This week on TCG Jump, we will be featuring a match that will break the peace between two cards and put them to the point of epic battle. A new Pokemon TCG YT channel is trying to break out by showcasing decks, cards and matches! So join us this week as we feature Rare Candy as they will evolve your game with a match that will point out the strengths between BREAKpoint’s newest cards: Garchomp and Greninja.
The Rare Candy’s Erik is playing a deck featuring Garchomp who wants to take a chomp into the battle. Erik plans to do this by using a combination of Bridgette to swarm the bench with Gible and then use Korrina to grab a Rare Candy and Garchonmp. After that, simply attach a Fighting energy to Garchomp to use Turbo Assault to strike your opponent and start accelerating energy to another scary Garchomp on the bench. This deck plays a lot of non-draw Supporters so a line of Octillery is always on the bench ready to refill your pool of resources in your hand. Garchomp can be aggressive and won’t mind biting into your active Pokemon at mach speed!
Meanwhile, Rare Candy’s other half Marcus is playing a deck that uses the sneaky Greninja nad Greninja BREAK. This deck is filled with sneaky surprises as it wants to evolve into Frogadier to use Water Duplicates to put several Frogadier on the bench. Your match may start with a simple Froakie on turn one but it won’t be long until you see a gang of Greninja ready to attack. You can still BREAK Evolve into Greninja BREAK to use Giant Water Shuriken to spread six damage counters and make it rain even more damage by using Greninja’s Water Shuriken ability. There is even a Greninja from BREAKpoint that can turn off your opponent’s abilities for a single energy. Put in a Splash Energy and you will truly create a splash with your little tricks.
Who will win in this break out match between powerful Pokemon? Erik and his Garchomp who can rip part decks at mach speed or Marcus’s Greninja who plan to sneakily take knockouts? Watch the match below to find out!
Lastly, best of luck to those taking part in St. Louis Regionals!