" I'm going to go back to the Silent Song ship and finally free Ralon. I'll be the first to admit that I've been careless lately on account of my emotions ruling my decisions, so this time I'm going to make damn well sure I'm not followed on my way there. "
" Sides, he's been trapped in that hellish in-between state for long enough, and the bits of info he was able to give me did prove valuable, so saving him and finally bringing him home is the least we can do! All I can hope is that next time he's able to live a fuller life without all of this Demoni crap. Hopefully one of these days we can free the others that Velli has been experimenting on, but for now, we'll have to do what we can. "
" Though I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that Velli is at the very least in league with them, so we may have to do something about her relatively soon anyway. "