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#CommunityRaidHour starts in one hour!

Be sure to check for this week’s theme!

The next Community Raid Hour is set to begin in Pokémon Sword and Shield in just one hour! This week’s theme is bird Pokémon! So break out your Corviknights, Unfezants, Pelippers, Xatus, Mandibuzzes, and more to soar high during this event. As always, you don’t need to follow the theme in order to participate in the Community Raid Hour. You simply need a copy of Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield and a valid Nintendo Online Account to play!

This week’s event is also the last Community Raid Hour before the Isle of Armor DLC drops, which means that the Gigatanamax Pokémon available in raids are numerous. There are over 22 Gigatanmax Pokémon available for players to catch during this raid event. This means that every Gigatanamax Pokémon, with the exception of Eevee, Pikachu, Meowth, and Melmetal, are now available in one large event. That said, certain Pokémon are only available in specific versions, like Gigatanamax Lapras only being available in Pokémon Sword and Gigatanamax Machamp only being available in Pokémon Shield, but with a Nintendo Online connection you can still participate in these raids via the Y-Comm. So with so many Pokémon available for you to catch, let’s get out and go, trainers!

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