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  1. #1
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    [Discuss] Best roleplays you've been a part of!

    I'm figuring this board is for sign up AND discussion, but if the mods want to move this thread, go ahead! :)

    Have you ever been part of a really great roleplay? What was it about? How did it end? Why did you like it so much?

    I haven't been in that many myself, but I am interested to see what kind of roleplays you guys really loved!

  2. #2
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
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    Terminus. Pe2k's final Team RP. Accept no substitutes!

    OK, to explain: The first is kind of stuck in my mind as RPing with an awesome team (Aqua FTW) and the time we utterly wrecked Team 'Awesome.' Unrelenting fury right there. The latter time was also a curbstomp, as everyone else decided to sit around and play peaceful until we explicitly set up conflict with one faction-which proceeded to get merrily wrecked, and proceeded to not only take half of the region they occupied but also literally dragged their name through the mud until some of their own RPers literally abandoned the faction. It required outside forces to get them back up on their feet for the sake of keeping up competition...And their attacks continued the pattern. These RPs are also when I really got to know Neo Emolga well, and I do not regret it.

    There's also Dark Science, listed here because it finished, and though I ultimately managed little impact, I made an awesome character and I got a massive victory almost singlehandedly through just convenient timing and one disabling weapon, winning over about a small police depertment, which included a PC. This lead to me taking all of his Pokemon and literally everyone but the PC, who I left in a ditch. I could have actually turned the PC into his own Dewott for extra humiliation, but I left that up to the guy himself and he didn't like the idea.

    I kind of like when I triump over PCs, as for various reasons, they are the hardest characters to win victories over-so when I outwit, or wind up part of outwitting, the pants right off of opposite-alinged players...Well, I certainly feel rewarded. They also kind of stick out the most.
    Last edited by The Nonexistent Tazz; 02-23-2015 at 05:15 AM.

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  3. #3
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    I've been in far too many to name, honestly. A good number of them were started by Sabi or Metal Sonic, though Hyosuke had a few good ones as well...and DoH's Bleach RPs... Okay, almost all I did on PE2K was RP, and I had a really good group of friends to RP with, so there is really a lot for me to try and pick. None of them techinically ever finished (though I was part of two in which certain "parts" finished--a FFVII RP with Metal in which he and I were the last ones left RPing after everyone else dropped out, and a RP of Mewcario's whose name escapes me)--OHNOWAIT, Hyosuke's first Falcior RP actually ended due to plot rather than inactivity.

    But really, I loved any RP with a plot I considered good that had active RPers involved. Particular ones stand out, like Hyo's Falcior and...I think it was Knights of Terra or something like that? Sabi's Dysiac (both ieterations) and Nexen, DoH's Fell War RPs, but what it really boiled down to was the basic plot (which I can try to summarize, but that's a lot of RPs XD) and the people who made the RPs happen, of which there were many...back in the days when we didn't have college and jobs and life taking over. XD

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  5. #4
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    Best role plays: The ones that don't instantly die.


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