Welcome Team Instinct, Mystic and Valor! It's time to get down to business! Your first challenge is here and there are plenty more to come! So make sure you're recruiting members for your teams! We're about to get underway with the main event, but in the meantime, let's get decked out in those team colours!

Have an image in your signature to show off your team! (It can be anything as long as it's clearly related to Team Instinct, Mystic or Valor!) If you already have one then you're already there!

Individual Prize: None this time.
Team Prize: If 5 people complete this from your team, your team will unlock a private forum that only you can access!

To claim for your team, post in this thread once your signature is ready!

Team Instinct: 5 COMPLETE!
Team Mystic: 5 COMPLETE!
Team Valor: 5 COMPLETE!

@The Nonexistent Tazz
@Lunar Latias
@Rival Max
@Daughter of Mew
@Neo Emolga