Looks like you're catching them all! But your Pokemon could use some more training! Try out the battle below and you'll get the chance to evolve any one of your Pokemon!

Here's how it works! Use your Pokemon to battle against the trainer below! It doesn't matter if you win or lose the battle, the challenge will still be complete. And it doesn't matter what Pokemon you use. You don't need to use the Pokemon you want to evolve.

Battling is based on only 2 things. What evolution stage your Pokemon is and its type.

Evolution stage
For the purposes of the game, pretend no Pokemon outside of Kanto exist.

A basic Pokemon is a Pokemon that is unevolved like Bulbasaur and Pikachu.
A middle evolution is a Pokemon that has evolved once and has the potential to evolve again, like Kakuna.
A final evolution is a Pokemon that can't evolve any further like Venusaur, Seadra or Scyther.

A Pokemon can defeat any Pokemon which are at a lower evolution stage (unless one Pokemon is super effective against another!)

Basic Pokemon vs Basic Pokemon = draw
Basic Pokemon vs Middle Evolution = middle evolution wins
Basic Pokemon vs Final Evolution = final evolution wins
Middle evolution vs Final Evolution = final evolution wins
Type Effectiveness

If at least one of the Pokemon's types is SUPER EFFECTIVE against the opposing Pokemon, then you get a bonus equal to one evolution stage.

Bulbasaur (Basic + Super effective) vs a Squirtle (Basic) = Bulbasaur wins
Bulbasaur (Basic + Super effective) vs Wartortle (Middle) = draw
Bulbasaur (Basic + Super effective) vs Blastoise (Final) = Blastoise wins
If both Pokemon are super-effective against each other, then the bonus cancels out.

Bulbasaur (Basic + Super effective) vs Geodude (Basic + Super effective) = draw
Bulbasaur (Basic + Super effective) vs Graveler (Middle + Super effective) = Graveler wins
Ivysaur (Middle + Super effective) vs Gyarados (Final + Super effective) = Gyarados wins
Venusaur (Final + Super effective) vs Gyarados (Final + Super effective) = draw



Trainer Alex challenges you!
"I'm a new trainer but I'll do my best!"

Pidgeotto (Middle, Normal/Flying type)
Sandshrew (Basic, Ground type)
Metapod (Middle, Bug type)

Choose three of your own Pokemon to battle with! To make it simple, you can only use a Pokemon once per battle. So think of it like three 1 vs 1 battles!

My team:

Charmander (Basic, Fire type)
Abra (Basic, Psychic type)
Nidorino (Middle, Poison type)

The battle! Round One!

Pidgeotto (Middle, Normal/Flying type) vs Nidorino (Middle, Poison type)
No type bonuses. Draw.

Round Two!

Sandshrew (Basic, Ground type) vs Abra (Basic, Psychic type)
No type bonuses. Draw.

Round Three!

Metapod (Middle, Bug type) vs Charmander (Basic, Fire type)
Charmander is super effective. Draw.

Final outcome: Battle is a draw!

Individual Prize: Everyone who posts their attempt at a battle in this thread may evolve one Pokemon!

((If the battling works out, we may introduce some gyms to the game! Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions for battling!))

Certified Trainers:
Neo Emolga
The Nonexistent Tazz
Rival Max
Lunar Latias

Mentioning everyone: