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TCG Jump: Featured Match- Speed Aggron

Speed Aggron
Regional is just around the corner and Roaring Skies is now legal to play at tournaments. This is going to be an explosive weekend as we see new decks emerge from Roaring Skies while old favorites fly to new heights.

This week in Featured Match, we are going to feature a newcomer named Rahzark from Poke-Decks who will be showing off Speed Aggron!

It may be hard to believe that the word speed could be associated with Aggron but it is possible. The deck that Rahzark created involves setting up M Aggron EX as fast as you can by the use of Double Colorless Energy and Mega Turbo. That way M Aggron EX can do some mega damage with Megaton Slam!

Can you handle this speed? Watch the video below to find out!

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