Hello. No one here may remember me but 1 or 2 people. I am legendary_addict or LA as people call me. I'm a weeb (I think they call otakus that now) that likes competitive battling. A lot. I am a 15 year old male from a country in the southern hemisphere called Australia. I'm currently in Year 11 (yes, I'm young for my year level) and is studying well and hard to get good scores to get in a good university to get good knowledge on how to make good games and good websites. I really enjoy Art, Maths/Math and anything to do with computers, so I may sound pretty nerdy, along with my liking of anime and manga. But yeah, that's just me. It's nice coming back to PxR and I wish I enjoy my stay here again, as I enjoyed it the first time I joined~

PS: Lightning Dash, I now joined PxR again. I have finished your request/command. Idk what it was.