs to. Jon Drake is just but a normal man, but we will end him if we need to.”

    Do whatever you must,” Agatha told him in a dark tone of voice. “I want results, not excuses.”

    She then turned around and left as Nicodemus looked angrily upon Boris’s remains, still lying splattered about the tiled floor while his blood-stained skeletal remains lay in a misshapen pile.

    Damn you…” Nicodemus barked at the corpse, lashing his pitted tongue like a whip. “Now look at what you’ve done, you stupid, stupid boy.

    It was then that Aaron had entered the apothecary, having heard the news about Boris being found dead, but curious to see the aftermath for himself. After walking into the pungent apothecary, he saw for himself what had become of Boris, and his immediate reaction was to snicker.

    “Good riddance,” Aaron chuckled with a dark smile. “He got what’s coming to him.”

    “And you think you could do better?” Nicodemus asked him, looking dubious at Aaron.

    “I overheard your conversation with Agatha,” Aaron told him, smiling impishly. “I can get that Latios while you focus on that Latias.”

    “Fine,” Nicodemus replied. “If you’re confident you can…”

    “Not so fast,” Aaron replied quickly. “I have my own demands. I help you, you help me. Besides, if you do me this favor, I should have an easier time getting that Latios for you on a silver platter. Win-win, right?”

    Nicodemus’s eyes narrowed in scorn, but he decided to see what the bargaining table was going to involve.

    “What is it that you want?” Nicodemus asked, looking into Aaron’s eyes.

    Aaron had pulled out his Shadowcraft Kammo tome and had casually and quickly flipped through the pages. Once he found the exact page he was looking for, he put it down on the old table, and pointed to the Endkath spell on the 372th page. Nicodemus looked at it, skimmed over the details, and his brow furrowed, looking back at him as though he had become an abomination.

    “You’re mad,” Nicodemus insisted with a hiss.

    “You want Latios’s blood or not?” Aaron asked, unfazed by Nicodemus’s commentary and opinions. “Endkath’s reagents are hell to come by, but I know you have them somewhere in this pisshole. Ever since I laid eyes on this spell, I’ve wanted it more than anything, but it was always the goddamn reagents that held me back from using it.”

    Nicodemus thought over it for a minute. Winning over Agatha’s favor with the blood of Latios and Latias would empower him to a higher role when the advent of Netherclsym had come and Agatha’s power would become godlike. But now, Agatha felt it was as if he had a debt to pay for presenting this opportunity before her, but failing to actually deliver on it. And if it meant letting Aaron have the Endkath spell he so craved… well, Agatha did say he had the authority to do whatever he must, costs and consequences be damned.

    “Fine,” Nicodemus replied with a hiss. “But you bear the consequences of that spell alone. That’s one that can’t ever be undone and will change your life forever, boy.”

    “I know that,” Aaron replied, wondering why Nicodemus bothered to warn him when he felt he knew more about that spell than he did. “I want the spell, not a lecture. The sooner, the better.”

    “Then you shall have it,” Nicodemus replied, still feeling he was a fool to make such a dark payment. “And all that comes with it…”

    Royal Avenue Pokémon Center, Akala
    Affected RPers: @Desolate Divine (Brianna)

    Brianna had stepped out from the shadows of the trees, smiling. Willow didn’t recognize her, but she knew if she had wanted to strike her down, she would have done so already. Besides, even if she was one of Agatha’s witches, there was nothing that tied her to Boris’s death…

    …at least not yet.

    “Trouble in paradise? Brianna asked. “I can tell a deserter when I see one…”

    Willow was silent, hoping no one else was listening, or it would be the death of her. She could feel Latias close by, but right now, she decided to give Brianna the benefit of the doubt. Mainly because if she wanted to end her, she would have done the dark deed from the shadows when the opportunity was there for her. It was clear there was another motive at hand.

    “Don’t worry,” Brianna said. “I’m not with Agatha, or the League. That being said, I do think that if someone wants to leave that hovel that she has you all holed up in, they should be able to, and when I saw a ghost following you figured I’d help out. Though you seem to have sorted that out on your own…”

    “They’re not who I thought they were,” Willow replied. “They have something… ungodly going on in there. I thought this would be an opportunity to learn more from the experts, but what they really wanted were servants to do their dirty work.”

    Brianna had prepared to leave, but Willow still had questions for her. But, given Brianna’s sly-as-a-fox demeanor, she had a feeling a great many of those would go unanswered.

    “If you want to stand a chance at surviving after leaving, have a chat to Jon Drake with the League,” Brianna proposed. “He seems to have a fondness for strays…”

    The name sounded familiar to Willow at first, but it took her a moment to recall where she had heard it before. But then she remembered… the first Pokémon High Seas Tournament winner, the one who exposed the Diamond Ladies’ schemes, and the founder of the elite Eon Academy.

    Now she remembered…

    “Otherwise I hope you like the idea of this place being your grave…” Brianna warned her.

    “I have no intention of-”

    But before she could finish, Brianna dashed back into the shadows, seemingly leaving no trace of herself behind, as if an illusion the entire time. It was as if she had skipped into the wind and became one with the breeze and the shadows, leaving no clue she had been there. Had it been any later of an hour, Willow might have thought she nodded off into a daydream and imagined the whole thing.

    Jon Drake… that reminds me… doesn’t he…?

    He’s my brother’s trainer, Willow.

    Willow almost gasped, looking up into the sky, but still noticing that Latias was invisible and no where to be seen. Besides, the night sky was getting darker, and she was running out of time. She didn’t think she could make it to Heahea before she would need to stop for the night. But with there being limited shelter along Route 6…

    Do you know where he is? Are you able to connect with him?

    We can make it there if you ride on my back. But let’s both go invisible. They’ll never see us that way!

    Invisibility spells were not cheap, requiring crushed diamond dust as one of the reagents, but in this case, Willow felt it was worth the cost to strengthen her chances of escape. She didn’t know Brianna, but she did know Agatha, and that alone convinced her to take Brianna’s warning seriously.

