Original proposal:

  • Judges should provide feedback to all participants after each challenge and must have a clear grading rubric.
  • Judges will be assigned 100 points to distribute among the entries, with the best entry receiving the biggest share of points, etc. Each entry must receive at least 1 point, but it is otherwise up to the judge to distribute.
  • Judging could potentially include other awards such as "people's choice", "most improved", etc.that do not give out any points, but that members can vote on as an extra thing so more people can get recognition.
  • Judges cannot participate in their section, but will receive points for submitting their judging each week in a timely manner.
  • Judges should submit their 4 week plan for their section (number of challenges, what each challenge is) before PXFIRE begins.

How to use this system with a rubric:

I don't think 100 points is that hard to distribute. You can still use a rubric. The points you give out don't have to match the rubric points, but you could do it that way with a bit of maths if you wanted.

A gets 15/20 on the rubric
B gets 5/20
C gets 15/20
D gets 16/20
E gets 16/20
F gets 20/20
G gets 12/20

Max total of rubric = 7 x 20 = 140
A got 15/140 = 10.7%. 10.7% of 100 = 10.7 points awarded.
B got 5/140 = 3.5%. 3.5% of 100 = 3.5 points awarded.
This is the current idea for how judging could work. We already had some discussion on this in the other thread. Now we have to make a decision. If you have a different/additional idea for how judging could/should work then please post it here and we can discuss it! Try and post your proposal in dot points and make it as brief/clear as possible so we can discuss it! :)

@Speed-X @Morzone
I know you guys had some alternative ideas :) Would you still like to pursue them?