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  1. #171
    garlic bread champion Bulbasaur's Avatar
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    Interview 15 Bagz the Skiddo.

    ☄♥ Happily paired with ninjaskarmory ♥☄
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  2. #172
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arnisd View Post
    I'mma search the (3) Batchyflaff Inflatable Industries, floors 1 to 4
    Because you've always wanted your very own bouncy castle as a kid but never got one... off to Batchyflaff!

    But just when you excitedly run inside thinking there's a whole showroom floor of bounciness to enjoy and forget about life for a while, well, no, this is just a manufacturing floor! How disappointing! I mean you get to watch them piece and sew these things together, which I guess is kind of interesting, but you were expecting a whole array of them to fill your childhood desires. But then it occurs to you why they wouldn't need to have that at the manufacturing plant unless they were doing testing. But of course, to the testing area!

    Well huh, they do have a testing area, but the one they're currently testing looks like a giant Mr Mime and well... damn it, you have standards and that's just unacceptable. You decide to pull a naughty one and over-inflate it while they aren't looking. And when it explodes and scatters Mr Mime pieces all over the place, you feel... better. Surely the world didn't need something like that and you erased painful memories before they even started.

    You look around some more and huh, you find a pretty heart necklace that it looks like someone carelessly left behind! Right by one of the fire escape doors! Well, surely it would be silly to just leave it behind! You reach out and grab it and...

    #Shiny Sparkles of Joy! - STEEL (+4 Overwhelming Cuteness)# Trap 15% Evasion Test: 82 out of 100: FAILED!

    Dio looks astronomically more adorable with 4 extra points of Overwhelming Cuteness from the Shiny Sparkles of Joy!

    Oh. That's why. Well, it's definitely something tied to the Squawkers, so you decide to take it with you and hopefully figure out what it's really supposed to do.

    #[Cutesy Heart Necklace] Shiny Sparkles of Joy! - STEEL (+4 Overwhelming Cuteness)# has been added to the Team Pile! Woo!

    You feel... mindlessly adorable. It almost hurts to feel so cheeky and boopable. You decide you just want to go home and maybe do something loud and badass for a while.

    Dio the Stalwart Vibrava (M: Ground/Dragon)
    Classy: Slappy Happy Classy
    Style: Desperado Cowboy/Cowgirl (4 DMG, 75% CoH)
    Goodies #1: <Empty>
    Goodies #2: <Empty>
    Belly: 0/10
    Overwhelming Cuteness: 8/10
    Groovy Abilities: Stealth Mode | Perky Stuff!: Death Metal

  3. #173
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeloJello View Post
    Just another day at the proverbial office.

    Search (12) Shut Up And Sleep Hotel (CANDY) @Creamy Vanilla Pudding Deliciousness! - (12a) Floors 1-4
    Is it wrong for me to picture a Lugia in business casual attire now?

    You decide to check out the calamity that happened to Shut Up and Sleep Hotel and yep, they were right! Vanilla pudding everywhere! I mean, it looks so gooey and creamy. Why not try a bite and-

    Velo has gained 2 points of Belly from the deliciousness of the Creamy Vanilla Pudding!

    Mmmmmm, and the best part is it's all free!

    Okay, so you slosh your way into the hotel and check out the first four floors, or at least what's left of them. I mean sure, you find maybe a chair or a bedsheet that survived the mass pudding transformation, but essentially 98% of the entire hotel is just vanilla pudding goop. Goop that you fall through and get nearly buried in, turning you into the monster vanilla pudding Lugia. Oh, oh, please do me a favor and scare the children like this. It's a good thing the Peep base has great showers! You can even sing in them and no one hears it but you!

    You barely manage to get to the third floor where you find a small chunk of the ventilation system remained intact. Just barely. You take a peek and it seems like something's inside, but you're not quite sure what it is that's behind the grate.

    {Ventilation Duct: ^Small Pokémon^}

    Well, damn, there's no way you're squeezing your giant Lugia self into that thing. Not unless you used... Santa Claus chimney squeeze magic. But you make the wise decision of not pursuing this.

    You decide to head back, but hey, at least you got to try a taste of this! No charge either!

    Velo the Heroic Lugia (L: Psychic/Flying)
    Classy: Guardian Snow Angel
    Style: Puns of Anarchy (Overwhelming Cuteness -3 on each Enemy Attack)
    Goodies #1: <Empty>
    Goodies #2: <Empty>
    Belly: 6/12
    Overwhelming Cuteness: 1/8
    Groovy Abilities: Amigo Mode | Perky Stuff!: Hardcore Parkour

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  5. #174
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shruikan View Post
    I'll go talk to 23 Jiblet the Chansey
    Interview Rapport: POSITIVE!
    +1 Shared Pokémon Type (Normal)

    You find Jiblet the Chansey doesn't actually live in Booplesnoot and is instead here on vacation! And what a trip this has been so far! And he (yes, HE, because we at Neo Emolga Pachirisu Inc don't believe in sexist discrimination in the form of single gender Pokémon!) is pretty disgruntled about it. Before you even get the chance to ask about Squawkers, he's already venting!