    Willow had taken the small, nearly-empty vial of diamond dust, and cast an invisibility spell upon herself, using up the last of the reagent. Soon, not even her shadow could be seen as she had become cloaked like Latias herself, as if she was never there. Once the spell was completed, Latias gently approached her, and Willow reached out with her hands, feeling for Latias’s neck as she couldn’t see it. Once she lightly touched it, she mounted herself on her back, and the two of them flew toward the Eon Squad Villa as Latias traced her brother’s presence.

    Outside Eon Squad Villa, Akala
    Affected RPers: @Desolate Divine (Jon/Latios, kind of)

    Once they had arrived, Willow had dismounted, and waited a short while for the invisibility spell to fade. She knew it wouldn’t be a good idea to sneak up on Jon while invisible, and while she only knew limited pieces of Jon’s past and reputation, she felt he couldn’t be worse than Agatha.

    Besides, she had to tell someone about Netherclysm. Something about it had to be done before Agatha would become the queen god of a much darker, morbid world after the weak and elderly had been purged, and only those chosen to survive would be reformed into whatever this society of witches saw fit.

    Meanwhile, Latias had turned to look at the Eon Squad HQ, and for just a moment, she saw her brother, Latios, make himself visible before entering the building. It had seemed he had something else on his mind and had not seen her, but even just catching a glimpse of Latios filled her heart with joy. Even with dark skies looming overhead and shadows creeping around them as the daylight faded, she was elated to see him again, alive, well, and looking so much stronger than the last time she saw him. She was happy he had found a trainer that helped him find his potential, and gave him a safe and happy home, even to the point of naming the whole villa after their species. It was proof Jon truly cared for him and realized he was a very special Pokémon.

    My god, it’s been so long! Look at this place!

    But something happened when she looked into his aura, expecting it to be bright, vibrant yellow. Something had suddenly made him uneasy, causing it to go blue. Latias had then looked out to the field, detecting the auras on the other people out there. She could only faintly make them out due to the distance, but there was unease and anger among them as well. When she realized this, she had withdrawn a bit, realizing something abnormal must have transpired recently.

    “Isn’t that…?” Willow whispered, having seen Latios for just a moment as well.

    Something’s up… I’m not sure what, but it might be best if we wait for a moment. There’s tensions among these people. One of them is especially angry…

    Willow wasn’t sure what exactly was the reason for it, but she assumed it was due to Agatha’s recent attack and felt anyone on the receiving end of such a devastating and merciless assault like that would be emotionally wrecked. She hadn’t been part of the attacking group herself, but she had heard from the others that they had done significant damage and “made a good example” of the tourists, locals, and League operatives. Those words had not settled well with her, and not knowing the specifics was a concern. She had a suspicion they had done something cruel and horrible to them, and what she and Latias were looking at now had to be the emotional aftermath of such a terrible attack.

    “Came at a bad time, didn’t we…?” Willow asked, sighing that it would complicate things.

    Seems so. As much as I would love nothing more than to see my brother again…

    “We’ll come back in the morning, that’s all,” Willow comforted her with a smile, rubbing her neck gently to ease her anxiety. “It’s getting late anyway and I’ve got some thinking to do.”

    Willow knew if she was going to explain the details of Netherclysm to Jon and his followers, she needed no distractions or interruptions and she needed a clear and level head. After narrowly escaping the watchful gaze of Agatha’s followers, she felt it might be best to come back when the turmoil settled and everyone had a good night’s sleep to clear their minds out of the emotions.

    Willow then headed toward Heahea City, knowing it would be easy to find a hotel to spend the night at. Once she had time to rest and figure out how she was going to explain what the League was up against, she would be back and give them the details…

    …the intel that would make them aware just how dire the situation truly was…

  5. #75
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    Jimmy Kendo
    Outside of Eon Squad HQ
    Affected RP'ers: @Shruikan @Neo Emolga

    Jimmy had made his way outside. Taking time to himself to cool off. He's never been one to speak out against anyone. It takes a lot and even then it's been hard, but he had to let it out. Lest he hold it in and end up exploding and losing hope. He couldn't just give up. Not after what all has already happened here. He just needed to gather his thoughts. Get a better chance to explain everything next time. Making sure everyone understands what he and Jirachi are trying to do for everyone's sake.

    “Hi there! Been a long time since we last met." A voice said as Jimmy had been lost in thoughts. “You probably don’t remember me. I was there with you and Jirachi on the Wishmaker before.”

    Jimmy had looked around before gazing down at an Alolan Vulpix that spoke to him.

    “Anyway, I think your plan was good. You were right, and Jon just went off the handle there. But even if Eon Squad aren’t going to use them, all the other operatives working on the defensive could really benefit from having those star pieces. You should give them out to Cynthia’s teams.” She smiled up at Jimmy. “I’m willing to work with you at least.”

    Jimmy couldn't help, but smile back. "I think...I recognize you now. You were there. During that time Jirachi had his playtime weren't you? Then again before we all left. The gifts for were the one that gave him those too right? He seriously enjoyed those" Jimmy asked as he chuckled a bit. "Thanks again for all of those."

    "Anyway, thanks for the vote of confidence. It's dark times like these we need a little light to keep our eyes open. I was hoping to pull more in with these since they can offer protection to everyone, but I think the timing was bad. I jumped ahead wanting to help protect as many others as possible." Jimmy clutched a fist before mumbling quietly. "dammit". Looking slightly to the side.

    "I'd gladly take any help I can get here. Lemme just explain a little-" Jimmy was interrupted. Not noticing someone else coming up.

    “Hey there,” Cassandra called to him in a friendly voice. “Listen, you’re right, I don’t think it’s fair for anyone to judge you or Jirachi when you haven’t been given that fair chance. That’s why we’d like to talk to him if you’d be okay with that. He really came through for us four years ago.”

    To Jimmy's surprise. His voice had reached even Cassandra, Jarena, and Violet. They had made their way to Jimmy wanting to explain their thoughts.

    “So… tell me more about these star pieces,” Cassandra told him with a friendly smile, curious to learn more about them. “What else can they do?”

    Cassandra seemed interested in learning more about the star pieces he presented.

    Jimmy took a breath with his eyes closed before explaining further.

    "I appreciate each of you entrusting me here. I know given the circumstances a few moments ago things are the best right now. I can explain anything you want to know about these star pieces I tried to present." Jimmy said as he looked around.

