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    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    New Jersey

    [SUDS] The S.S. Wishmaker - Tides of Witchcraft


    Created to be a popular vacation and tournament attraction for the best of the best Pokémon trainers and champions, the Jirachi-themed S.S. Wishmaker is a large, luxury cruise-liner with its own Pokémon stadium, two dozen restaurants, hundreds of options for entertainment and recreational activities, and capacity to carry 5,000 guests and staff. Making its maiden voyage from Slateport, Hoenn to Castelia City, Unova, it was intended to be a jubilant voyage attracting many famous trainers from around the world to participate in the first ever Pokémon High Seas Tournament, the first full battle championship to take place on the ocean.

    While the guest list was massive with many famous names, there were three of them were surrounded by controversy and rumors. Casandra Silvers, Jarena Farrell, and Violet Radcliffe were three rich and mysterious young female trainers almost always seen traveling together, all of which possessed incredible accolades and battling prestige. Each of them had won multiple tournaments and championships on their own, though no one has ever seen them battling each other. Throughout multiple regions, they were known as the Diamond Ladies and took pride in that title.

    However, what made these three young ladies the target of controversy was their incredible luck when it came to possessing extremely rare Pokémon and having far too many incidents of lucky coincidence favoring many of their battles. All too often, even the most well-trained and best prepared trainers watched in horror as their Pokémon whiffed and fumbled against theirs with no explanation. Other challenger Pokémon suddenly became bewildered, frightened, confused for no apparent reason, and missed attacks that they had trained on for years. Meanwhile, the signature Pokémon that belonged to Casandra, Jarena, and Violet never missed a beat and just happened to always be at the right place at the right time, scoring critical hits and lucky strikes against Pokémon they were even supposed to be weak against in terms of type match-ups.

    Many trainers, even some gym leaders, suspected the Diamond Ladies of cheating in some way, but no one had the proof to confirm it. And every time someone attempted to investigate them and watch them from the shadows, Casandra, Jarena, and Violet either gave them the slip or the investigator mysteriously disappeared. Conspiracy theories circulated around, but most of them were regarded as drivel and silly internet memes.

    Though after four straight years of seemingly effortless tournament winning, willing millions in cash prizes and sponsorships, and plenty of fame and attention, many had tried to interview them, meet with them, and get them to share their battling and capturing strategies only to get the cold shoulder. Recently dethroned as Champions, Lance, Steven, and Cynthia decided to meet and find out more about these three women known as the Diamond Ladies. After a lengthy discussion and hours of reviewing their battling videos, they felt something suspicious was going on.

    When they heard they would be boarding the S.S. Wishmaker to undoubtedly make themselves the stars of the first ever High Seas Tournament, they decided to deploy many seasoned trainers and secret agents to investigate the three of them as part of a spy operation, acting like other trainers, ship crew, contestants, and vacationers. Of the 5,000 guests and staff, 300 of them were in on this operation to find something dirty on these Diamond Ladies. Once the ship was out in the middle of the ocean, there was nowhere for them to run to or give investigators the slip.

    It wasn’t until the third night of the voyage that something went down…

    A diversion tactic was deployed and while the three Diamond Ladies were kept preoccupied at dinner just before the third round tournament battles would begin, a pair of operatives broke into their rooms disguised as housekeeping personnel and began searching for whatever they could. As they searched their rooms, they found several books, pages, and manuscripts of Shadowcraft, a type of witchcraft that was thought to have been eradicated centuries ago. Meanwhile, containers and vials of strange and bizarre reagents and fluids were also found along with hand-written notes and step-by-step instructions for a wide variety of spells, hexes, curses, and many other incantations. However, something triggered some kind of trap and then their video feeds were scrambled and audio was lost. Only one camera came back on and all it showed was a skewed view from the room’s floor. The mission directors were in shock when they saw a Minccino appear on the screen, looking shocked and bewildered before the gray chinchilla Pokémon looked to the camera and tried to making warning gestures…

    Casandra, Jarena, and Violet, suddenly sensing that someone was invading their room and had triggered one of their traps, tried to make their way back only to be stopped by several other operatives in on the sting operation. But Casandra had used a quick and devious spell to put them into a deep sleep and make it look like intoxication. The Diamond Ladies realized something was up and now someone was onto them. If they didn’t stop them one way or another, their dark secrets could be exposed and ruin their careers and fame.


