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  1. #101
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    @Pokemon Trainer Sarah

    Haha I wouldn't send it. I have had to learn a great degree of self control over the years. Now I control my actions. Not necessarily my thoughts.

  2. #102
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
    It's good that you know the best way for you to deal with it. Keeping busy seems like a good plan. Do you have exams or anything coming up? They might be a good distraction!
    I have a singing assessment tomorrow morning that I am putting of practising for and a Music Theory exam in two weeks which I should ace anyway.

    I've currently got a good project up my sleeve for youth group.

    We have a massive database with all the details of our young people. I have had it ready for a while, however wanted to write up an agreement for the leaders to sign before giving access to them. Then everything with my ex-mate went down and now I think it is even more vital. So I wrote up an agreement basically outlining what Leaders have to do in order to keep this private.

    Then I realized something. There are leaders who have partners that know all their passwords, so even if I had it set only to their google account, their partner could still access it.

    Basically, because Google Drive doesn't allow you to put an individual password on individual files, I had to create a spreadsheet to view the database (not the database itself) which has its own self contained login (username and password) in order to view any information. I have been working on that for hours. Now I gotta rewrite the agreement to suit the current system.

  3. #103
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Desolate Divine View Post
    I have a singing assessment tomorrow morning that I am putting of practising for and a Music Theory exam in two weeks which I should ace anyway.

    I've currently got a good project up my sleeve for youth group.

    We have a massive database with all the details of our young people. I have had it ready for a while, however wanted to write up an agreement for the leaders to sign before giving access to them. Then everything with my ex-mate went down and now I think it is even more vital. So I wrote up an agreement basically outlining what Leaders have to do in order to keep this private.

    Then I realized something. There are leaders who have partners that know all their passwords, so even if I had it set only to their google account, their partner could still access it.

    Basically, because Google Drive doesn't allow you to put an individual password on individual files, I had to create a spreadsheet to view the database (not the database itself) which has its own self contained login (username and password) in order to view any information. I have been working on that for hours. Now I gotta rewrite the agreement to suit the current system.
    Hope your singing assessment went well! I don't even know how you'd practice for that. xD

    Ooh nice! Seems like you're building up heaps of useful skills. :) I hope they appreciate all your hard work!

  4. #104
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
    Hope your singing assessment went well! I don't even know how you'd practice for that. xD

    Ooh nice! Seems like you're building up heaps of useful skills. :) I hope they appreciate all your hard work!
    Haha I passed. By 2.5%. Part of t is sight singing melodies and rhythms, so I was practising them, as wel as singing chords (Eg A major 7 is A, C#, E and G# so I need to be able to sing all of those notes if given an A.

    But yeah I just passed. Now I need to know how I did with my written test to know if I passed the unit.

    Haha they appreciate it. If anything they're concerned I am doing too much and gonna burn myself out. However I found a bit of inspiration to keep writing the story I have been writing here, so I might do more of that and less work to make sure I'm not killing myself.

  5. #105
    garlic bread champion Bulbasaur's Avatar
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    I had a panic attack last night and had to go to the hospital. It was really scary and I wish I could just get better.

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  6. #106
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    :( Panic attacks seem so horrible. I hope things improve for you soon!

  7. #107
    Hope you're okay, Eric! :(

    Lately I've just been feeling quite off for what seems like inexplicable reasons. I've been freaking out more, getting angry easier, and becoming restless/upset. I don't quite know where it's coming from which annoys me the most. I'm also becoming super weird with my time, like trying to use it wisely but somehow I just end up wasting it then regretting it. xD It's so weird and annoying. Bleh. Weird life stuff.

  8. #108
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    My house got robbed :/

    Some time this morning in broad daylight they went around the side of my house, climbed on the roof and forced open a window. They took my brother's PS3 but not PS4 as it seems like they were unable to unplug the power cable quick enough, there is damage to the tv stand where they tried to pull it. They took his PS4 controllers and a bunch of games too but not all of them, as well as some sports jerseys, his watch, camera, smart watch and a survival knife. They took rings from my room (there were only a few, not very expensive. They didn't look very hard as I had more expensive jewelry in the same drawer) and my passport for some reason, which is a bit worrying. I had to cancel it. I literally had my bf's PS3 and xbox360 sitting on the floor of my room but they not only left the PS3, they removed the Xbox and all its cables from the backpack it was in and took only the backpack...presumably to carry the stuff they stole. Wtf. They went through my drawers of Pokemon games and tipped everything out but didn't take any, think they were looking for more jewelry. Thank god they didn't take my DS. They stole jewelry from my mum but luckily not the watch she got from her parents when she was 21 or my grandpa's watch. They did take her engagement and wedding rings though, but not her moneybox sitting in plain sight...

