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  1. #1
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    The Hunger Games Books/Movies

    Last night I went to the midnight opening of Catching Fire. I haven't read the book in a while, but I thought the movie was really good and stuck pretty close to the book. Anyone else a fan of The Hunger Games? Catching Fire is my favourite book. I didn't like Mockingjay much at all though. :(

  2. #2
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    The Hunger Games: One of my favorite book series. I read all three books. I thought the first book was the best, and i agree that Mockingjay wasn't as good as the other two books. I saw the first movie and i haven't seen catching fire yet. Wait. I thought Catching Fire wasn't even in theaters yet...

  3. #3
    garlic bread champion Bulbasaur's Avatar
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    I think I'm halfway through Mockingjay, the book. I haven't read it consistently in a while, I guess cause it doesn't capture my attention as easily as the other two books.

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  4. #4
    Catching Fire was also my favorite book. I thought Mockingjay was okay, but not nearly as good as the previous two. I also thought the movie stayed very loyal to the book and did it justice. I'm starving of anticipation for the next movie.
    the dreambreaker

  5. #5
    Unbowed, unbent, unbroken Homura's Avatar
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    I went into the second movie with absolutely no knowledge of Hunger Games outside of "Battle Royale + Dystopian future".

    I thought the movie could have done better with how they characterized the lead characters a little better, though adaption decay must happen. Like for example, how the romantic angle was being portrayed was...strange and unsettling. It didn't make any logical sense why all of a sudden she starts caring for the second guy tremendously beyond an act, when clearly she was doing just that for the majority of the movie. Small nitpicks here and there, but overall the movie was well done and I was entertained.
    What is happiness?
    It's being called by someone
    It's being able to call someone
    It's when someone is thinking of you
    But Heaven has none of this
    A lizard girl took pity on God
    So the lizard girl tore God in two and brought a half from Heaven to Earth

  6. #6
    Catching Fire was reeeeeeally good. xD I haven't read the books, and I wasn't sucked in by the first movie, but something about Catching Fire drew me in. I think one of the reasons it stays true to the book is because the author of the series is one of the executive producers, so she'd be there to closely monitor the events and best represent her books. I really want to read the books, but I wanna wait till after I see the Mockingjay movie to read Mockingjay. XD The other two will keep me entertained in the meantime, I'm sure.

    Catching Fire also introduced me to my favourite character, Johanna. c: I think she's super badass and an awesome character. I'm also fond of her actress. xD


  7. #7
    The Art Saboteur Coru's Avatar
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    I think it is safe to say that I am Hunger Games obsessed.

    Before I read the books, I saw the first film. I thought it was quite aggressive but the story line and the message was complex but also very true to what could happen in the future and I liked that. Last Christmas, I got the three Hunger Games books. I had read all three within a month and a half, and I loved it. Catching Fire, however was my favourite book.

    I haven't seen the Catching Fire film yet as many of my friends wanted to see it and I needed to sort out a time we could all go, but we have decided to go on Saturday and I am quite impatient as I have heard so many good things about it. I was the type of person that couldn't wait so every bit of news that came on about the film, I kept reading and kept watching the trailers to satisfy my impatience.

    I liked Mockingjay as it was very different and I liked how it changed the whole story line with the big plot twist in the middle. I don't want to give spoilers so I won't say, but I thought it was very well done, and it would be the perfect place to end next years film as it is virtually somewhere in the middle of the story as well as being a good cliff hanger. I think Mockingjay dragged a little though, and it didn't have the original feel to it, as there was no actual "Hunger Games" in it. It was still good as a final book to a trilogy though. If only Suzanne Collins created more on what happens after Mockingjay so the Hunger Games doesn't have to end after all the films have been released, but as it is a trilogy, sadly fandoms and fanfictions will probably have to do, haha.

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  8. #8
    The Fire Fox Gijinka Braixen's Avatar
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    I adore the Hunger Games franchise. I think the writing could be a tiny bit better in the books but I have realized the books are meant to be accessible to people from preteens to adults so the writing style makes sense when you take that into account. Sometimes I wish the books were a bit longer and there was a bit more information...

    Having said the above I am also obsessed with the Hunger Games! I started reading information about the first movie well ahead of its release date and I did the same for Catching Fire. I throughly enjoyed both movies but I would say the second one was done a bit better. Mostly because they had a bigger budget after the overwhelming success of the first film and all of the merchandise but also because they selected a main character that people love through and through. Jennifer Lawrence makes almost everyone happy, from parents, to children, to teenagers and people in their 20s and 30s. People love to love J Lawrence and I am no exception. I enjoyed her performance in Winter's Bone so I had high hopes from her before the Hunger Games started. It's refreshing to have a legitimate actress on a franchise and not just someone who is available.

    I cannot wait for Catching Fire to come out on DvD so I can rewatch it. I loved seeing all of the characters represented well in the film. The arena for the second book is also my favourite, I definitely think they depicted it perfectly. The costumes this time around were also amazing... I cannot express how much of an improvement the movie was from the first one and I was already happy with the first film.

    Anywho. I love the Hunger Games series and I am excited for both instalments of Mockingjay. If anyone hasn't read the books then I highly suggest picking them up and reading them. They're easy to follow and a fairly short read imo. Definitely worth it.


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