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  1. #1
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope

    PXR Secret Santa 2016

    Thank you to Lunar Latias for the marvellous banner!

    Spread the Joy this Season!
    Hosts: Chakramaster and Suicune’s Fire

    Hello everyone! Welcome to PXR’s third Secret Santa event! 8D

    This event is a gift exchange! Sign ups begin now and will close on December 2nd. After signing up, you will be given another member’s username who signed up as well (on the 3rd of December). This person is who you will be sending a gift to. Since you signed up, that means you will be receiving a gift from another Secret Santa! Everyone loves gifts, don’t they?! Giving is half the fun! The gifts will be delivered the day of or after Christmas, depending on the event managers' schedules.

    Note: Everyone's gift will be posted at the end of the event for everyone on the forum (and beyond) to view.
    If you are not comfortable with a public display of your work, please let either Suicune's Fire or me know when submitting your gift (or any time after that).

    List of Participants:

    1. Kaoru
    2. Corey

    1. Neo Emolga
    2. LKWayvern
    3. Noblejanobii
    4. EmeraldSky
    5. Pokemon Trainer Sarah
    6. Scytherwolf
    7. Lunar Latias
    8. Gef
    9. Bulbasaur
    10. Chakramaster
    11. Liokora
    12. Shruikan

    People who have been crossed off are the entrants who have submitted their gift for their recipient!
    People in red have had to pull out (but told us on time--thank you!).

    Be sure to read over your recipient’s sign up post when planning your gift. It’s a good way to get ideas for what they might love to see from you! Click their username in the List of Participants for quick access.

    Signing Up
    There are 2 categories. Like last year, you may participate in both if you wish. This means you can send one or both of the following, depending on what you're interested in:

    Wifi Secret Santa!
    If you would like to send a gift through Wifi, sign up for this category! You will send and received a gift through Wifi. Please note that to participate, you MUST have access to Wifi/Internet, a 3DS, and a copy of your preferred game*. You have to be able to connect to Wifi and trade your gift. This category may take a little longer for everyone to get your gift, so please be patient. Your gift must be traded by December 22nd. Whatever you want to give is what matters in this trade. You are not required to send out a perfect IV/EV or even a shiny. You can even send more than one Pokémon if you want! =D

    *There are two options for wifi gifts; Gen 7 with Sun or Moon, or Gen 6 with X/Y or Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire. As cross-generation trading is not ready yet, you will have to pick between Sun/Moon or X/Y/OR/AS. NOTE that if there is an uneven number of participants for Sun and Moon, someone will have to return to Gen 6. More people have Gen 6 (as some people are waiting until Christmas to get Sun or Moon) so a wifi gift will default to Gen 6 if necessary. Please remember this when signing up.

    Wifi Secret Santa Sign-Up Form
    Gen 6 or Gen 7:
    In-Game Name:
    Friend Code:
    10 Favorite Pokémon:
    Favorite region:
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 23rd?

    Non-Wifi Secret Santa!
    If you’d like to sign up to the regular Secret Santa, sign up here! This will be a NON-Wifi gift. That means almost anything you can think of goes! Feel free to be creative here! Anyone that wants can sign up. No Wifi gifts will be accepted in this category.

    You’re free to send any kind of gift here, but if you’re still thinking and trying to figure out “Oooh what really can be accepted in this category? =0” FEAR NOT! Here’s a few suggestions:

    -> Artwork; a drawing, banner, sprite, desktop wallpaper, photograph etc.
    -> Writing; a short story or poem etc.
    -> Video; a short video, voice clip etc.
    -> URPG items or Pokémon [you must follow the gift exchange rules of the URPG]
    -> Anything else you can think of!

    Non-Wifi Secret Santa Sign Up Form
    Five or fewer favorite Pokémon:
    Favorite colors:
    What do you like besides Pokémon?
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 23rd?

    A Few General Rules:

    • Please keep the username of the person you are gifting (your recipient) to yourself! It is meant to be a surprise.
    • You MUST submit some form of gift to Suicune's Fire by December 23rd. Please don't leave it until the last minute!*
    • You may send more than one gift if you like.
    • The ASB and URPG have their own gift exchange rules, so if you want to give a gift related to that, you will need to follow the rules of the ASB and URPG respectively.
    • Your gift MUST somehow be relevant to your recipient. This is easy to do, as you may include anything that your recipient included in their sign-up post such as their favourite Pokémon or colour. Generic gifts are not fun!

    *If you cannot procure a gift in time for the December 23rd deadline, please send a PM to Suicune's Fire or Chakramaster ahead of time, preferably by the 20th if you are sure you cannot make the deadline. This will give us a few days to make a replacement gift for whoever is missing out. You will NOT be banned from next year's Secret Santa if you are unable to procure a gift and let us know in time; you will, however, be banned from next year's event if you tell us too late (23rd or later). Sorry. :( We just can't have people leaving it till the last minute, as it is unfair on multiple people.

    Submitting Your Gift:
    PM Suicune's Fire with the following information BY DECEMBER 23rd.
    DO NOT POST GIFTS HERE! That’ll spoil the surprise! D=

    If you are sending a non-Wifi gift, please send the PM with the following form filled out:

    If you are sending a Wifi gift, please send the PM with the following form filled out:
    [B]Gen 6 or 7?[/B]
    [B]Description of Pokémon:[/B]
    • Those receiving Wifi gifts will be told what Pokemon they will be getting on Christmas Day! However, YOU will be responsible for setting up a trade with your recipient.

