Quote Originally Posted by Shruikan View Post
I'll continue my breaking-and-entering spree by searching (26) Vlock's House
You head to Vlock the Pangoro's house in the rather creepy southeastern side of town. Like the other buildings in this area, Vlock's house has creepy vibes and you have a feeling he must have bought it for dirt cheap. You can see he's done some renovation work to it, but there's still a lot that needs to be done.

You check the inside first and while there are signs that Vlock has gotten started on fixing the place up, there's still so much work that needs to be done and it seems like he just hasn't had nearly enough time to do it judging by how long the tools and supplies have been sitting in the dust idly. You guess he's only taken care of perhaps one-fifth of the work that needs to be done.

The wood-panel floor is still broken and splintered, the sheetrock walls look like Swiss cheese, and the stairwell doesn't actually have stairs anymore. There's a frayed, old rope that has to be climbed to get up to the second floor. There's also water damage in the ceiling all over the place and in some places, it's as dark as gravy. Sadly, even after struggling to get up to the second floor via the dirty old rope, you find most of the rooms up there don't even have much of a floor anymore but instead just a tarp covering that couldn't hold up anyone's weight. You find Vlock's bedroom, which looks like it was meant to be a home office, but right now it's the only room Vlock can use to sleep in. Even so, the walls are in bits and pieces, the ceiling is peeling down and away, and there's dirty water drops dripping everywhere.

Even after searching the rest of the interior, you can really feel like Vlock wasted his money no matter how cheap it was. You feel as though it would have just been easier for Vlock to tear it all down and just start new.

You decide to search the outside, and as you suspected, the grounds definitely aren't lovely either. You do find something unusual about the grass. There's a patch of what looks like black, blighted ground here, and it strikes you as very strange. When you take a closer look, you see a nail in the center of the patch of deadened soil. It almost reminds you of the Damnation Nail, but you're not quite sure.

You try to take it as you sense there's a pattern connected to the Stalkers here...

#Woeful Presence# Trap 40% Evasion Test: 72 out of 100: Evasion Successful!

Before you touch it, however, you confirm that yes, it seems to be connected to the [Damnation Nail] you found earlier for sure. And you suddenly realize touching it would attack your mind again. An almost unnatural, feeling of melancholy sorrow seems to be coming from it, but you know it needs to be taken.

You decide to grab one of the neglected old rags in Vlock's house and you use that to grab the nail instead. You can still feel a slight feeling of dread coming from it even through the fabric, but it's not nearly as severe as what you would have felt if you had touched it with your bare, white paw.

Item [Lamentation Nail] #Woeful Presence# (1 Sanity Damage) has been added to the Team Inventory.

You decide to head back to base with the nail. As you look behind you, you just can't understand why Vlock would want to live in such a creepy, derelict old house like that, no matter how cheap it was.

Hope the Alolan Vulpix (S: Ice)
Health: 4/4
Sanity: 3/4
Perk: First Aid | Learned Abilities: Rescue/Escape
Failed Assassinations: 0/2