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The Fans’ Additions: Pokemon Naranja!

Happy 1st of June! With classes ending and the sun-filled days of summer ahead of many of us, I would like to think of what comes to mind. Beaches, tropical islands and so on. While this has appeared in Pokemon before, the best example are the Island Fillers. Seen in the 1st season, Ash and friends would travel to a set of islands, canon or otherwise to help expand the anime. This was first done with the popular Orange Island saga. In fact, some Latin America folk enjoyed it to where they decided it to make into a fan-game!

Enter Pokemon Naranja!

Pokemon Naranja

Voted Pokemon Hack of the year back in 2005, Pokemon Naranja, which is a Spanish hack of Pokemon Ruby, in which you can play as either Ash or Misty and travel around the Orange Islands. This is pretty good from first glance, including the Crystal Onix, Butch and Cassidy and challenges similar to that seen in the anime. Unfortunately, after the second Beta, (approximately the half-way point of the Gym challenge), the creator stopped developing. Nevertheless, it stands out as a testament to the Orange Islands and the summer scene seemed like a perfect time to show case it.

For anyone interested, click the picture!


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