    "Honestly, these star pieces are a bit more complex than explained. They are fit to the user that holds them. Yes, that means so long as you hold one. You can potentially connect with Jirachi. They can even be modified to meet certain uses." Jimmy tried to clarify. "That means if you have need of something, Jirachi can potentially help provide. The limitations of these pieces are as limitless as Jirachi himself. Although Jirachi is trained to ensure the safety of everyone. He won't do anything that could potentially harm anyone. Meaning no random Jirachi play time or anything that will somehow affect our reality."

    Jimmy looked around. Trying to hold a bit more confidence. "To alleviate any thoughts. If someone were to lose these star pieces and one of these witches somehow get ahold of one. That's one reason why Jirachi is constantly watching these. All connections and power to that piece will be severed. All traces of any power of links to Jirachi cut out completely. Making it a useless piece of decoration."

    "If anyone is concerned about anything on these. They can be modified, so don't worry there. These only work as a catalyst. As I said. They are only as limited as Jirachi's own power." Jimmy once again looked to everyone around him.

    "That being said I know many may be concerned about Jirachi and how it is now. As like Jon's Latios, we've got Jirachi hidden. For exactly the reasons everyone else may think. If these witches found out a Pokemon like this were here. It could become a target with Jirachi having the potential to grant wishes. If you are willing I can get everyone there. If you hold onto one of these star pieces you can communicate with Jirachi. His psychic link to these pieces and the user will be able to tell friend from foe. Feel free to take one and communicate with Jirachi. If you'd like, we can also go there. Fair warning, the first time you teleport via these you could be a liiiiittle disoriented. " Jimmy tried to warn them.

    "These star pieces do work as warp points. Using his power he can teleport anyone with one to a centralized location if need be. Such as where he is in our own base. If anyone feels things about these need to be adjusted we are totally welcome to any advice. More than anything we want to be here to help everyone and make sure you're all as safe as possible." Jimmy tried to confirm with everyone before explaining a bit more.

    "That's why we added a little more protection. So that we can detect any indirect spells or hexes before setting them off on ourselves. Jirachi works as an eye in the sky using his psychic powers. It doesn't make him any more powerful. He, much like myself and Pikachu. Are all willing to risk our lives to help save others. Even if it's costs us our very lives." Jimmy looking a little more grim with a serious tone.

    "Even if saving someone costs us our lives. We've done our part in saving others. I couldn't be more grateful in knowing that."

    "So. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Specifics or anything you want. Or I can take anyone who wants directly to Jirachi to prove how he has changed. I'm sure he's eager to see some friendly faces." Jimmy tried to enlighten the others. "If so, just say when. We can also make any necessary adjustments to these there. To fit whatever everyone thinks is best for everyone."

    It wasn't much for now, but it was all Jimmy had to offer. Whether anyone believed him or wanted to work with him. It was up to them. He's not a forceful person and never has been. Though he does still wish in his mind. Everyone could better work together. Teamwork in coordinated efforts work better than a team disorganized and against each other.

    "I do more thing to say about Jirachi, but out here in the open isn't safe. Only one other person knows about this as they're the only person I've trust it with since we researched it together." He paused a moment before stating, "Steven. He is the only other one that knows of this secret."

    quick note: the wish Jimmy was making was only in his heart and mind. Jirachi isn't reading on that nor is he granting a wish like that. So this affects no one other than it's just something Jimmy was thinking to himself.
    Last edited by Chakramaster; 05-27-2021 at 01:36 AM.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  6. #76
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Triad (The Diamond Ladies)
    Meeting Room of Eon Squad HQ, Eon Squad Villa
    Affected RPers: @Chakramaster @Shruikan

    Once Luneth and Cassandra had approached Jimmy, asking about the star pieces, his demeanor had significantly improved. As Cassandra thought about it, she knew Jon had a very difficult time trusting Jirachi, but mainly due to his lack of connection with the wish-granting Pokémon. His power, to the wary and doubtful, seemed almost like madness that would doom the entire world, but Cassandra knew Jirachi wouldn’t do such a thing, and had a pure heart. But for Jon to see it, too, he’d have to open his heart to him. Something like that might take time…

    Jimmy had explained how the star pieces worked, making it clear it depended on the user that held them. But as long as they were connected to the star piece, they could connect to Jirachi. And Jimmy had also made it clear that Jirachi’s mishaps of playtime were a thing of the past. Truthfully, Cassandra wasn’t worried about that, although time was a resource they were running out of. Meanwhile, Jimmy had also made it clear that Jirachi was hidden for his own protection, as Cassandra knew the last thing they’d want is for Agatha to put mind control on Jirachi and use his power for evil. As a result, they had to keep the star pieces and Jirachi’s involvement a secret. But as long as they had the star pieces, they could work as a conduit for wishes and whatever other requests they might need.

    “Can’t make it too obvious we’re making wishes…” Violet confirmed, taking one of the star pieces and looking it over. “Especially not in front of Agatha herself.”

    “Yeah, no kidding,” Jarena agreed, taking her own. “Maybe we need a cool code name for him. Hey, I mean, we have one, too! Maybe we can call him… ‘Lucky.’”

    <Hey, I’m cool with that! Also, hi there! Good to see you again! Or at least chat to anyway!>

    Cassandra could hear Jirachi’s voice in her mind, channeling through the star piece as a conduit. She couldn’t help but smile, as she felt he definitely had a very cheerful and optimistic composure when it came to just about everything and anything.

    “Might be good to have a quick chat with him,” Cassandra told Jimmy, interested in seeing Jirachi again. “I’m pretty sure he’s changed since the last time we met him, but it would be good to connect since we’ll be working closely together.”

    “Yeah, it’s been so long!” Jarena exclaimed with a smile. “And so much has changed since then, yeah.”

    “Interested to see how this teleport works anyway,” Violet added to that. “I can see us making use of that considering what we saw happened this afternoon.”

    Cassandra nodded, knowing it would be very helpful to escape dire situations or if they needed to help someone. But she wasn’t quite sure how exactly it worked, or what its limitations were. Questions began to come to mind, such as if she could teleport only to what she could see, to anywhere on the island, or possibly even anywhere in the world, although she definitely didn’t intend to do that unless there was a good reason to.

