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Thread: Reading

  1. #1


    Are you a reader? Why or why not? How many books do you usually read?

  2. #2
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Am I a reader? XDDD Let's see...I had a friend once ask me if I liked books more than I liked people, if that gives you an idea of what you're dealing with with me. I read really quickly (as in I can read The Host within a single day should I devote my attention to it) and I read a lot, though I can't even begin to estimate numbers. XD

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  3. #3
    Soulless Bidoof~ Midnight Sun's Avatar
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    Back in grades 11 and 12, oh yeah. My English teacher said it was weird not to see my reading the odd time I didn't have a book in hand. I can't remember how many books I went through at that point, but it was a lot.

    When I started university though, got bogged down with French textbooks and research material, that seemed to stunt the bookworm in me. Though, I think I'll get back into it. Work in a library, not like I have a lack of books open to me X33

  4. #4
    we'll never forget our yesterdays
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    Unfortunately, I'm not that much of a reader like I used to be.

    After Senior year of high school, I just kind of...stopped reading altogether. It's kind of a sad thing; ever since I was a kid, I loved reading books! I would definitely get the ones that had mystery, or perhaps adventure. I believe my interest dropped because I had work as well as school and I never really had the time anymore to just pick up a good novel and read it. u__u

    I do plan to pick up reading again, though! I do miss it a lot...I'm not the biggest fan of reading through phone/tablet, either.

  5. #5
    Yes, yes I am. I get, er, teased about it, you could say, but it's cool, I love my books. xD I guess my love for reading is probably one of the main reasons why I turned out to be rather fluent in English and a - I'd like to think - decent writer. I kinda have to learn how to discipline myself, though, as I can get so hooked into reading that I pretty much forget to do anything else, let alone listen to what others are trying to tell me.

    Why do I love reading? I don't know, really; I grew up learning to appreciate stories (my mom would always read me one before I went to bed), and it kinda just stuck with me ever since. Reading's fun, and takes you to a new world, really; it's truly a portal to someplace else, where anything can happen. It's where I let my mind, my imagination, run free (so much that I end up hating casting choices just because I didn't picture a certain character in that manner).
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  6. #6
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    I've always loved reading. I usually head to the library once a week to get a new supply of books. I'm a pretty fast reader, so if it's a good book I can get through it pretty quickly. I find reading is a good way to relax before going to sleep, and also a good distraction while on the train to work every day. I'm nt sure why I like it so much, I guess it's just fun to escape to other worlds.

  7. #7
    I don't read too often, but I to enjoy reading a good book as long as it's able to paint a picture in my mind.

  8. #8
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    I mostly read graphic novels. I'm not really into superhero comic books, though, I mostly like stuff such as DMZ, Channel Zero, and the Criminal series. To me, those are more realistic and I like their gritty, mature themes as well.

  9. #9
    Kalos Champion Corey Corey's Avatar
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    I don't remember the last time I picked up a book other than a schooling book. xD

    I hate reading for some reason. Every time I try to start, I either get a headache, get bored, or get antsy. If I read, I would read only non fiction, in topics I was interested in. o:

  10. #10
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    I'm a sucker for a good fantasy novel, and bonus points if an epic quest or minstrels are involved.

    I also have a fine collection of folktale books and books of play scripts for inspiration


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