Quote Originally Posted by EmeraldSky View Post
I will clear out Silverdike
You decide to search out the last remaining floors of the Silverdike Manufacturing Plant. Up here, it seems like most of the floors are designated for offices and administration. As you can tell with the older style of the building, it wasn't originally built with computers and office machines in mind, so it seems a little messy in terms of how things are organized and it does feel like certain areas of the floor layouts don't optimize the space simply because there really weren't any truly good spots to put printers and mainframes.

The electronics aren't wired all that well either. The brick walls weren't ideal at all for running wires through, so in many spots, you see wires running along the walls and holes drilled into the floor so those same wires and cords could reach the floors belong. And that's the problem with trying to teach an old building new tricks.

In one of the supply closets, you find the lock has been broken. Normally, it might look like a careless accident to anyone working here, but upon your own closer inspection, you can determine this was intentional. You take a closer look and at first, it doesn't seem like anything is out of the ordinary, but then you feel the slightest trace of Stalker presence. You try to follow it and it takes you to what looks like a metal rod, very similar to the Eye and Mouth rods that were found earlier. You pick it up with your yellow paws, examine it closely, and you find the same eye-mark on the base. It definitely seems very similar to the other one that was found. You definitely decide to take it with you.

Item [Eye Rod] has been added to the Team Inventory.

You search through the rest of the floors, but what you find seems to be the same. Mainly offices and cubicles that are trying to work with an older building, and as a result, have had to tape a lot of the wires down to the floor so everyone doesn't trip on them and in some areas it does get tight, even for a Pikachu like you. You can only wonder what a Pokémon like Snorlax would have to do to walk around in this kind of claustrophobic working environment.

You don't find anything else out of the ordinary, so you decide to head back and make your way to the Emissary base.

Lita the Pikachu (S: Electric)
Health: 4/4
Sanity: 3/4
Perk: Science | Learned Abilities: Investigate
Failed Assassinations: 0/2