    “I think that’s a good idea,” Cassandra replied before looking to Jimmy. “I think we’re all eager for a meetup with your friend there, even if it’s just to catch up on everything that’s happened.”

    Not to mention Cassandra felt if she had a face-to-face conversation with Jirachi and really established a strong connection with the mythical Pokémon, she might be able to convince Jon there was nothing to worry about and could vouch for his trustworthiness.

    (OOC: Will address Jon’s message at the end of the next post).

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  8. #77
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Clinging onto Hope
    Jimmy Kendo
    Outside of Eon Squad HQ
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga @Shruikan

    The group listened in as Jimmy had explained the idea behind the star pieces he explained earlier. This time trying to be a little more descriptive. While at the same time being open to changing things up if needed. Cassandra and Violet even looked them over.

    “Can’t make it too obvious we’re making wishes…” Violet confirmed, taking one of the star pieces and looking it over. “Especially not in front of Agatha herself.”

    “Yeah, no kidding,” Jarena agreed, taking her own. “Maybe we need a cool code name for him. Hey, I mean, we have one, too! Maybe we can call him… ‘Lucky.’”

    Right after Jirachi himself made his presence known to the group.

    <Hey, I’m cool with that! Also, hi there! Good to see you again! Or at least chat to anyway!>

    Jirachi used his telepathy to show them how he's connecting to everyone that has these. It was like an open channel to everyone. He could make it direct lines if absolutely needed too, but this wasn't one of those times.

    “Might be good to have a quick chat with him,” Cassandra told Jimmy, interested in seeing Jirachi again. “I’m pretty sure he’s changed since the last time we met him, but it would be good to connect since we’ll be working closely together.”

    “Yeah, it’s been so long!” Jarena exclaimed with a smile. “And so much has changed since then, yeah.”

    “Interested to see how this teleport works anyway,” Violet added to that. “I can see us making use of that considering what we saw happened this afternoon.”

    They seemed to be okaying the fact they'd like to see Jirachi. Jimmy knew he could trust them at least. After what happened four years ago. Then again when he ran into them while he was stuck in his Pikachu form with amnesia. Out of nowhere the 3 ladies everyone had thought dead in that fire. Had been living secretly as Pokemon.

    “I think that’s a good idea,” Cassandra replied before looking to Jimmy. “I think we’re all eager for a meetup with your friend there, even if it’s just to catch up on everything that’s happened.”

    "Well if everyone is okay with it then. I can have Jirachi teleport us to the base. I can explain more about the teleportation and more things in-depth where things are more secure. Just in case we have any eavesdroppers around here. It's not worth the risk. Besides, 'Lucky' would be more than happy to see some familiar faces. I'm sure." Jimmy responded giving a slight smile back. Overall just starting to feel better now that he felt more trusted again. At least until he can make sure everyone understands his and Jirachi's intentions are pure and to help better everyone's odds here.

    "First thing. You don't even need to really focus or anything. If you want to teleport. Jirachi can connect with you through telepathy. If you need anything you just need think it. You don't think we spent the last 4 years goofing off did you?" Jimmy chuckled. "No. Jirachi has mastered being able to use his telepathy. It's a story for once we're safer, but for now. If you truly want to see Jirachi. I'm sure he'd gladly okay it." Jimmy looked to the group

    "Of course! I'd gladly accept any friends! More the better! Especially in times like these. Just be prepared! Your first jump is usually the worst. Anytime after you know what to expect. Just say the word and if you want tell me you are ready! I just hope I can be of much more help soon. I don't want to feel like a burden to any of you. So please allow me this chance to show you my last few years of Jimmy training me." Jirachi gave out his speech before preparing anyone there who wanted to travel to the base. Seeing Jirachi and anyone else that wanted an explanation that was there in the group with them.

    "Oh and we do have provisions at the base. As it is getting late. The base was setup with anything we could need. Food, water, beds. So anyone is welcome to stay the night. Maybe we can use this as a chance to regroup too. Get in contact with anyone or discuss our next steps." Jimmy explained to the group.

    "So whenever you are ready. If you all still wish to speak with Jirachi. Just let him know and he will teleport us to the base. Jirachi will then approve and unlock the room to see him. Just...brace yourself. Teleporting the first time may just disorient you for a few moments. If you are all ready." Jimmy nodded.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  9. #78
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Triad (The Diamond Ladies)
    Dimensional Research Center (Underground Base)
    Affected RPers: @Chakramaster @Shruikan @Desolate Divine

    After getting instructions from Jimmy on how to use the teleportation feature and that the underground base had what they needed in terms of utilities, Cassandra decided to give it a try. For now, the urgent care center reconstruction would have to wait, but for the time being, it was almost better for them to resolve the issue of Agatha and her witches before trying to take on restoring everyone back to normal. As Cassandra knew, afflicting people with curses was much faster and easier than curing them, especially if the incident needed a Nox Purge. On top of that, they were drastically outnumbered, and it meant there was no way they could keep up with the demand.

    Clutching the star piece in hand, Cassandra focused her attention on teleporting to the base, though she didn’t know exactly where it was or what it looked like. And then as Jimmy warned, she was suddenly whisked away in a brief flash of light and found herself in a waiting room sort of setup that was similar to a doctor’s office, but left with the feeling like she had been flung furiously into a dream and it left her feeling dizzy, just shortly after Jarena and Violet had been carried over to the base as well.

    “I think I might be sick…” Jarena replied, feeling really dizzy. “Oof, that’s a trip…”

    “Yeah, it has that riding a roller-coaster with your eyes closed sort of feeling…” Cassandra nodded, although the disorientation was already fading.

    Cassandra had looked around, not sure where she was or just how far underground they were, but it at least felt safe and secluded with its large metal doors. Like it was the one place where despite Agatha and all her powers, she would be extremely unlikely to ever find this hidden, secluded place. And on top of that, she had a feeling she may never know it existed in the first place even once all was said and done.

    <Hey, you’re finally here! Hang on just a little sec, I’ll get the door.>

    Shortly after, the two large metal doors behind the three of them had unlocked with a clicking sound, and then both of them opened. Curious and amazed, the three Ladies entered into the large circular room filled with rows of computer screens and consoles, although the room was empty for the moment, save for Jirachi who was securely kept behind a glass barrier.

