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  1. #1
    garlic bread champion Bulbasaur's Avatar
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    Competitive Mindsets

    Would you say you are a competitive person? To what extent?

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  2. #2
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Somewhat high, but I don't get aggressively passionate about it.

    Coming in last place is a killer for me, though. I know it has to happen to someone in every race, but man, I loathe it when it's me.

  3. #3
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    When it comes to things I'm neck and neck with someone at. Sure I love coming out on top! Who wouldn't though? Getting that hit of success?

    If it's all just for fun then yeah I'm probably moderate-high. Since I'm pretty competitive in general. As long as I place (like Neo said above) in anything, but last I'm usually okay about it. I don't like to lose, but it happens from time to time.

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  4. #4
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    I've always hated losing so I am pretty competitive. But I don't really enjoy competitive things because of that. It's one of the reasons I don't play any competitive games, even Pokemon, against other people. xD I don't like multiplayer games in general unless they're cooperative or just for fun like Mario Kart.

    So yeah if I really care I can get very competitive but I try not to get too involved because of that. xD

  5. #5 Voltaire Magneton's Avatar
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    I'm pretty casual about things like this, especially since I'm kinda lazy, so I just exert just the right effort.

    Unless, there's a prize waiting, then I get all fired up, which showed up to me during a trivia quiz bee and a bingo game of all place LMAO

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  6. #6
    I don't care if I win or lose, as long as everyone's having fun. I'll throw a game of Magic if my opponent hasn't won in a while or kept getting beat by other players in our group.

    Games were made to be fun and I'm not playing for money, my livelihood doesn't depend on me winning.

    But if I'm battling an AI or computer player for anything I am so competitive beyond belief. The computers shall not rise up and defeat humanity.

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  8. #7
    The Chaotix's Ace Attorney Blaquaza's Avatar

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    I like to say I'm not competitive, but I know I really am. There's a side to me that only comes out when I'm playing Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros, and it's not pleasant. Last time I played I was second until the last race and I became the most focused I've ever been, and I clawed it back because the person in first didn't place too high. I literally leapt into the air when I realised I'd won, and at that point I realised I might be a touch too competitive. :3

    Credits to Neo Emolga for the avatar and the banner!


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