Alright, this is going to be a really long post.

So, I just watched Guilty Crown. It has a lot of issues in the plot so I wouldn't call it great overall but I did enjoy it quite a bit. I was actually surprised to see that, although like I said I didn't think it was great overall, the main character got a ton of development.

I just want to get the ending straight here because all the incredibly overcomplicated plot that suddenly got dropped in the last few episodes got me all confused. Obviously major spoilers ahead.

So, I just want to get this straight. Inori, Gai, and Shu are actually all siblings. And for some reason none of them remember this. Inori, originally Mana, was born with some kind of power that was never clearly explained, the lost christmas was caused because of how she reacted to her father being killed, and in the aftermath her consciousness was scattered, and Inori was what was left behind.

Oh, and I want to complain a bit because in addition to the plot not really making sense at the end,

HOW THE HELL DID SHU SURVIVE AT THE END. Like, seriously, it just goes from the tower collapsing, everyone leaving shu behind, to skipping ahead a couple of years to show Shu and everyone together, with no explanation what so ever as to how he got out. Why did Ayase not go back for Shu? If Shu died, she was going to die anyway because Shu had her void.

I'm watching Stein's gate now and I find the main character really annoying. Like, I want to like it, it is starting to get interesting, but the MC is driving me crazy. Does he get better later?

And finally, anyone have any good anime suggestions? Anything new or starting soon that looks worth checking out maybe? I'm running out of anime on my to watch list again.