    “Hey, long time no see!” Cassandra greeted Jirachi as she stepped into the room. “Hope you’ve been keeping out of trouble!”

    “Kinda!” Jirachi laughed. “Sorta? Nah, I’ve been good, I promise! Also, nice costumes! They’re cute! Yeah, we’ve been using this as our home away from home. You can too, if you’d like!”

    “Might have to take you up on that offer,” Violet replied with a nod as she crossed her arms. “Agatha’s groupies attacked Heahea and that Giratina messed up the urgent care center. The on-call room was where we were staying.”

    “Ugh, yeah, I saw all of that…” Jirachi sighed, slouching a bit as he recalled the incident. “But we can rebuild it! We have the technology! Ha ha, I’ve been wanting to say that for a while now!”

    Cassandra couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, but she nodded, thankful that it wouldn’t have to be rebuilt the traditional way. However, it was all in a matter of the timing, now.

    “That would be great, but we might need to take a raincheck on that,” Cassandra replied. “At least until it’s safe and we can ensure it won’t be attacked like that again. As Jimmy told us already, we’re going to do our best to ensure no one finds out you’re here. So our plans are to keep the wishes mild, only requesting what we really need and to make sure it doesn’t involve anything too outlandish.”

    “Of course!” Jirachi smiled cheerfully. “And I know just the thing!”

    “I’m listening…” Jarena replied with a very curious smile.

    Cassandra was curious as well, and from the way she saw things, Jirachi was harmless and simply a jovial ally that could still be relied upon even if his methods weren’t serious or quite as traditional. While the spirited and optimistic wishmaker Pokémon may not quite be Jon’s style and method of doing things, she was confident it wouldn’t be a problem. She did recall that Jon was very, very reluctant to even try becoming a Pokémon, and what she understood was Jon was not the kind of person to take chancy risks or let anything ride on a gamble, seeing pessimism as more of a precaution. She took him for something that was very meticulous about very set strategies, planning, and only improvising where needed.

    “Make your wishes look like spells!” Jirachi laughed. “Those witches will be so confused and they’ll think you know magic they’ve never heard of! Just mentally picture what you’d like and say a few funny words of gibberish and stuff! Oh, and spell ‘Lucky’ on the palm of your hand to make it look like spellcasting! I’ll take that as my cue!”

    “Pfftt!!” Jarena laughed, giggling at the impish nature of Jirachi’s wish-making strategy. “That’s too funny. And no reagent cost either.”

    “Nope!” Jirachi winked. “It’s going to drive them craaaaazy! Now, while I’ve gotten better at granting wishes, it still kinda makes me a little sleepy and big wishes knock me out like taking Benadryl pills. But I’ll let you know if I’m hitting my limit.”

    It was giving Cassandra some ideas. With Jirachi’s help, she felt that element of unpredictability was invaluable and would give them precisely what they needed to disrupt Agatha’s plans. She wasn’t sure if it would make Agatha delve into her books again to see what she was missing, but anything that delayed her or caused confusion among her and her followers would make it difficult for her to respond accordingly. That lack understanding and being able to improvise would be the edge they needed, especially to make up for Agatha having far more power in terms of the number of witches they had on their side.

    “Sounds good, though for now, we just need a place to sleep for the night,” Cassandra told him with a friendly smile.

    “Oh, that’s easy!” Jirachi replied with a smirk and a casual shrug. “You’ll find the living area connected to the other room you were in before. Everything you might need is there! I recommend the ice cream sandwiches, they’re delicious!”

    “And here we brought salads with us!” Jarena replied with a goofy look on her face. “We look so old school.”

    Come tomorrow morning, Cassandra figured the first thing they’d do after waking up was return to the surface. Following that, she was thinking they might try reusing their Pokémon forms. The way she saw it, Agatha and her followers would not do well against a mysterious Eevee with unexplainable powers. But before she thought about it too much, she decided she would talk it out further with Jarena and Violet in the morning.

    Once Cassandra, Jarena, and Violet had eaten their salads for dinner and prepared beds for themselves, Cassandra had noticed she had gotten a message from Jon. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but she opened it and began reading, and it looked like he had written quite a lot.

    Hey, it’s Jon.

    I didn’t get a chance to clear things up, and just wanted to apologize about before. Latios overheard you guys talking on your way to see Jimmy, and made sure I knew about it, if you know what I mean. He takes after me…

    Don’t think for a second I don’t trust the three of you, because I don’t trust Jirachi after what happened back then. The difference between what you three did four years ago, and what Jirachi did, is that the three of you have given me more than enough reason to trust you. You followed your end of the deal to the letter when I offered to vouch for you to the League, and I know the reason you never took Alyssa and I up on our offer to help after Wishmaker was so we wouldn’t get caught up as collateral. Cass came to my aid at a moment's notice, with not much intel to go on, and the three of you kept a secret that could have ruined my life had it come to light. Your actions were proof enough that you weren’t the same people you were before Wishmaker.

    I haven’t seen Jirachi or Jimmy for four years, and had no reason to think anything was different but Jimmy’s word, and honestly I wanted to believe that things had changed and I could trust them now. But what happened tonight, the fact he didn’t mention Jirachi when I brought up the confidentiality until after we had both shared sensitive information, well, I realized I couldn’t take Jimmy just at his word. I brought up what happened four years ago, because based on what had just happened, I thought relying on Jirachi came with the same risks that it did back on Wishmaker, and believed that people deserved to know that before making that decision. I couldn’t have it on my conscience if I said nothing, and something happened because of it. Really, I want to be able to trust Jimmy and Jirachi, but their actions need to speak that.

    This isn’t some long winded way of trying to get you guys to join Eon Squad. The three of you would be a major help, but I know that you three have earned my trust, and understand your talents and where you best fit into this whole mess we have found ourselves in better than I ever could. If working with Jimmy and Jirachi is how you think you can make the biggest difference, or something else entirely, I completely understand and would rather you do that. If there is anything you reasonably need from myself or Eon Squad, say the word, and we will be in touch as well, to get those protection charms sorted before we give Agatha hell.

    Watch yourselves out there.

