Quote Originally Posted by Chakramaster View Post
Ok, so let's review. I've talked with Dassy. A Goodra that seems to be troubled with the times. However, she doesn't seem interested in talking about the Stalkers with just anyone. Which is odd. Giving the situation. Anyone trying to help with that should be happy to talk, but everyone has reasons. So I can't just assume things here. Gemma seemed to have an impact on her, but I'd be careful even still. Which lead to Daz and a hidden past which we may need to know

Mille was a bit of an oddball. I know we're all new around town here and I did catch her by surprise. Oddly enough....she completely threw another Pokemon right out there just because of their ability. We'll have to search Marce later on, but still not very positive to do that.

Anyway...for now I'll go and

Interview #45. Dari the Raichu about the Stalkers and ask about anything suspicious that happened recently (other than the deaths) Lastly, I ask about anything Dari can tell me about Adis
Interview Rapport: POSITIVE
+1 Shared Pokémon Type (Electric)

You find Dari sitting on a wooden rocking hair on the front porch of her house. She seems calm and quiet when you first approach her. She looks at you with a bit of a surprise, having not expected company at the moment. You introduce yourself to her.

"Hello there," Dari replies with a quiet, gentle voice. "I think I might have seen you before when I was out shopping. Are you new to Serenity Town?"

You ask Dari the Raichu about anything suspicious happening around Serenity Town. She nods, slowly, and it looks like she might have seen a few things.

"Well, before I say anything else, I'm a financial advisor," Dari tells you. "I try to help Pokémon invest their money wisely, make good financial decisions, and that kind of thing. Some of the Pokémon in town weren't sure about buying places to live, stores to set up shop, and other big money choices like that, so I help them out based on what their needs are and earn a commission. Well, with most of the good spots in town already occupied, I tried to see if I could maybe start looking into real estate and flipping houses on the side. You know, buy low, refurbish, and sell high. Not to mention there are a few places in Serenity Town that are pretty ugly and I got tired of looking at them from a distance. I thought why not fix them up, sell them for cash to a happy new owner, and at least make this sleepy old town look a little nicer?"

"Well... I'm not sure if you've been to Quiet Creek Apartments, but I sure have..." Dari tells you, fidgeting a bit with her thunderbolt-tipped tail. "At first, I thought wow, this place is a wreck, I could probably buy it from the bank for really cheap! I asked the folks at the bank if they had an inspector available to come with me to check it out. Well, they didn't, but they gave me authorization to check it out myself, and if I liked what I saw, I could make a payment on it for the deed."

"Let me just say... someone's been living in there," Dari tells you, fidgeting some more. "Or doing something in there. Arceus help us. At first, I checked out the upper floors for about two minutes before deciding I didn't want to risk falling through the holey wooden floor anymore. I swear, that place is crumbling like peanut brittle. But it's the... basement that really got to me. I found a metal hatch in the floor and I didn't think anything of it until I saw it lead to a vault. Against my... better judgment, I decided to check it out."

"There's... blood everywhere down there," Dari tells you, looking like it was something she wish she could forget. "And there was this... door. My goodness. Demanding sacrifices for some... I don't know they were talking about, but it disturbed me to no end and I just ran out of there. I headed back home, just grabbed a newspaper, and tried to forget about what I just saw. I'll be honest, I haven't told anyone about it and I know I probably should have at least told Zick, but the last thing I want is for him to go down there and get himself killed. We can't afford to lose someone like him."

You ask Dari about Adis and what she knows about him.

"Adis... poor guy," Dari weeps a bit. "He so badly wanted to see Serenity Town become a much better place. Unfortunately, I never really met or talked to him much, save for dropping by a good morning or hello after church masses. It's upsetting to think I thought he had so many years of life laid out before him, and then before I knew it, he was gone."

"Sorry to be a downer," Dari tells you, "I just get tired and worn out sometimes, but I hope you understand."