    In the loungeroom they took my crappy old laptop we use for Netflix but not the power cord which it depends on as the battery is crap. xD As well as my Wii for some reason but left all the games and controllers and my GameCube, N64 and SNES which would all be worth more than the Wii, I'd say. They also took my old phone which no longer works on the network here so you can't make calls or anything. But it was a hassle as I had to change all of my internet passwords.

    We were insured so we will get money for all the stuff they took so it's not too bad. A guy came and fixed the window for now so it can't be opened. I feel like I got off easy but my brother wasn't so lucky. :( He did happen to have photos of all his games though so at least he has a record of them and could work out what was taken. So take photos of your stuff people!!! Especially jewelry. The police came through and fingerprinted everything and think it was some kids as they took such random stuff and it wasn't a professional job. One of the neighbours saw a girl about 20yrs old walking up and down the street at about 8am as well as a white van. Some kids were also caught trying to get into a neighbour's car a couple months ago and chased off, and someone also went into my car a few months before that and stole my spare change :P My street is kinda dark and a no through road so it's pretty quiet, so I guess we have become a target for these kids. What is this world coming to.

    I was going to make this a blog but I don't wanna be reminded of it every time I look at my account so I posted here instead xD I'm just hoping they don't come back. :/

  9. #109
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
    My house got robbed :/
    Holy crap, that sounds bad...

    Quite a few years back, we were robbed as well. He made his way through by climbing under our porch and kicking through a window that had been covered up (likely because the porch was built after the main house was completed and there was no need to have that window anymore). But there was still that stupid opening he could break his way through (we bricked it up after this whole thing) He stole a lot of jewelry and money also.

    Identify unique items that the police would be able to distinguish from common stuff. I remember the chump who robbed us got nailed by the police because he stole my sister's ID card and a watch I had that was based off of the N64 Goldeneye (it really wasn't worth as much as he probably thought it was). Nailed. They were distinguishable items and it traced him back to the robbery. He only got a few months in prison, but at least he didn't get away free. We didn't get most of the jewelry back because he had already pawned it.

    Chances are good whoever robbed your house will try to pawn what they stole. Yeah, it seems like they take random stuff because they have a limited window on how long they can be there before they're noticed. They also don't know the layout of the house and where the most valuable stuff is, so their search will typically be very hasty. From what I've been told, they REALLY don't want to deal with the cops, so they want to head in, take what they can quickly rather than spend too much time considering the value of things, and be out of there before the cops get there.

    For our situation, the creepy thing is if someone had been sick and just sleeping at home, who knows what the guy would have done. Not a pretty thought. It's a major reason why we have guns in the house now (and I'm not talking little pea shooters either). When it comes to personal well-being, I don't want to test the ethics and morality of these freaks, especially if they're already willing to steal and destroy things. I understand that not everyone is crazy about guns, though. It took me quite some time before I even considering touching one.

    But yeah, I can imagine how your sense of security is feeling pretty violated right now. It happened to us and we were a bit paranoid for quite a few good months after that incident.

  10. #110
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    @Neo Emolga
    That's really horrible Neo :( But awesome that he got caught!! I hope they catch the jerks who robbed us. What was weird is my mum had scheduled some people to come clean the gutters at our house the same day. They said they would come between 10 and 12 and she told them that's fine but no one would be home and to not open the gates as we have a dog in the backyard. They didn't show up or let my mum know they were late or anything. My mum rang them at 2pm when she got home telling them we got robbed and asking if they'd been and the receptionist said they hadn't been yet... Just seems really dodgy. The police have all the info now though so hopefully they'll look into it.

    I had the serial numbers for a lot of the stuff they took so if they try and sell them, hopefully they'll get busted. We put up some cameras over the weekend and big chains/locks on our gates and will be getting an alarm soon. I spent some time yesterday hiding all my Pokemon games. XD And then decided to just stay home today since I can work from home anyway. I'm really glad I decided to hide my money box a while ago. XD They were obviously in a huge rush and it seems like it was just some kids and an opportunistic thing. But still really infuriating. :| Feeling pretty meh about life right now.


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