    Cassandra nodded, getting a better idea of where Jon was coming from. She knew it might be difficult to remediate things between Jon and Jimmy, but she felt it wasn’t necessary for them to be chummy, just as long as they understood they were on the same side and that’s was really counted.

    As it started to get a bit late and Jarena and Violet had fallen asleep after a long and exhausting day, she decided to write a response.

    “Hey Jon,

    I think what happened tonight was unfortunate. As much as I’d like for us all to have a do-over of what I think was a bad misunderstanding and misinterpretation and handle it the right way, the most we can do is just move on.

    We had just connected with Jirachi and you can take my word for it, I truly feel he’s clean and knows what he’s doing and I can vouch for him. Jimmy and his methods probably don’t align well with what you have in mind as the meticulous strategist, but it’s fine, we’re all on the same side here aiming for the same goal. We all saw what Agatha and her cronies are capable of. Rather than taking stabs at our differences from our methods to what we think works best, let’s just target what we’re all here to do. Take her and her damn posse out. No half measures, as you like to say.

    Jirachi has some interesting ideas that give us a lot of flexibility, but I get that you haven’t warmed up to that kind of proposition given what it means entrusting Jirachi with. I don’t want to go too into detail as what we have is only part of a plan and it’s too late tonight to revisit it. I’ll admit it’s not flawless and it may end up dead in the water, though I can honestly say I think it’s worth a try and good precautions and preparation were met to ensure any possible consequences can be dealt with. And four years ago, Jirachi also did things for us that no one else could do and they were things he didn’t stand to gain anything from personally. To me, that’s what friends do.

    At the same time, I know Eon Squad is in good hands, though earlier there was another incident between Abbee and I concerning Victini. Thankfully we resolved it and I told Victini he needed to let go of me, but what that whole misunderstanding looked like is still fresh in our minds. So my thoughts are it might be too soon for Triad and Eon Squad to have a joint operation, but if you need us, we’ll be there to help however we can. We’re all in this together, that’s what counts.

    All the best, Jon.

    With it getting later and Cassandra’s eyelids feeling heavy, she decided to turn her phone off, put it aside, and close her eyes to sleep. Ever since that Nox Purge spell she had performed for Jarena, her mind and body had been craving this kind of rest…

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  11. #79
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    Jimmy Kendo
    Dimensional Research Center (Underground Base)
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga @Shruikan

    The others seemed convinced and ready. The others seemed to take his advice. He could only hope they followed it since he can't read their minds himself. Each of them in a blink were taken right to the base Jimmy had setup.

    “I think I might be sick…” Jarena replied, feeling really dizzy. “Oof, that’s a trip…”

    “Yeah, it has that riding a roller-coaster with your eyes closed sort of feeling…” Cassandra said. Though to Jimmy he could tell this effect wouldn't last long for any of them. They each seemed tougher. Especially knowing what happened four years ago and what each of them went through. He couldn't imagine what all they'd been through the last 4 years either.

    Jimmy looked around. Making sure the others were gathering themselves okay while making sure nothing else was off. Just in case. Jirachi would already know they were there. Just as he expected. Jirachi responded to them.

    <Hey, you’re finally here! Hang on just a little sec, I’ll get the door.>

    The doors to the next room opened for them. Revealing the main hub Jimmy had setup. As the others gazed around. Jimmy made his way to the center. Where Jirachi was at. Jimmy looked over one of the computers where Jirachi was at.

    "How's everything looking Jirachi? Any updates?" Jimmy asked as Pikachu jumped off onto the metal desk by them holding the computer.

    Jirachi turned to look at Jimmy. "Sadly no. In fact, things are only looking worse as time goes by." Jirachi confirmed with Jimmy as he overlooked the computer. Looking over anything Jirachi had seen using his psychic abilities.

    Jirachi had then noticed the others behind Jimmy as Cassandra greeted Jirach.

    “Hey, long time no see!” Cassandra greeted Jirachi as she stepped into the room. “Hope you’ve been keeping out of trouble!”

    “Kinda!” Jirachi laughed. “Sorta? Nah, I’ve been good, I promise! Also, nice costumes! They’re cute! Yeah, we’ve been using this as our home away from home. You can too, if you’d like!”

    “Might have to take you up on that offer,” Violet replied, nodding as she crossed her arms. “Agatha’s groupies attacked Heahea and that Giratina messed up the urgent care center. The on-call room was where we were staying.”

    “Ugh, yeah, I saw all of that…” Jirachi sighed, slouching a bit as he recalled the incident. “But we can rebuild it! We have the technology! Ha ha, I’ve been wanting to say that for a while now!”

    They knew Jirachi could repair it. Jimmy even prepared an idea, but knew they'd have to take precautions just as any.

    “That would be great, but we might need to take a raincheck on that,” Cassandra replied. “At least until it’s safe and we can ensure it won’t be attacked like that again. As Jimmy told us already, we’re going to do our best to ensure no one finds out you’re here. So our plans are to keep the wishes mild, only requesting what we really need and to make sure it doesn’t involve anything too outlandish.”

    “Of course!” Jirachi smiled cheerfully. “And I know just the thing!” Jirachi since being trained love to try and offer his ideas and insight. They might not always be what needed to be done, but he'd learned to say it rather than just doing it. Doing his best to help was what he was taught and he couldn't help, but offer. Even if some ideas were still mildly childish.

    "I’m listening…” Jarena smiles back curiously.

    “Make your wishes look like spells!” Jirachi laughed. “Those witches will be so confused and they’ll think you know magic they’ve never heard of! Just mentally picture what you’d like and say a few funny words of gibberish and stuff! Oh, and spell ‘Lucky’ on the palm of your hand to make it look like spellcasting! I’ll take that as my cue!”

    “Pfftt!!” Jarena laughed, giggling at the impish nature of Jirachi’s wish-making strategy. “That’s too funny. And no reagent cost either.”

    “Nope!” Jirachi winked. “It’s going to drive them craaaaazy! Now, while I’ve gotten better at granting wishes, it still kinda makes me a little sleepy and big wishes knock me out like taking Benadryl pills. But I’ll let you know if I’m hitting my limit.”

    Jirachi still knew his limits. Over the years Jimmy had put forth the training they did to learn Jirachi's limitations. How much he could take and how much it took to wear out Jirachi. What kind of wishes use more energy and make Jirachi sleepy quicker.