    "I work hard all year and barely pull off just one weekend vacation," Jiblet growls. "I finally get a break and this happens!? Why does this always happen to me!?"

    You almost feel like reminding him that certain Pokémon have had their businesses and homes turned into sugary goo and have been turned into all kinds of nonsense, but then you decide to not bring up that carefully considered point.

    He rants some more, but after he grumbles himself nearly to sleep, you decide to chime in and ask if he's seen anything about those Squawkers that might give you a clue as to who they are!

    "There's plenty of this filth," he grumbles again. "Like that stupid... Toot Park. What idiot names a park like that? I wanted real music and instead I just get toots at a Toot Park. Idiots. I had to change hotels because of those stupid Squawkers and I tried to get some relaxation at that park and ugh, more tripe was over there. So much tripe. I had to take a piss at that forsaken Toot Park and the bathroom there was locked. They sealed the thing with stone and all it tries to do is make things cutesy and stupid. I hated it the instant I saw it. Such tripe. I ended up taking a piss right on it and I didn't even care if I was arrested for public defecation. If you're going to make a bathroom, keep it unlocked! Stupid town. Stupid park regulations. Flapping anuses. All of them."

    "You're still here?" he grumbles, rolling his eyes. "I bet you're looking for some kind of reward, huh? Yeah, I know how it is."

    He then just flings a freaking... DIAMOND CHAIN at you and you imagine that thing's worth TONS! You catch it in midair, of course, because you're an amazing Cinccino capable of skydiving and tying your shoes at the same time! If you wore shoes.

    [Dazzling Diamond Chain] has been added to the Team Pile!

    "Go play dress up for a while," he shrugs. "Or buy a drink. I could use a drink. Many drinks. Maybe I'll just take a nap."

    He then waddles off and you sincerely hope he enjoys the rest of his vacation.

    Fírnen the Incredible Cinccino (S: Normal)
    Classy: Guardian Snow Angel
    Style: Ecstatic About Static! (Player Explosions do not add to the Entertainment Level of Kawaii Armageddon Event #2)
    Goodies #1: <Empty>
    Goodies #2: <Empty>
    Belly: 0/8
    Overwhelming Cuteness: 3/12
    Groovy Abilities: Amigo Mode | Perky Stuff!: Hollywood Shenanigans

  6. #175
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ARandomTool View Post
    Bless woke up in that dammed pink room, having to remember what in the Distortion Realm just happened... Oh, right, her home world was having a problem, so she showed up, saw the sheer chaos of the place, vomited at some point, and passed out, tired of the state of things already. Yup, there was the rainbow puddle that smelled like a berry smoothie right there. Well, she decided, I can redecorate this place another day. It's time to start clearing up this chaotic place, starting where people had recommended...
    Scavenger Hunt at Spins and Pins, Exterior and Main Building.The place might make Bless sick to her stomach, but there were no better leads than a maybe-trapped Pokemon. So she dropped her mental filter of demons and darkness over her eyes and trotted off too the Candy-Coated part of town.
    Okay, you're really curious about this Pinz and Spinz Bowling Alley, especially after waking up in an odd pink room like it was made of bubble gum. Oh, and when you get there, it's an absolute landfill of goo. Custardy goo, that is! Your brain thinks it's not worth it, but your tongue is a tiny bit curious. You try a tiny lick and...

    @Custardy Mess - POSION (+2 Belly)@

    Bless has packed on 2 points of Belly from the tantalizing Custardy Mess!

    ...and then your stomach said go for it! It's really yummy and you get into it before you come back to your senses.

    Well, after snacking out a little more than you wanted to, you take a stroll inside and you see the whole place looks actually kind of creepy with everything as goo. And it's kind of dark inside. And the ceiling is dripping. Sure, it's more custardy goo and it doesn't taste that bad actually, but it's kind of creepy. You see lots of nice bowling lanes that... used to be nice, and now they're just long flat lines of goo. And ball returns... made of more goo.

    You peek around and yeah, no one is going bowling in here for quite a while. It would be like golfing in the middle of winter with a foot of snow on the ground. Or playing basketball in the ocean! Or surfing in the desert! Scrabble while skydiving, anyone?

