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  1. #2
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    May 2013
    On my way to my next adventure!
    Letter 2: Of Friends and Foes

    Dear Serena,

    Well, I figured out why it's called a Rotom Pokedex--it addition to looking like a Rotom, an actual Rotom lives inside it. The one inside of mine is named Sparks, and we hit it off right away. He can be a little goofy and eager to do everything, but will calm down if you ask him to.

    Having a Rotom inside your Pokedex can also turn it into a general guidebook, a camera, a scanner, and a number of other things, but 90% of the time, it's just your average Pokedex.

    Mahina has a Rotom Pokedex too--the Rotom in hers is named Hekili (Native Alolan for "thunder", if you're curious) She's like Mahina in almost every way--very much a performer, and always up for a good story or a good song. (she seems to like Mahina's ukulele, so she'll come out whenever Mahina plays it)

    Sparks seems to like my Pokeflute and my whistles, and actually came out to listen to me practice last night. I was a bit nervous about starting my Island Challenge, so he told me a little bit about what to expect, and that he and Hekili would be there to cheer us on all the way.

    So today the three of us were actually blessed for our island trial--you need to see or take part in a traditional Alolan blessing ceremony at least once in your life.

    The chant the priestess used goes something like this (as per Mahina's translation):

    O my guardians, from remote antiquity
    Watch over these travelers
    As they embark on a great journey
    May they find favor on the road
    May they learn all they can
    May they share good company
    May they return with memories to share
    Watch over and protect them all
    Ward off all that may trouble them as they travel
    (the prayer) is freed

    Then, Hala--Hau's grandpa and the kahuna of the island, gave us our challenge pendants. I got a ruby--one of the luckiest stones you can get--because of my courage and deep love. Not surprisingly, Misty got a sapphire, and Brock got an emerald.

    The last step in the ritual was choosing our starter Pokemon. I didn't really choose mine--the Litten chose me instead! (I would've picked the Rowlet, but the Litten pounced on me before I could choose--so he was mine. I named him Popoki--Native Alolan for "cat".

    Brock picked the Rowlet (he named him Kia'i, which is Native Alolan for "guardian") and Misty picked the Popplio (she named her Mele, which is Native Alolan for "song")

    Sparks was more than happy to give me info on all three starters:

    "Litten, the fire cat Pokemon. While grooming itself, it builds up fur inside its stomach. It sets the fur alight and spews fiery attacks, which change based on how it coughs."

    "Rowlet, the grass quill Pokemon. This wary Pokémon uses photosynthesis to store up energy during the day, while becoming active at night."

    "Popplio, the sea lion Pokemon. This Pokémon snorts body fluids from its nose, blowing balloons to smash into its foes. It’s famous for being a hard worker."

    I was excited to go catch some of the native Pokemon here, but before Popoki and me could go Pokemon hunting, we spotted Lillie departing town in a hurry, so we followed her out to the Mahalo Trail.

    It turned out Lillie was in a panic because the strange Pokemon she has had gotten ambushed by Spearows, and was stuck on an old bridge. Just seeing the little frightened puffball (Lillie had named him Nebby) brought back flashbacks of my attempting to protect Tintri from Spearows back when I first started my own journey.

    Lillie pleaded with me to do something, so I made a flying leap onto the bridge in an attempt to save Nebby, but moments after I had thrown myself over Nebby to act like a shield, the part of the bridge we were on broke.

    Misty understandably panicked, but on the way down, I got the idea to invoke my Heart Song--Jao wiisha nes chiel com yutuul…

    As Misty, Brock, and Lillie watched in awe, Tapu Koko--one of the four guardians of Alola--came and rescued me before I could hit the water. I gave him a mahalo nui--a big thank you!

    Lillie was relieved Nebby was all right, but all the excitement tired her out, so Brock suggested we go back to town.

    Hau wanted to battle with me, but after Brock explained what had happened, he was stunned, and went and told Mahina.

    Mahina told us that by nature, Tapu Koko is a trickster, and he may or may not decide to help you, so to have him rescue me was very unusual indeed. Hikina figured that maybe Tapu Koko saw something in me and decided to rescue me, a hypothesis Hala agreed with.

    Hala also warned us about Team Skull, who are apparently the local evil team here--Misty was relieved that at least Team Rocket wasn't here--better a group of hoodlums in black and white than a guy and a girl with a talking Meowth.

    Naturally, both Sparks and Hekili wanted to know more about Team Rocket, so we told them both (and our starters) about our previous adventures and encounters with them.

    We talked late into the night--or at least until Popoki started nudging me towards a hammock, so I guess he knew it was time for us to get to bed.

    He's waiting for me to finish this letter, so I'll call it a night here--I can't wait to embark on the Island Challenge with my best friends! I only wish you could be going with me, as well.

    Your friend,
    Last edited by EmeraldSky; 11-24-2016 at 10:38 PM.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"


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