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  1. #151
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
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    Letting everyone know that the doctor, in fact, did NOT help. He just said the same thing as every other doctor which was to take PPIs for reflux. Great, but I don't even know if what I have is actual reflux cause antacids don't seem to work, and the PPIs I took before gave me even worse problems. He also wouldn't refer me to a gastro when I asked. No bloody doctor will. So tomorrow I am calling my gastro in the city and making an appointment. I don't care if I have to train it and uber it all the way there, I'm getting some help. He may not do anything, though, cause he doesn't like to repeat tests and will probably just put me back on the PPI. In which case I'll also go back to emergency tomorrow morning and demand a referral to another gastro here, which might have a different opinion. Fml my life just keeps getting worse. In the meantime I MAY try the PPIs again for a few days at least, and hope I don't get any rashes, heaviness or hot flushes like last time, and see if they help. But I'm not holding my breath since the antacids clearly don't, which makes me think my problem is actually something else. Or a combination of things. I need so many prayers. ;n;

  2. #152
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    @Chibi Altaria I'm sorry Gem :( Ugh. Why can't anyone just take some time to figure it out. Good on you for pursuing things, don't give up! Someone out there has the answer. Sending you all the internet hugs!!!

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  4. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by Chibi Altaria View Post
    Letting everyone know that the doctor, in fact, did NOT help. He just said the same thing as every other doctor which was to take PPIs for reflux. Great, but I don't even know if what I have is actual reflux cause antacids don't seem to work, and the PPIs I took before gave me even worse problems. He also wouldn't refer me to a gastro when I asked. No bloody doctor will. So tomorrow I am calling my gastro in the city and making an appointment. I don't care if I have to train it and uber it all the way there, I'm getting some help. He may not do anything, though, cause he doesn't like to repeat tests and will probably just put me back on the PPI. In which case I'll also go back to emergency tomorrow morning and demand a referral to another gastro here, which might have a different opinion. Fml my life just keeps getting worse. In the meantime I MAY try the PPIs again for a few days at least, and hope I don't get any rashes, heaviness or hot flushes like last time, and see if they help. But I'm not holding my breath since the antacids clearly don't, which makes me think my problem is actually something else. Or a combination of things. I need so many prayers. ;n;
    Poor Gemma. :( I really hope someone will figure it out. Like Sarah, I send you a lot of virtual hugs! You are in my thoughts, but I don't know what kind of prayers you want. Would a prayer to Arceus be okay for you?

    Special thanks to Fate for this cute avatar and this cute banner! :D
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  6. #154
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Really, if machines and robots replace doctors, you won't see me sending those quacks sympathy cards.

    I'm sorry to hear this, Gemma. I wish I knew what the problem is and that there was more I could do to help.

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  8. #155
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
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    Thank you, guys. ;^; I hope some doctor can help soon.

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  10. #156
    Hello everybody, I'm not doing very well at the moment. It will be difficult for me until early May because I have to do a big group project for college, with strict rules. My groupmates and I will have to give a written document about it to our teacher in April, and we will have to do an oral presentation of our project on May 2. Group work and oral presentations are very difficult for me, and this project makes me feel very stressed.

    Last Monday (February 19), in the afternoon, I was at the group meeting with my groupmates. That meeting took almost 2 hours. There weren't any major problems, but it was still difficult for me.
    Today (February 22), the teacher explained the elements she wants to see in the written document. After that, one of my groupmates told me that I shouldn't be stressed because the teacher said : "Don't panic". I answered : "Of course she said that, but she also said a lot of stressful things".

    Next Monday (February 26), I will turn 19. I'm not excited at all about my birthday : it will be on a Monday, I will have more classes on that day than on usual Mondays, my only friend from the college won't be able to spend time with me on my birthday, and I will have an oral test in English on that day.

    I'm sorry to be annoying. :/

    Special thanks to Fate for this cute avatar and this cute banner! :D
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  11. #157
    • ʖ̫ • Caunadan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cleobel View Post
    Hello everybody, I'm not doing very well at the moment. It will be difficult for me until early May because I have to do a big group project for college, with strict rules. My groupmates and I will have to give a written document about it to our teacher in April, and we will have to do an oral presentation of our project on May 2. Group work and oral presentations are very difficult for me, and this project makes me feel very stressed.

    Last Monday (February 19), in the afternoon, I was at the group meeting with my groupmates. That meeting took almost 2 hours. There weren't any major problems, but it was still difficult for me.
    Today (February 22), the teacher explained the elements she wants to see in the written document. After that, one of my groupmates told me that I shouldn't be stressed because the teacher said : "Don't panic". I answered : "Of course she said that, but she also said a lot of stressful things".

    Next Monday (February 26), I will turn 19. I'm not excited at all about my birthday : it will be on a Monday, I will have more classes on that day than on usual Mondays, my only friend from the college won't be able to spend time with me on my birthday, and I will have an oral test in English on that day.