    “Sounds good, though for now, we just need a place to sleep for the night,” Cassandra said with a smile.

    “Oh, that’s easy!” Jirachi replied with a smirk and a casual shrug. “You’ll find the living area connected to the other room you were in before. Everything you might need is there! I recommend the ice cream sandwiches, they’re delicious!”

    “And here we brought salads with us!” Jarena replied with a goofy look on her face. “We look so old school.”

    Jimmy had made sure to mention before the others left.

    "You're all welcome to whatever you may need here. Food, water, resources. Jirachi can even help produce some resources here if we need them. So tomorrow before we leave you need only ask. I also feel I need to describe a little more about these star pieces before we go tomorrow. Just to make sure everyone understands to use them given a moments notice. Sleep well tonight everyone. I'm sure we will need it." Jimmy tells the group before turning to Jirachi and nodding.

    "You okay to keep watch or should I while you rest?" Jimmy asked.

    "No I'm good! You need rest more than me. You've been up way too long! Get some sleep Mr!" Jirachi said before smirking.

    Jimmy nodded before looking to Pikachu. "Well lets get some sleep for now. Jirachi is gonna keep watch". Jimmy let out a large yawn as Pikachu jumped down to follow behind Jimmy to a bed in one of the open rooms. After the events of the day. It wasn't what any of them were expecting.

    Alisaie Kendo
    Outside of Heahea City
    Affected RP'ers: NA

    Alisaie had kept watch over Jimmy as much as possible. Unbeknownst to many of them. She had Hoopa. A Pokémon that could use its rings to open portals leading anywhere they wanted. Another demo soon, the other side of the world, almost anywhere. It was her partner in crime. Like the perfect partner for her in what she loved doing.

    "So, let's gather our thoughts here." She said as Hoopa stood by her. "Jimmy and some other group met up. Jimmy looked frustrated before others came around them. They looked at something in their hands before they disappeared? How could they just disappear like that? I didn't see any Pokémon around them that had anything that could teleport them. Hmm..." She thought as nothing came to mind. Muttering to herself. "Jimmy must have more tricks now than I thought. That or one of his friends."

    Alissa looked around. Gazing into the sky as it continues to just stay a more pitch black around her. Light continuously fading.

    "We need to find shelter for now. Hoopa? Mind finding a nice room for us?" She said smiling at Hoopa.

    Hoopa hovers to her before throwing a ring in front of them as it enlarges. They step in finding themselves in a very open and luxurious looking room at one of the fancier hotels.

    "Perfect! Thanks Hoopa!" Alisaie says as she looks around the room. Finding the kitchen. God had even been stored here for whoever might be staying. "I guess they had this room prepared for anyone that might be staying. Guess we'll leave them a big thank you card." She said before checking the sink.

    "Hmm, running water. Guess we could use a shower, dinner, and a nice bed tonight." She looked to Hoopa once more. "Tomorrow lets focus on Jimmy. Find out what he's up to if we have to. Once we find him. Don't let him escape our sights. He's hiding something. I can feel it. Along with everything else going on. I'm gonna come to a conclusion. If we have to. Open a portal to our home outside of this place. We have a key to anywhere thanks to you Hoopa. For now let's enjoy a night of luxury. Thank you Hoopa!" She said before giving him a slight pat on the head.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

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  13. #80
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Abbee Strauss
    Crown Harbour Hotel Bar
    Affected RPers: @Neo Emolga (Indirectly)

    It was nearing 10pm, when Abbee noticed someone sit at the bar next to her.

    "For someone trying to be covert about investigating me, you're really not doing a good job..." said a woman's voice, sounding smug, as Abbee turned to see Brianna Levine sitting in the seat next to her. She ordered a glass of wine, before Abbee replied.

    "Maybe I instead just wanted to talk..."

    Brianna grinned before snapping her fingers, and a circle appeared on the ground surrounding both her and Brianna. This is what Dylan described. The circle that forced him to tell the truth. And her as well.

    "In that case, what's your name?" Brianna asked, "Don't worry, nobody outside of the circle can see it. To everyone else here we are just two friends catching up."

    "I don't have to say..." Abbee said, taking a risk. Dylan tried to lie, but the circle forced him to tell the truth. But what if it wasn't that simple? Instead of it forcing whoever is in it to tell the truth, but instead prevented them from lying. Technically Abbee was being truthful by telling Brianna she doesn't have to say.

    To her surprise, it worked. The words came out as she intended.

    "Besides, it seems you already know who I am..." Abbee added.

    "Dylan has made his way towards the room service computer. Keep her busy."

    "So you've worked out the flaw in this little trick of mine." Brianna replied, "But you're right. I know who you are Abbee. The orphaned daughter of battling legend, Richard Strauss."

    Abbee hated that word. Orphan. However she thought over what she knew of the spell that was affecting her and Brianna, and the rules she understood they were following. There had to be a way to use this to her advantage. Especially since if there was, Brianna definitely knew it.

    "How do you know who I am? Or who the Shadowcraft users that are working with us are?" Abbee asked.

    "I had my reasons for investigating Jon, even before he showed up on Akala." Brianna explained, "I investigated his activities on the S.S. Wishmaker, and the Eon Academy. I know you and Dylan were among the first students he had there, and have helped run the place since then. Really if I didn't have reason to, I wouldn't have known who you and Dylan were when you all showed up on this island."

    Brianna lowered her voice, before continuing.

    "As for the identity of those of us who have sided with you..." Brianna said, "Well let's just say the only ones that I know are close enough with someone like Jon, or the League themselves, supposedly died in a fire three or four years ago..."

    She knew...

    "Don't worry, Agatha doesn't know, I'm certain." Brianna said, "And the League with their little friends have a chance of being a real thorn on her side if they play their cards right. I won't give Agatha anything..."

    "Why do you hate Agatha so much?" Abbee asked, "Not that it's unjustified, but this seems to be much older history than what has happened on the island..."

    "My mother once was part of a coven of Shadowcraft users. They were her family." Brianna explained, "Except my mother left before I was born. She knew that darkness and darkness only breed more darkness. She went into hiding, and when I was young, was hunted down by the people she once considered family, and killed. She hadn't betrayed them, or done anything to wrong them. Only chose to follow a different path. So I hunted every one of them down that I could..."

