Do you have any pet peeves that drive you crazy when it comes to living with someone?

I have three big ones.

1. Not notifying someone ahead of time that soon it'll be their turn to clean or replace something. I'm currently living with three other people. This past Monday I was in the middle of class when I received a series of texts about how we were out of toilet paper. Not that we were almost out. BUT THAT WE WERE COMPLETELY OUT. Now I try not to reply to texts in class so I was paying attention. This ultimately resulted in it being declared my turn to replace the TP, when it actually wasn't, it was my roommate's. They started demanding I replace it then and wouldn't stop texting me to the point where my phone was vibrating so much my professor called it out. I was so embarrassed. I was so close to ripping into them. So instead of studying for a test the next day, I spent half of my night locating TP. The buses don't run that late, and I don't own a car. At least one of my suitemates does though but she refused to drive me because she had a lab due. I had to walk a mile and a half to the nearest convenience store to buy TP. I had my mom on the phone the whole way so that way if I got kidnapped or something she could call the authorities. I bought four rolls (which we still haven't gotten through) and never received a thank you. So then, to make sure they understood how pissed I was, I had my mom go to Costco and buy a jumbo pack of TP. Still not a thank you but they better not do that again.

2. Not doing the duty when it's your week. So last semester my roommate and I agreed I'd take the trash out. She said she'd do it this semester. As of writing this, the trash has not been taken out for two weeks and the room is starting to smell. I will be taking it out shortly because I can't take it. She's obviously not busy because she has spent the entire day watching Netflix so far. This is not the first time she's done this either, I get that we're not used to having roommates but this is ridiculous.

3. Changing the temperature without asking. So my roommate and I have discovered that we like the temperature vastly different. I like hot she likes cold. We used to keep in the middle so that both of us were comfortable but this semester every time I adjust the thermostat to that temperature when she's out of the room she just comes back in and sinks it to the lowest possible temperature then turns on a freaking fan and refuses to let me change it. I can't sleep through the night anymore because it's too cold! I can have four layers on me and still not be warm because it is a tundra in our room. I don't know why she just started doing this but it's bothering me and I want to tell her but every time I try to confront her she has some dumb excuse as to why we can't talk.

Needless to say, I have a few buttons that you shouldn't push. I like to be given notice when I need to do things, I like people to do their part, and I don't like things being done without asking me first. Is that really too much to ask?