    Oh, you find the door! It's got more custard and there's actually flowers... REALLY big flowers all over this thing. And daaaamn, they're tough as nails! You try to rip them off the door but it's like they're sentient and even try to latch onto you! But you're cool and you step back before they assimilate you, leaving them to just plot revenge instead. How they are even growing when it's dark in here and... you know what, never mind. You look it over and you figure it's going to need a lot of work. You need fire. Some death metal. And even after all that, you're still going to need to just rip everything around this thing to shreds.

    {Flower and Custard-Smothered Door: <Death Metal> AND +Fire Type+ AND Thunderous Desire for Lawn Flayer™ Weed Whacking}

    You go "grr" a bit and decide to just head back for now. Your opinion of the Squawkers has not improved!

    Bless the Edgy Umbreon (M: Dark)
    Classy: Guardian Snow Angel
    Style: The Puns of Anarchy (Overwhelming Cuteness -3 on each Enemy Attack)
    Goodies #1: <Empty>
    Goodies #2: <Empty>
    Belly: 2/10
    Overwhelming Cuteness: 0/10
    Groovy Abilities: Reincarnate | Perky Stuff!: Killjoy Master

  7. #176
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur View Post
    Interview 15 Bagz the Skiddo.
    +1 Shared Pokémon Type (Grass)
    +1 Shared Pokémon Evolution Stage
    +Intimate (Poison VS Grass)

    You greet Bagz the Skiddo while he's eating pieces of Peachy Beep Elementary School. I mean sure, the fact it's all strawberry ice cream now makes it... slightly less awkward, but you still have an odd feeling. It seems like he still thinks school is in session, but really it's not, and it appears he would have missed going to class today even if it was.

    He turns around and it's terminal. He makes a face like he's about to be run over by a stream-roller and only correctly guessing the number of jelly beans in the Triangulum Galaxy will save his life. He says "zero" but then is told he is wrong, left wondering about existence as a whole and where the folks in the Triangulum Galaxy keep their hidden stashes of jelly beans. It's just one of those things he'll never know.

    "Hey, know anything about those Squawkers?" you ask, wondering if he's able to brain today.

    "I know that pong spelled backwards... is gnop," Bagz tells you in a tone of voice that makes it sound like it's the most vital fact of life and it's the universe's last stand to keep everything in balance. "Gnop. GNOP! GNOP!"

    Gnop. While he enters a trance that makes his jaw hang, his eyes roll back, and makes him pee all over the strawberry ice cream sidewalk, you just feel like maybe this just isn't worth the time.

    "Gnop finds favor with you!" Bagz states clearly, before giggling. "He says I owe you a lot of money. Oh, oh, money! Debts I haven't paid! That you were once a giant blue Chatot named Tiny that saved my favorite nebula and I didn't pay tribute! Aww no! This is unacceptable. Take this offering! Happy offering! Snax! Snax!"

    And then he throws a big wad of money at you...

    Eddie has received $1000 Snax$!

    "I hope we can be friends, Tiny!" Bagz smiles at you before withdrawing. "I... oh. Ha, ha! I'm... nervous. It's my first time not being a bicycle. You know what that's like, right, Tiny!? Maybe? I might be good at racing backwards! If I only tried! It takes so much time to find my lost toothpick!"

    You decide now would be a good time to go.

    Eddie the Epic Bulbasaur (S: Grass/Poison)
    Classy: Slappy Happy Classy
    Style: Trigger Happy (2 DMG, 100% CoH)
    Goodies #1: <Empty>
    Goodies #2: <Empty>
    Belly: 2/8
    Overwhelming Cuteness: 0/12
    Groovy Abilities: Reincarnate | Perky Stuff!: Browser History Hacking

  8. #177
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Night has fallen in Booplesnoot!
    Submit your Day 6: Night Cycle Actions now!

    This Evening's Weather Is...
    Doughnuts of all varieties and special superpowers rain from the sky! Venturing out of the Peep Base will cause a +4 to Belly, but it will be as if you have all the Epic Groovy Abilities and all Perkys at your disposal if you do! It might be worth it to take advantage of it!

    Time Remaining:

    Go turbo, amigos!

    @Chakramaster @Noblejanobii @VeloJello @Scytherwolf @Shruikan @arnisd @Bulbasaur @Suicune's Fire @Ladybugclue @ARandomTool

  9. #178
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Lets spend another day working out!
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  10. #179
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Hmm, searching time all the time!

    (59a) The Restaurant (CANDY)! Smells pretty good at least.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  11. #180
    Lover of Centipedes Scytherwolf's Avatar
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    I'll work out just to be safe.


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