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  1. #31
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neo Emolga View Post
    I've heard rumors that you tend to remember your dreams better if you drink of cup of water before going to bed and if you lie on your back as you're going to sleep. I don't know if that's true or not, but it could be worth experimenting with.

    I also remember keeping a dream journal really helped, because memories of dreams fade away within minutes of waking up. My only thing with that is my dreams are so weird that the dream journal I had going quickly became the weirdest and frankly most embarrassing thing I've had to keep hidden.
    Maybe that's why I remember most of mine. xD I ALWAYS drink a glass of water before I go to bed, and I sleep on my back. Although most of the time they're not worth remembering anyway, since my dreams can get all apocalyptic for some reason... >.>;;

    When I do have a dream and I remember it, I can usually recall it for most of the day - sometimes longer. The most awesome dream I've ever had was when I dreamed I was Shadow the Hedgehog <3 Urgh. *cue nosebleed*

  2. #32
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    So, I tried the whole drink water before sleeping and try to sleep on my back. It seems to have actually worked!

    Last night I dreamed I was playing a new version of World of Warcraft (I originally quit because it got boring and too expensive for what it was). I had a level 68 rogue character trying to get into a Level 70 zone, but the entrance was blocked by some "Legendary" orc shaman monster that would keep killing me every time I tried to fight him. But of course, after asking other players for help to fight him, the solution people gave me was to "just run right past him." Don't you love it when that's the solution to problems? XP

    I had also tried to group with @Shen when I discovered he had a character, but his character was level 96 and was obviously too high to group with. I don't remember what class he was playing, but I think it was a mage, cleric, or something along those lines.

    The Level 70 area was some kind of outside arcane arena-shaped zone that was crawling with more of these ridiculously overpowered "legendary" monsters that I constantly had to hide from and run away from or get my butt hacked off, but the loot was fantastic and was just laying in piles all over the place. I didn't even have to kill anything to take generous shares of it. The loot itself was kind of odd, though. Besides the obvious gold coin piles and gems, there were, get this, wallets, cell phones, and other stuff I guess you could consider loot, but yeah, definitely didn't belong in the context of Warcraft. XD

    So it was a little odd and quirky, but I've had stuff that was much more bizarre. I need to try that water and back sleep trick again to see if it works again.

  3. #33
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Ok so I was lurking in this tread awhile because I had nothing to say. Some reason I've had no dreams lately (or at least any that I could remember). Then I saw Neo mention about the water thing having a rumor to remember your dreams....I did that, but couldn't stay comfortable enough to stay on my back haha, but somehow it seems to have worked and honestly it was a bad, yet good and again bad. Wanted to at least see if it would work so I can finally start having dreams, or at least remember them like I used to. They used to be quite amazing. Last night though I had two. One I remember more clearly while the second....was cut short.

    The first I was with a group of people, no one I personally recognized, but yet everyone wanted to defend me. We were all in some town which looked very worn down. We were all geared by to the brim in combat gear and weapons in hand. So I figured we were in some war maybe? Everything from combat and all went well. Everyone had a chance to save someone (including me saving quite a few, but less than the others). Eventually we get to a rally point where we meet up with transportation away from the place. More than one helicopter to take us and each person we rescued away. I remember getting in with everyone else, but I was the sole person of the group to lay down on my back and rest (while the others sat up) and it was against a glass window (why my mind dreamed up a glass window on the side of a helicopter I dunno. I like good views or sights of thing I guess xD. But right as we were about to take off I hear loud gunshots and a pain in the back of my head and everything goes fuzzy and slightly deafened (as we've seen it done in movies). All I remember after that is feeling the wound and the others right after that taking up arms trying to defend the helicopter from take off. Then it just blacked out and I woke up.

    I have a slight theory as to where that one came from.....buuuut I won't mention it =D

    After knowing it was a dream and that theory seemingly working even though I wasn't on my back I went back to sleep. This next one being more...obvious lol. Suddenly I'm on some desk (everything was huge). Yeah my mind turned me into a Pikachu. It wasn't great for long. It was short lived as someone came up to me, looked me over, then pulls on my tail as hard as they could. That ended that right their lol. Ugh my lower back STILL hurts from thinking about that lol. No idea where this dream could've spurred from =/

    It's odd how a dream can be though. My mind used to be super creative in what I dreamed about, but these are the first dreams that I remember (maybe even had) in the last year maybe?

    EDIT: since posting I've got a good idea of what that second one meant. My "online persona" for PXR was telling me something it seems which reminded me of this thread.
    Last edited by Chakramaster; 02-17-2016 at 04:03 PM.

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  4. #34
    // r a w r Fate's Avatar
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    Just woke up an hour ago from a pretty interesting dream. None of you were in it. That's why it's only pretty interesting.

    I was in a large mall where each section was a country. Not just themed after a country but the actual country. A mall within it. There were doors all around that had "RETURN" written above them. They acted as gateways into bordering countries (at least, that's what the dream me thought).

    I remember being in Spain, Denmark, and Norway (which aren't even bordering countries, I know). In one of them, there was Thomas Jefferson, who, for some reason, was giving a speech about how much he loves Liechtenstein. But I was trying to get to the Netherlands. However, I didn't know how to get there because my European geography sucks. (And even though these doors clearly did not lead to bordering countries.) So I was just walking around going, "Uhh, carte..."

  5. #35
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    I tend to either not remember my dreams or have ridiculously vivid dreams; there's not much in-between. When I do have vivid dreams, my brain likes to get them confused with reality. For instance, I once had a dream that I checked my laundry door and found it full - the next morning, I was surprised when it wasn't. XD I tend to be disappointed by my more realistic dreams, though, despite the fact that my non-realistic dreams tend to involve dangerous situations. I also have a lot of flying dreams which, given my personal preoccupation with flight makes a lot of sense.

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