I have tried to have a lucid dream. I was aware that I was dreaming while in the dream, and while I thought that would mean "hey, unlock god mode!" But no. The dream insisted on "no, you're going to sit right there and enjoy this." "But I wanna do this and this and-" "No."

But in exchange, I have had really amazing dreams where I really was an Emolga. There was one where I was the leader of a PMD-like campaign and that, hands down, was the best one ever. It was the first time waking up felt so lame and horrifically anti-climatic. Then there was an kind of odd dream while I was an Emolga while at the office. I was practicing gliding while in the long hallway that leads to the cafeteria. It was crazy how vivid and exact the location was, but eh, it is what it is. XD