Hello everybody! Just last week, a great podcast celebrated an anniversary. The Pokemon Underground Champions League Podcast celebrated their seventh anniversary on December 31st, 2014!
P.U.C.L. started off in 2007 during the heyday of Generation 4 and have kept going since then. They are one of the oldest Pokemon podcasts around. It is thanks to Thatch and the Blackthorn Council that the P.U.C.L. Podcast have been around for so long covering all kinds of topics such as Pokemon manga, video games and anime in great detail. The show has even gone as far to feature custom bumpers and commercials with each episode.
In honor of P.U.C.L.’s anniversary, we have asked Thatch and the Blackthorn Council for their personal top five episodes from their long recording history. I suggest you give these episodes a listen to look back with P.U.C.L. and it’s long history. They have suggested episodes as far back as Episode 9 so you can see how much the podcast has grown!
P.U.C.L. #154 Creepy Pastas
P.U.C.L. #143 Pokemon Antagonists
P.U.C.L. #115 Pokemon X and Y Initial Reactions
P.U.C.L. #92 Pokemon Black and White 2… 2
P.U.C.L. #9 Pokeballs
Also, the guys at P.U.C.L. threw in a bonus episode! P.U.C.L. #159 Super Secret Bases!
So enjoy these PUCL-licious episodes and as they say on P.U.C.L., “See you all on the flip-flop.”