Quote Originally Posted by Shruikan View Post
So, with another murder and Stalkers starting to suspect our mission, now seems like the perfect time for a sidequest! :P

Interview (Mission) #11 Fen the Linoone.
You decide to visit Fen the Linoone to see what she needs help with. When you find Fen living at the Culton Apartment Building, you ask her what she needs helps with and he's more than eager to talk to you about it, almost going frantic.

"It's my husband, Cev!" Fen exclaims, almost sobbing. "I... don't know where he is. He's been missing for the past week and I've been looking everywhere. The police think a Stalker got to him but they never found a body to confirm that! I don't know if he really is dead or if he's just trying to find his way home but he can't."

She then shows you a picture of her and Cev together in what looks like a picture they had taken while they were at a beach on vacation. As you take note, Cev is a Bibarel who looks a bit like the comical happy-go-lucky type with his silly t-shirt, straw hat, and his big goofy smile right before the picture was taken. As you can tell, it also seems like Cev was really the one who brought out the happier side of Fen when he was still around.

"I keep asking the police but they're always telling me they're too busy dealing with those damn Stalkers to try and find someone to look for him," she tells you, looking very frustrated. "The last I saw of him was when he left to go to work at the Shalcomb Factory. It seemed like there was nothing wrong and then... he never... he never came home. I asked around at the factory but no one has found anything! Please, try to find him if you can. It would mean everything to me."

#11 Fen the Linoone's mission, "The Worrying Wife" has been opened.

Hope the Alolan Vulpix (S: Ice)
Health: 4/4
Sanity: 3/4
Perk: First Aid | Learned Abilities: Rescue/Escape
Failed Assassinations: 0/2