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Thread: Programming!

  1. #1


    What kind of experience (if any) do you have in programming?

    I know the basics of Java. Being a Psyduck, I have headaches most of the time, so it's hard to progress without it hurting my head too much. If anyone is skilled in Java and has tips, please send them my way!

  2. #2
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    I have experience with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I have been learning PHP lately which is helpful as our forum uses PHP a lot. xD I'm really enjoying learning more about programming. I learned HTML and CSS back when I was a kid on Neopets haha. But only recently decided to learn JavaScript etc.

  3. #3
    There's no excuse for not at least trying to learn to code. My father encouraged me to learn it, and it proved to be a very useful skill in a professional environment. I know Python and C++, as well as dabbling in some Ruby to help my son try to make a game of his own on an engine that used a variation of Ruby. It proved to be useful for him, and I'd strongly encourage everyone else to try learning a language or two.

  4. #4
    I know a chunk of programming but I don't consider myself particularly great at it. I've taken a few classes for it (mandatory for my major) and found that it just doesn't click with me. I'm in another class right now, but a more friendly language to how I think.

    I've worked with: c++, processing (bless processing, honestly), html, css, javascript, python, and mel. C++ being my absolute most hated, processing being the one I've gotten most familiar with, and currently working with html/css/javascript for another class.

  5. #5
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    I've only worked with HTML, Java, and VB.Net. And it's been a LONG time since I've worked with Java and VB.Net. I liked VB.Net, though, it was fun to work with and you could do plenty of nifty things with it. Java... eh, I wasn't too crazy about it. It was a LOT of work to have it do so little.

  6. #6
    Hoo Boy Sojiro's Avatar
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    I've taken courses for Python, HTML, CSS, and Arduino which is very similar to C++. I'm not fluent in any of these, but I can do some basic things and figure problems out if given enough time.


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