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A New Trailer for Pokémon UltraSun and UltraMoon!

A new trailer has been released!

The first information has come out officially about the new Lycanroc that was revealed earlier last week and has confirmed that Lycanroc Dusk Form will be distributed on the Nintendo Network as a Rockruff from Friday, November 17, 2017, until Wednesday, January 10, 2018 and, as noted before, is only available through this event distribution. With this, a new trailer was also released showcasing the new aesthetics in battles as well as a new wild battle theme. The new form is also confirmed to be a pure Rock-type and be 2’07/0.8m tall and weigh 55.1lbs/25kg. It also confirms once and for all that Dusk Form cannot be obtained during normal gameplay and only through the Special Rockruff distribution. Finally, it also states the confirmation that when it attacks, its eyes turn red akin to Lycanroc’s Midnight Form as it unleashes its fighting spirit.

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