    Right now, the undercover operatives trying to expose the Diamond Ladies’ schemes and dirty tricks don’t have the solid, irrefutable evidence they need to shut them down, but they have a very good hunch and lead that something very strange and dirty is at work here.

    Still, there’s no telling what dirty tricks and witchcraft Casandra, Jarena, and Violet are capable of, but they know they definitely have something powerful if they can alter Pokémon battles and even lay curses, hexes, and spells that can transform normal human trainers into Pokémon themselves. Those leading the operation have a strong feeling these three will do whatever it takes to hide their dirty secrets, even if it means doing something that may affect everyone on board and even the ship itself… just to hide their schemes and make it all look like one big unfortunate accident…


    You can either play as one of the undercover operatives hoping to recover and obtain that physical witchcraft evidence or footage that would rightfully destroy the fame and careers of the Diamond Ladies, or you’re an innocent bystander on the ship for another reason and you happen to be noticing very strange things going on abord the S.S. Wishmaker.

    I’m taking command of the three ladies. You’re in for a very interesting time. >:3


    CASANDRA SILVERS – Standing 5’11, Casandra is the oldest of the Diamond Ladies at 23 years old and is known to be the leader and often the decision maker for the three. She’s known for her attractive physique, well-conditioned blonde hair, blue eyes, and her very “don’t mess with me” demeanor, able to one-line anyone that disagrees with her or gets in her way. And lately, everything has been going exactly according to Casandra’s way. She’s cunning, wickedly smart, and charismatic. Meanwhile, she has a passion for Fire and Psychic type Pokémon, her ultimate favorite being Ninetales. She also has an Espeon and a Hatterene, but despite Ninetales being her favorite, she’s always accompanied by the legendary Victini, which has anyone who faces up against her very unnerved even though it’s rare that Victini goes into the battle himself. Rumor has it she used her money and influence to get a hold of Victini and now the victory Pokémon has a rather close fondness of her…

    JARENA FARRELL – As the youngest of the three at 19 years old, Jarena stands 5’8” with long brunette hair, brown eyes, and a rather jubilant and carefree aura about her. She’s renown for her playful fondness of cute and cuddly Pokémon, though they can be very cunning, easily underestimated, and deceptively dangerous Pokémon. Meanwhile, she tends to like fluffy and cozy white and pink clothing, easily shrouding the deceit and deception underneath. When it comes to fame and fortune, Jarena doesn’t care for the expensive stuff, but she just wants more and more of the fun stuff. She’s the type that would spend thousands on a pool full of Pokémon plushies and a giant Eevee costume for herself to wear just to jump into it all. When it comes to her Pokémon team, Jarena tends to like Fairy, Normal, and Grass type Pokémon, and four of the ones she’s known to have are Whimsicott, Alcremie, Cinccino, and Lilligant. Oddly enough, those that face Jarena in battle have a tendency to disappear and go completely off the grid without a trace shortly after…

    VIOLET RADCLIFFE – Standing 5’10” with a slim and attractive figure at 22 years old, Violet is known for her passionate green eyes and her short black hair. She’s seen very often wearing expensive black leather and whatever latest fashion trends are around. She usually speaks with very few words and doesn’t engage in long conversations, seemingly keeping her secrets buried and concealed. In essence, like her, her Pokémon are very cunning, dark, and guile. Her most recent acquisition happens to be her Galarian Moltres, though she’s known to have an Umbreon, a Houndoom, and a Salazzle as well, all of which are known for fighting dirty to fit with Violet’s femme fatale persona. Her victories have made her incredibly rich. Many suspect she has many other dark investments under the table and has a strong underground network of allies and associates…


    In terms of layout and attractions, I’m going to shamelessly steal borrow the layout of the Allure of the Seas Cruise Ship because this is actually a really great map and saves me from having to make one by scratch. So use this as a reference in terms of locations, attractions, and things to do on the S.S. Wishmaker.

