As the title says, I'd love to know what things you really liked about this PMD: Stalkers event, what things you think might need a bit of tweaking and fixing, and what kinds of new things you might want to see in a sequel.

Also, the beauty of this whole game is I could also make a sequel smaller or bigger, such as having a smaller town with fewer Stalkers to have to track down, or make a bigger, city-like Pokémon town with more Stalkers to have to track down and tougher puzzles to go through. That depends on what people would love to see next.

I actually expected this game to go through October, but you guys kept at it diligently and I was having WAY TOO MUCH DARN FUN coming up with the search results and interview outcomes. If you think it's fun to participate in this, try hosting it. It's also very fun and awesome! I loved how Sarah was thinking I was overworking myself and shouldn't be afraid to take a break when hey, I was loving it on my end too. This is my break!

Anyway, there were a few things I would like people to comment on.

Size/Game Duration - Did you like how long the game lasted? Would you have preferred to see it last a little longer, maybe shorter, or did you feel the duration of the event was good as is? Trust me, it's easy to tweak this!

Themes - Did you like the horror theme, or do you feel it might be interesting to try a new type of genre?

Doom Tracker - Okay, so you guys had no trouble beating the clock. Was it too easy, or do you think there might be some ways you'd like to adjust things to make it more enjoyably challenging?

Puzzles/Difficulty - Did you feel the puzzles and things like that felt balanced or were they too easy/too hard?

Interviewing and Rapport System - Like how it works or do you feel it should be adjusted somewhat?

And some possible new things:

Possible new actions - Have ideas in mind that might add a new dynamic to the game that adds a little extra spice?

A third way to win? - I'm all game for hearing ideas about additional victory conditions if you have some in mind!

Anything else? - Really, spill it all out! I'm reading everyone's ideas, and while I might not be able to put everything into action, I'd gladly give each idea thought and consideration.