In light of the meeting today, I thought up a few site suggestions that I think will help this place grow. My ideas are just that, things that could help add to this young forum.

1. We need our Sprite Resource back. PE2K got a good number of people just because of its Sprite. Now, Im thinking that getting Sprite may require a connection with the pokemon company or something of the nature but if we contact the right people on other forums we should be able to find a new connection. A Sprite Resource would be a big draw because people are looking for those. The more we get the better!

2. Bulbapedia has wealth of knowledge. Im guessing trying to keep track of the same info would be a pain, you would need writers and editors to make the pages look nice but couldn't we get some information about the show and games here. Even if it takes building a relationship with that forum and adding on to what they have done or said. If people searched up the term pokemon badges (or something like it) it would be nice to find this forum there.

3. Making your own mark. What could we do to make this place stand out more. I have been thinking about this for awhile and even gone through setting up the pre stages of PXR Youtube Channel with our very own Amazing Sealboy ! Videos are a great way to get more people drawn in. That is not my suggestion however! My suggestion is that we become to the first forum to catalog the battles from the show. Having our own video log where people can go through and watch the best anime battles of all time could be someone that draws attention on youtube and here on the forum. This doesnt need to be limited to just battles, best moments.
Really this could apply to a couple of sections. PXR Channel could have pokemon battles featured from other youtubers and the forum could have a page with battles of the weak or battling strategy.

4. Public Meetings are a good way to get everyone involved but whats going on or ideas for the forum. What about creating a rumor thread or some kind of news thread where members could post about stories they read. This could help your site staff with stuff to post, it may also help us get information out there faster ! 20 people looking is better than a handful. Now the thread shouldn't be open for discussion, you could create a side thread for that. The thread would just be something like a rumor mill or something.

Okay everyone thats it for today ! Sorry about the grammatical errors, when I type fast I miss a word or three!