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Top 5 Pokemon Comics This Week – November 18

 Pikachoo! Page 2 by relyon on deviantART_2013-11-18_01-22-23-

Harry is on hiatus this week, so I will be introducing the special top 5 Pokemon Comics this week, based on my own readings of what I’ve seen.   What follows after the break is my opinions of what the best of the best is this week, given my short attention span *wink*.  I love reading smaller traditional comic strips that evoke emotion in four to six frames, so bear with me here if Dick Tracy is your type of thing.  Read more after the break!

#1. Pikachoo!

Short and sweet does the trick.  The protagonist is alone… wondering where his next opponent might be.  The emptiness is all around… and then… he almost sneezes, saved by his companion.  I wish my cat would stop me from sneezing.

#2. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: RAD

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - R.A.D __ Comics - The Weird Guy from the Valley - Page_2013-11-18_01-21-25-

Though the above is not the entire frame, this is one that really strummed my emotional strings inside, as ability of the artist to really create a charged atmosphere with facial expressions and monologue really make me feel for this character!

#3. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Victory Fire

PMD_ Victory Fire __ Comics - 182_ The Wild_2013-11-18_01-21-11-

Another emotionally charged piece with two Houndoors ready to lock in battle.  I read on from this one after my first tasting.  You can really get the sense of what’s going on through the imagery provided.

#4.  Mokepon

Mokepon __ Comics - Chapter 7 Page 37_2013-11-18_01-22-14-

Mokepon, meet real life.  Oh, you’ve already met?  The despair in the protagonist’s voice really dittos society today.  (pun intended completely)

#5 Trouble in the midst

Trouble in the midst 52 by Skyrocker4cats on deviantART_2013-11-18_01-21-41-

For those of you that have been raised by siblings, the age old question of first kisses is always gossip at the dinner table!


Want more Pokemon Comics? Check out this week’s Pokemon Comic Feature!

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