Greetings! (Great start, that'll really draw them in.)

I'm 1709mart, I'm a university student studying journalism, a huge movie buff, comic book nerd, gamer, and most of all, Pokemon fan. To give a brief history of my connection with the franchise, when I was about 4, I asked my brother if I could borrow his Gameboy. I, at that point, have never even played a videogame but watched my brother and his friends in awe as they played our Gamecube, so I was eager to start but thought I should start small. So I picked up his Gameboy Color, and the first thing that filled the screen after the classic Nintendo logo, was a yellow creature, running around, surfing, even flying. It was Pokemon Yellow, my first game I ever played, and ever since that day started Pokemon as being my favorite game series of all time.

Now that all that boring stuff out of the way I'll just talk about how I found this place. Around 2012 I joined another Pokemon Forum, which has been inactive for quite some time now. So I decided to go searching and I remember some folks speaking about a site called crossroads, and that's when I started my quest. I mean it was a short quest, I just had to use google search and here I am, ready to dive on into this great wide world of Pokemon again.

I'm really into writing stories and creating roleplays, so you'll probably find me there, as well as starting blogs for movie reviews, and comic book reviews. I hope to meet a whole wide group of people here and am eager to see what this community has to offer