Yeah, I tried this Pikachu tutorial that DeviantArt is promoting and I can't even say I'm all that crazy about it myself and this is coming from someone who has drawn Pikachu plenty of times. That second overlapping oval that defines the cheeks is probably overkill, Pikachu's cheeks don't protrude out THAT far and don't follow that same shape in most cases. Heck, even the Pokemon Center style Pikachu doesn't have cheek bumps like that at all. Moreover, the "antennae" for the ears is okay as a start to define length, but I normally define the ears completely (want to make sure the width looks good, too) in the sketch before doing the lineart. Same goes for the tail.

Ry Spirit also said Pikachu's body is pear-shaped, which is mostly true, but what he forgot to mention was there's a indent between both of the feet that dips very slightly upward and inward into Pikachu's body. Also, just as a personal preference, the white dots that resemble the light reflecting off of Pikachu's eyes... typically I like to make that a perfect circle (or oval depending on the angle of the post). I only have a very slight cutoff if the Pikachu has an angry glare and their eyelids are down a bit.

So yeah, even if there's a popular or promoted tutorial, it's important to keep these two key things in mind when you come across a tutorial:

1. Do you like the way the end result looks?
2. Are you able and comfortable following the steps it takes to get to that?

If you can answer yes to both of these questions, go for it and practice again and again with it. But if either of those questions has a no answer, then move along. Personally, I'd have to say "no thanks" on both of these for this one particular tutorial. I definitely think there's better ones out there that I liked more, such as the one Gemma showed you (I thought I had a copy of that saved but I guess not :P).