Yeah...I'm not a big fan of that specifically being the point system. It sounds like judges will be worrying more about just doing the correct math and making sure things add up depending on hypothetical values, such as number of participants...and that really takes away from the experience. If a judge has 100 points PER event or even per week just doesnt make any sense for those who find it more logical to use a rubric system

If I'm understanding correctly based on Neo's post, I believe this kind of system in particular will do nothing other than confuse judges.

Yeah...alr8ght. So I re read it. This would greatly interfere with any judges that want to use a rubric system, which especially in regards to art I feel is the most efficient way to do it so that the entrants actually learn what they did right and wrong, yes?

It would make more sense to have a fixed number of points per person per challenge / week. 4 weeks? How about 20 points per person per week?