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TCG Jump: Featured Match- Necrozma GX / Metagross GX

Metagross Necrozma
It is time to put two things together to create a great system!

Worlds 2017 is happening right now but lets take a break to look a pair that has been getting some talk. That will be the Necrozma GX/Metagross GX deck!

This time we have Styx from the TheTokenMinorities piloting Necrozma GX/Metagross GX deck in a few battles. The purpose of this deck will be to set up a few Metagross GX to hit a constant 150 damage each turn. If you want to hit even harder then you will switch into Nexrozma GX and load Psychic energy on it. That will allow you to hit some big numbers to take some one-hit KOs on bulky HP Pokemon. This deck is mostly like the class Metagross GX but this time you have some big hitters!

Make sure you watch Styx use this deck in a few awesome matches!

Best of luck to those who are competing in Worlds this weekend!

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