    I'm sorry to be annoying. :/
    Nah you're not annoying. That does sound really stressful, those kinds of things are difficult for me too so I can get it. I can understand too what it's like to get stressed out by things even when others might not think it's a big deal or will say things like "don't panic". :/ I don't have advice but I hope it all goes smoothly for you in the end. Hope your birthday turns out better than you expect as well

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  13. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by Matdo View Post
    Nah you're not annoying. That does sound really stressful, those kinds of things are difficult for me too so I can get it. I can understand too what it's like to get stressed out by things even when others might not think it's a big deal or will say things like "don't panic". :/ I don't have advice but I hope it all goes smoothly for you in the end. Hope your birthday turns out better than you expect as well
    Thank you for your support, Matdo. That's very kind of you. :)

    Special thanks to Fate for this cute avatar and this cute banner! :D
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  14. #159
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cleobel View Post
    Hello everybody, I'm not doing very well at the moment. It will be difficult for me until early May because I have to do a big group project for college, with strict rules. My groupmates and I will have to give a written document about it to our teacher in April, and we will have to do an oral presentation of our project on May 2. Group work and oral presentations are very difficult for me, and this project makes me feel very stressed.

    Last Monday (February 19), in the afternoon, I was at the group meeting with my groupmates. That meeting took almost 2 hours. There weren't any major problems, but it was still difficult for me.
    Today (February 22), the teacher explained the elements she wants to see in the written document. After that, one of my groupmates told me that I shouldn't be stressed because the teacher said : "Don't panic". I answered : "Of course she said that, but she also said a lot of stressful things".

    Next Monday (February 26), I will turn 19. I'm not excited at all about my birthday : it will be on a Monday, I will have more classes on that day than on usual Mondays, my only friend from the college won't be able to spend time with me on my birthday, and I will have an oral test in English on that day.

    I'm sorry to be annoying. :/
    Oof, that's not being annoying. Trust me, I've had to deal with TERRIBLE group projects so I know this kind of pain. The worst was when I was home, in my pajamas, sitting down to watch some TV and my annoying teammate calls me and in this annoying voice asks "hey Joe, where are ya!?" Turned out they scheduled a group meeting and forgot to tell me. So I had to shut the TV off, get dressed, and drive 45 minutes all the way back to my college, park my car, walk all the way to the library only to find out "oh, we worked things out, we really didn't need you." I was ready to chain that douche-canoe to the back of my car so he'd discover the hard way just how long of a drive I took for his nonsense.

    School is stressful in general. Oral presentations can be hell if you're not used to them. I think the best way to approach it (and from my personal experience) is that everyone needs to present in front of the class and usually they're thinking what of you're thinking of while they're presenting:

    "I'm bored, how much time is left in this class?"
    "I really want to get out of here so I can do <X THING>"
    "I wonder if there's a new episode of <TV SHOW> on tonight."

    And if people have their laptops open, they're probably on Facebook, Instagram, or what have you instead of even paying attention to you. The truth is the rest of the class legitimately doesn't really care too much about the subject you're presenting about. And I've seen some people present where they only thing they actually did was read to us what they put on PowerPoint sides. Yawn.

    If you're using PowerPoint, add pictures to your slides to accompany your bullet points. If anyone is even remotely paying attention, they'll just be staring at your pictures. I'll admit, I'm guilty of this while listening to other people present and they actually help me daydream. Oh, a presentation about green energy? Throw some pictures of those wind farms in there. Heck, I've linked entire YouTube videos in my stuff and still churn out As, provided you add enough content to reinforce what's in the video

    And yeah, having to work on your birthday just sucks. Celebrate your birthday on Sunday the 25th instead and see if that works better for you and your friend. Do something fun, get energized, freshen up, and you'll be good and ready for your stuff on the 26th.

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  16. #160
    @Neo Emolga Thank you for your support and advice. That's very kind of you. :)
    Sorry to hear that you've had to deal with terrible group projects and teammates. :/

    "hey Joe, where are ya!?"
    Who is Joe?

    "I really want to get out of here so I can do <X THING>"
    Is it okay to insert "go to the bathroom" in this sentence?

    The truth is the rest of the class legitimately doesn't really care too much about the subject you're presenting about.
    My teammates and I will have to do the oral presentation in front of the rest of the class, but also in front of : our teacher, the other three classes, their teachers, and also some "guests" who aren't staff of the college.

    Celebrate your birthday on Sunday the 25th instead and see if that works better for you and your friend.
    Unfortunately, I already have things to do this Sunday (including studying for the English test of Monday).

    Special thanks to Fate for this cute avatar and this cute banner! :D
    Special thanks to AD for this awesome Chikorita GIF! :D


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