    Your gift MUST be PM’d to Suicune's Fire by December 23rd. Fail to do so and you will be banned from participating in the Secret Santa event next year! Last minute gifts are no fun and are not fair on your recipient. Please don’t leave it until the last minute!

    - If you need to drop out or cannot get a gift prepared, let myself or Suicune's Fire know soon as you can! There's no penalty for having to drop out and letting us know. You will only be banned from next year if you give us no notice and your gift has not been submitted on time!

    Thank you for participating, and remember, have fun! 8D
    Last edited by Suicune's Fire; 12-24-2016 at 03:43 AM.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

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  3. #2
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Absolute yes.

    Non-Wi-Fi Secret Santa Sign Up Form

    Five or fewer favorite Pokémon: I'll stick with Emolga, Bellossom, and Pikachu
    Favorite Colors: Red, blue, black, white
    What do you like besides Pokémon? Mad Max, Fallout, Borderlands, Battlefield 4.
    Other: Can't think of anything to put here, so...
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 24th? Pinky swear. I usually end up spoiling my assigned recipient anyway. XD

    As I told you guys before, if you need someone to conjure up gifts for the peeps that didn't get anything, let me know ASAP and I can quickly whip up something sweet in just a few hours. It would have to be Non-Wi-Fi gifts though.
    Last edited by Neo Emolga; 11-27-2016 at 09:09 PM.

  4. #3
    Eldritch_Angel LKWayvern's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Scenic 'the Void'

    Five or fewer favorite Pokémon: Umbreon, Mew, Giratina, Absol
    Favorite colors: Blue, purple, black
    What do you like besides Pokémon?: X-Files, Undertale, Doctor Who.
    Other: *shrugs*
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 24th?: Yes!!
    Avatar made by Neo Emolga.

  5. #4
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
    Site Editor


    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Non-Wi-Fi Secret Santa Sign Up Form

    Five or fewer favorite Pokémon: Shaymin, Mimikyu, Umbreon, Quilava, and Pumpkaboo
    Favorite colors: Purple and green
    What do you like besides Pokémon? Digimon, Undertale, Code Lyoko, Drifters, Legend of Zelda, the Fate series, etc. If you need more then just have one of the people in charge ask me.
    Other: Kudamon is my favorite Digimon.
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 24th? I'll do my best! The sooner I know my partner the better.
    Last edited by Noblejanobii; 11-24-2016 at 07:29 PM.
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  6. #5
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    May 2013
    On my way to my next adventure!
    Count me in again:

    Five or fewer favorite Pokémon: Pikachu, Oricorio, Meloetta, Dragonair, Torchic
    Favorite colors: Green, Blue, silver
    What do you like besides Pokémon? Super Mario Bros. The Legend of Zelda, Sailor Moon, and many more
    Other: I will probably send a writing gift
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 24th? I do, to the best of my ability
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  7. #6
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Route 1
    Non-Wi-Fi Secret Santa Sign Up Form

    Five or fewer favorite Pokémon: Bulbasaur, Archen, Tyrunt, fossils!
    Favorite colors: Sky blue, Bulbasaur green
    What do you like besides Pokémon? Dinosaurs, science, Harry Potter
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 24th? Yes. (Should this say 23rd, @Chakramaster?)

  8. #7
    Lover of Centipedes Scytherwolf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Ant Island
    Non Wifi:

    Five or fewer favorite Pokémon: Heracross, Scyther, Yanmega
    Favorite colors: Green
    What do you like besides Pokémon? Animals (especially bugs), Disney/Pixar movies, My Little Pony
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 24th? Yes

  9. #8
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    On a fluffy cloud of cotton-candy.
    Non-Wi-Fi Secret Santa Sign Up Form

    Five or fewer favorite Pokémon: Altaria, Greninja, Vaporeon, Pikachu.
    Favorite colors: Purple, silver, blue, that pink-red colour.
    What do you like besides Pokémon? Tigers, Mass Effect, Shadow the Hedgehog, Digimon, anything anime/manga related.
    Other: See the profile link in my sig for more likes. xP
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 24th? Nope. No presents for anyone. xD OF COURSE.

  10. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Neo Emolga View Post
    As I told you guys before, if you need someone to conjure up gifts for the peeps that didn't get anything, let me know ASAP and I can quickly whip up something sweet in just a few hours. It would have to be Non-Wi-Fi gifts though.
    You're a top bloke. Thanks for the offer! :D

    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 24th? Yes. (Should this say 23rd, @Chakramaster?)
    gdi I forgot to fix that. That was my bad. xD All done now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunar Latias View Post
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 24th? Nope. No presents for anyone. xD OF COURSE.
    Soz. You can't be a part of it. JUST KIDDING.

    Everyone has been added!

  11. #10
    Extra Clever Earthbound Spirit Gef's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    i'LL T RY

    For non-WIFI:
    Five or fewer favorite Pokémon: Smoochum's my baby. I'll throw in Mismagius, Weavile, and Yungoos too.
    Favorite colors: Purple, black, and silver together. Not impartial towards any color, really.
    What do you like besides Pokémon? Not much else, tbh, in terms of other franchises. I do love food though and most kinds of music.
    Other: I'm more of a writer myself but I might try my hand at drawing something too for my partner.
    Do you promise to send a gift by December 23rd? SI


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