Quote Originally Posted by Kentucky Fried Torchic View Post
I'm sorry to hear that you're still navigating the brambles, Cleobel. I hope that it passes and you come out stronger on the other side.

My traveling went pretty well! It was nice to have some time off from work and to see family, friends, and eat good food without worrying about what I had to get done the next day or the day after that. Of course, the vacation couldn't last forever and I came home to a dirty house and an work e-mail inbox full of questions and requests. But I hope that the period away will help carry me through the rest of the summer!
Thanks KFT, I appreciate your support. :)

I'm glad your travelling went well! I'm sorry you came home to a dirty house and a full inbox.
How come your house got dirty, if you don't mind me asking? Did you mean dusty?
Good luck with your work and the rest of the summer!