This is a thread for you to post pictures of your pet if you want. You can also discuss the topic of whether or not pets should be treated like humans. See, in America (I have no idea if this occurs outside the state's), people often treat their pets very luxuriously. While many people have no issue with that, they do have an issue when they start referring to their dogs or cats as their "child" or "sister". So what's your opinion on this? Should people be allowed to refer to their pets as if they were humans or not?

Personally I don't have much of an issue with it, but that might be biased since I do refer to the dogs I've had as my siblings. As an only child, they're the closest I'm ever going to get to siblings and my older brother certainly acted like one around me. When I was crying, PV (stood for Prince Valiant) would come and rock my cradle with his nose to calm me down. He would play with me while I was sitting in my special chair toy and would babysit me while my parents took naps. He was very protective of me too, having almost attacked strangers before because he didn't want them coming near me. I wish he hadn't died so soon after I was born but that's just how it goes. My current dog, Savannah, acts kind of like a sister. We usually share a bed or at least a bedroom. I'm the one that's always takes care and plays with her, heck I practically raised her like PV raised me. I always comfort her during storms, even when I'm not at the house because she always goes and gets under the covers of my bed, which the vetranarian thinks may because because she associates that scent with me. I feed her the most treats out of my parents and I (I spoil my doggy) and in return she only listens to me.

That could just be me, but she certainly feels like a sister and I hate it when she's no around because I love her so much.
Here's Savannah's picture.

I will see if I can find anything for PV but he died before iPhones were a thing so it'll be hard.