    HOWEVER, the only thing being changed is replace the Amber Theater (lower right corner toward the front of the ship) with a Pokémon Battling Arena. Everything else can be the same.


    • The usual PXR rules and Role Play rules apply. You knew that!
    • Be kind, be gentle, and please be respectful. We’re all friends here. :3
    • Content is meant to be PG-13, no over the top blood and guts. Heck, I don’t even think anyone will die in this RP either. But you may not come out the same way you came in…
    • Try to refrain from sexual themes, vulgar language (a few mild obscenities are ok), and other not-nice stuff like racism. Use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco is okay.
    • No crazy god-modding with your character or their Pokémon. Just note that I can be loose on those rules with what the three Diamond Ladies have and can do to you and your Pokémon. But if you come up with a very clever ruse or strategy to use against them, I’ll let you have your way, too. ;)
    • Please don’t bunny (control) other people’s characters unless you have their permission. That just means don’t have them do something the person controlling them didn’t have them do.
    • Please use a header at the each of your posts that has your character’s name (handy if you’re making multiple characters) and their location on the ship (there’s also a potential of the RP going into Castelia City depending on how things go).

    JUST NOTE!!!

    Your character may have a number of unusual, mysterious, and interesting things befall them during the course of the RP. Some of which may include hexes, spells, curses, transformations, and the like. No, I’m not giving spoilers, that would run the fun!

    But don’t worry too much about them to the point where you start to have second thoughts about joining the RP. They’re meant to be more comical and light-heartened in nature rather than mortifying and deadly. And for player characters, some of them can be made to be only temporary if it just happens to be something you really don’t want to deal with for too long (I wouldn’t hit you with something I would personally hate for my characters to deal with). NPCs are a different story, though!

    I’m also not against someone finding a way to turn their powers against them, either, you know… *wink*


    Name: (First and last, super simple!)
    Age: (In years)
    Gender: (Male or Female)
    Role: (Either Operative or Civilian. Operative means you have some cool James Bond spy gear equipped and get mission orders from Lance, Cynthia, and/or Steven. Civilian means you’re a trainer that didn’t ever think you’d be on the wrong ship at the wrong time…).
    Appearance: (How your character looks in terms of physical characteristics and clothing)
    Personality: (How your character behaves and their overall emotional intelligence)
    History: (Your character’s past, their trainer career, and how they found themselves on the luxurious S.S. Wishmaker for a rather interesting life-changing experience).
    Pokémon Team: (You can have a team of six Pokémon for your character, though only one of them may be a legendary (you can be considered elite after all!). As an optional addition, feel free to mention their personalities and any distinguishing features (scars, accessories, hair styles, etc…) these Pokémon may have)

    And also…

    Likes: (Things your character considers their favorites. Could be hobbies, favorite foods, things of that nature)
    Dislikes: (Things your character wouldn’t miss if they were vaporized from existence. In this case, something like “smelly things” means that while everyone doesn’t stinky things, for your character, it really bothers them much more than most.)
    Fears: (Things your character dreads or has phobias of).
    Fondest Memory: (The thing your character loves the most about their past!)
    Strangest Dream: (A mini-paragraph of the oddest dream your character has ever had one night.)

    And what am I doing with this unusual information? Oh… nothing in particular… *whistles*


    Jimmy Kendo - Played by Chakramaster
    Jonathan ‘Jon’ Drake – Played by Desolate Divine
    Alyssa Drake – Played by Desolate Divine
    Avery Miller - Played by Noblejanobii
    Ozona Reverie - Played by SlickSlack
    Luneth Tarot - Played by Shruikan

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