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  1. #1
    Pop Goes the Gleamsel. Palamon's Avatar
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    If You Ran Your Country...

    What would be the first thing you'd change to help improve your country, if anything?

  2. #2
    Eldritch_Angel LKWayvern's Avatar
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    First I'd force anyone who wants to be a politician to swear an oath of complete honesty before every debate and speech.
    Then I'd make them recite every speech they said that sound sketchy from start to finish while attached to a lie detector.
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  3. #3
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Quote Originally Posted by LKWayvern View Post
    First I'd force anyone who wants to be a politician to swear an oath of complete honesty before every debate and speech.
    Then I'd make them recite every speech they said that sound sketchy from start to finish while attached to a lie detector.
    They already swear an oath first thing when they're sworn into office and polygraphs are not effective lie detectors. They've been known to go off even when someone was not telling a lie. Good idea but not very effective. As for the oath before every speech and debate, given how often politicians come and go while Congress is in session, it would just take up a lot of time that really is pointless. They don't lie during the debates normally anyway, it's when they're speaking to the public that it tends to happen. So if you wanted honesty that'd be the time to have the oath swearing.

    Candidly, if I could do anything, I would not do much. Maybe change it to where the electoral college has their votes distributed in ratio to the popular vote of each state rather than the current winner take all system that most states use but overall there's not much I would change. I've seen the world through the political lens and there's not always a straightforward solution to a problem like a lot of people think.
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  4. #4
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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  6. #5
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Me? Spout a whole bunch of Ideological warm-feeling-everyone-gets-along stuff, try to get people to follow it, then fail miserably because its politics. Hopefully someone will listen. If let out "working together" vibes long enough maybe a few lawmakers will do it.

    Also stop alienating everyone. There's enough problems in the world without people causing more by being stubborn/selfish.


  7. #6
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    No one said how realistic it has to be, so. XD But this stuff really shouldn't be too difficult.

    I'd make it so the people in charge actually had to be qualified. So all of the ministers in charge of different areas better be some of the top people in their fields, not just lifelong politicians who therefore have no actual experience. For example, the Minister for Science better be one of the top scientists in the country with amazing qualifications and experience who understands the issues! The Minister for Women should be a WOMAN who has done research in the field, and not a misogynistic idiot like out last primer minister, and the minister for the environment better be someone who actually believes in climate change and actually wants to put the environment first. Just slotting politicians into those slots is so stupid in my opinion. There's no way they can understand the issues as well as an expert in the field would. And that expert would have less chance of stupid allegiances or dodgy deals getting in the way of doing the right thing because they would have already dedicated a large part of their lives to that field. Their job wouldn't be telling people what they wanna hear and lying and chasing money. ~_~ I don't really agree with having career politicians because of that. Unless someone has experience in the field, why should I trust them with giving that field a voice? I just went through and clicked on all of Australia's current minsiters. They've pretty much all done bachelor degrees in either arts, business or law. So why are we trusting them to understand science, health, education, indigenous affair, environmental issues? Makes no sense. I think people who are experts with real life experience in a field should be the ones leading us. Sadly the people with power are almost always the ones who should not have power.

    The other thing I'd change is making it so EVERY vote was done based on conscience and not just along party lines. It's really dumb that people get elected to represent a group of people and then they can't even vote how they want to if their party says otherwise. And if they do, they lose their jobs! So ridiculous!

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  9. #7
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    All joking aside I really don't know. Cause no matter what any leader does there will be hate and people that don't like what you do. Even if we listen and start to take advice. There will be a whole different group that disagrees and takes it out on you. No matter what any leader does you can't win against "the people." Sure you can ban things. Will that stop it from existing? Not a chance.

    The time is upon us...

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  10. #8
    Eldritch_Angel LKWayvern's Avatar
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    If people are always going to hate you, then why bother trying to make them happy?
    Make decisions to try and improve things. If people lash out, and have a legitimate reason, then listen to that reason but if it's just 'we hate change and we hate you', then just tune them out. Constructive criticism can be a big help in improving yourself and your works, but there's a different between constructive criticism and hate for the sake of hate.
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