    "And now, Agatha is creating something equally disgusting here, and I want to see it wiped out." Brianna said, "Now I have some questions for you..."

    Abbee's guard was immediately up, as Brianna asked the first question.

    "How did you know to find me here?" Brianna asked.

    "Someone else did, and asked me to speak to you." Abbee replied, making sure every word that came out of her mouth was truthful. She was technically. Dylan knew before she did, and though he explained it to her, Brianna didn't need to know that much. As long as she didn't lie, the charm wouldn't force her to speak the truth.

    "Dylan's done it, and is hiding again." Victini said telepathically.

    "And how are the League going to respond?" Brianna asked.

    "We don't have enough information to react just yet." Abbee replied, "We are still need to figure out some more things."

    Thankfully the spell was satisfied with the level of truth she used. Whilst they were planning a counter-attack, she wasn't lying when she said they couldn't react just yet, and that they need to figure out some stuff. Brianna however seemed satisfied.

    To Abbee's surprise, Brianna grabbed a nearby napkin, and a pen from her bag, and began scribbling some notes, before passing it to Abbee.

    "Jon will have a visitor soon enough. One who once was loyal to Agatha, and now understands the gravity of the situation. Jon will want to hear this person out. However, I know you operative types and these witch types tend to be a little too defensive without some encouragement, and you will get nowhere trying to discuss anything." Brianna explained, "Give this to your friends, and they will be able to use the same spell that lets us be honest with each other..."

    Abbee cautiously accepted the napkin, as Brianna finished her drink and went to stand. Before she left the circle, Abbee had to test her theory.

    "Your reasons for being here..." Abbee said, "Once Agatha is out of the picture, will they put yourself and the league at odds?"

    Before Brianna could respond, Abbee quickly added something.

    "If you give me anything that isn't a yes or no answer, I will assume the answer to be yes."

    Brianna's eyes widened, before she stepped out of the circle, and faked a smile dripped in venom.

    "Smart girl..." Brianna replied, "Be careful or it may get you killed..."

    Brianna left, and a few minutes later, Abbee left the bar as well, walking outside the hotel, and finding herself in a fast food restaurant where the reconvened with Dylan and Victini.

    "It's all in place?" Abbee asked. Dylan nodded.

    "Did you find out anything interesting?"

    "Quite a bit actually. I think we definitely got the better deal from that chat." Abbee said, "I will explain it properly when we meet up with Jon..."

    Jon Drake, Abbee Strauss and Dylan Squire
    Eon Squad HQ
    Affected RPers: @Neo Emolga (Indirectly) @Shruikan

    Jon had seen Cassandra's response and left the conversation at that. He wanted a reason to trust Jimmy and Jirachi, but between Jirachi's actions back then, and Jimmy's own tonight, he didn't have that reason yet. If Triad wanted to work with them, and they proved themselves to them now, maybe he would trust them too. Until then, he had his own squad to manage, and if something did go wrong with Jimmy and Jirachi, that wasn't on his conscience.

    It was 11:30 when Dylan and Abbee arrived back. They had left for Dylan to find more intel on Brianna, planting a bug in the room service computer of the hotel she was staying in, whilst Abbee acted as means of distracting her. Abbee quickly asked Jon if the three of them could talk privately about what had happened.

    "So the bug is in place?" Jon asked.

    "It is. We are monitoring every room service order, and should be able to narrow down some names based on Brianna's taste in wine." Dylan explained, "She even drank some at the bar when she was talking to Abbee."

    "Sound's like we're on the right track." Jon replied, "How did the conversation go."

    "You were right. She did the spell that forces you to tell the truth." Abbee explained, "But I think I've figured out how to make it work to our advantage..."

    "You didn't give her any information?" Jon asked, slightly concerned at how casually Abbee was talking about this spell.

    "Nothing that anybody with half a brain couldn't predict." Abbee explained, "The charm forces you to tell the truth, only if you attempt to lie. You can say things that are technically true, but leave out a key piece of information, and it not trigger. She asked how I knew to find her there, and I told her someone else knew and asked me to come speak to her. I didn't tell her that the someone else had told me how they found her, or why I wanted to speak to her, outside of just getting information."

    Abbee pulled the napkin with the notes on it out of her pocket and handed it to Jon.

    "Whilst she was under the spells control, she told me two things. Firstly, that someone who was originally here with Agatha, but now understands the gravity of the situation will be coming to you tomorrow to talk."

    "A deserter?" Jon asked.

    "Sounds like it." Abbee explained, "Then she gave me the napkin and told me that written on it is the same spell she used when she spoke with myself and with Dylan."

    "Triad aren't here, but we have someone else who is competent in Shadowcraft who should be able to handle this." Jon explained, "I will give it to her in the morning."

    (OOC: Shruikan, you can bunny Jon into giving this to Glimmer, and asking if she'd be able to pull off the spell, and if she can do that during a meeting he is having later.)

    "There is one other thing." Abbee explained, "And this is big."

    "Oh yeah?" Jon asked, curious to hear what Abbee had to say.

    "You can get the truth out of them and prevent them from using the methods I mentioned before to hide it." Abbee explained, "You ask a yes no question, and let them know you will assign one of those two answers to any answer they give that isn't yes or no."

    "You tested this?" Jon asked, impressed at how quickly Abbee thought on her feet.

    "I asked her if her own reasons for being here will put her at odds with the League once Agatha is out of the picture. And told her anything she says that isn't a yes or no, I will take to be yes." Abbee explained, "She walked out of the circle and left the bar. Told me I was smart, and it will get me killed..."

    "I knew it..." Jon muttered, "She might be offering to help us, but she isn't in our corner..."

    "So what now?" Dylan asked.

    "We don't approach her at all, and we don't give her any information." Jon explained, "If she wants to offer help in exchange for something, she has to make that offer to me. Sad truth is that so far she has actually given us a way of fighting back, but I don't know what she is planning once Agatha is out of the picture. Keep investigating her, but don't make contact."

    Dylan nodded, before Jon spoke again.

    "It's late, and it's been a huge day." Jon said, "Let's all get some rest..."

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