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    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    The Bad Guys {SUDS}

    ***Warning, possible light spoilers for Sun and Moon ahead! Read and participate in this RP at your own risk.***

    "Just remember one thing: No matter what's truth and lies, no matter how hard we're trying to defend what we love and believe in, a lot pf people are against us, and they may very well always be. Especially if we mess this up."

    When the Natural Order group first formed, no one thought it would gain as much power and support as it did. After the Aether Foundation mess, a number of people suspected that it would be difficult for the group to keep together--they thought it would be watched and suspected and eventually it would break up and fade into history unremembered. Instead, the group, who believed that the lives of people and Pokemon would be much better off if they stayed separated entirely, gained more support and followers in the months and years that followed.

    If there was an accident involving a Pokemon, the Natural Order group was all over it. If trainers or other Pokemon were seriously injured in battle, the Natural Order group wouldn’t let the matter drop. They kept pushing and poking and refused to let the occasional accident go...and so the peaceful region of Alola became divided. They pushed for the Alolan government to grant them access to the now abandoned Aether Foundation facility in order to “protect the public from highly dangerous Pokemon.” Finally, they were granted access to the facility, which they began expanding.

    Needing the work, a young man signed up to work on parts of the expansion...and that’s where things get strange. As this certain young man was working on the expansion project, he managed to get lost in the facility, and wound up almost walking into a meeting between Natural Order’s president and some of his higher ups. This in itself would not have been weird if the young man hadn’t been convinced that he had found himself in the basement of the original building, and the meeting hadn’t included those attending speaking about the best way to mass eliminate the Pokemon population of Alola. Too frightened of the possible discussion at hand, the young man quietly slipped away, eventually found his way back to where he was supposed to be working.

    He tried for months to get the conversation he heard out of his head, to pass it off as his imagination, something that couldn’t possibly have been true, but with the Natural Order group’s movement gaining more popularity among the people of Alola, he began to notice more and more that what the group was saying didn’t quite add up with it’s supposed goals. The conversation he overheard that day stuck out in his head more and more, and finally he decided he was going to stop ignoring it and do something about it.

    Months after he heard the conversation, the young man sat down and wrote a simple letter that showed up on the walls of Pokemon Centers across Alola. “The Natural Order group isn’t what it seems,” the letter read, “even though they say they want to help Pokemon, all they really want to do is harm them. Think about what they’re saying, and what they’re doing. They don’t add up, do they? There’s still time to think about what’s going on, time to change what we think about them, to stop their plans in their tracks before it’s too late.” It was signed, not with a signature, or a name, or even a title, but an image. An hourglass drawn with a single stroke.

    Most of the letters were taken down quickly, but they were up long enough to attract the attention of the news, and more than one trainer. The debates began again, but no one put Natural Order under the scrutiny they should have, and things continued on as they had been...except more and more people have been seen wearing articles of clothing decorated with that hourglass. People who have actively begun to take action against the efforts of the Natural Order group.

    People who call themselves a part of Team Hourglass. And they’re not playing around like Team Skull used to do. Instead, they’re out to bring down Natural Order at all costs.

    Even if history will remember them as the villains of this story.

    This RP is set several years after Pokemon Sun and Moon, this means:
    • The Alolan Pokemon League is a thing, and it has increased tourism to the island region, though the title of champion has changed hands a few times over the years
    • The Aether Paradise was shut down and abandoned a few years before the Natural Order group got permission to access and expand it
    • Team Skull is no longer nearly as big as it once was, and sightings of Guzma/the team members are rare
    • Violent encounters with wild Poemon have been reported to be rising in frequency. though no one is certain why

    All PXR rules apply, people...
    1: Please avoid bunnying (taking control of non-NPCs without permission) and godmodding
    2: Let’s also avoid “invincible” characters… Yes, some characters have superpowers, no they cannot be invincible
    3: Please be active--if you’re going to be gone for an extended amount of time, try to notify someone in the RP beforehand
    4:Be nice to everyone, guys
    5: Keep posts PG-13 (on all fronts) and below, and limit use of profanity
    6: Lastly, have fun!

    SU Sheet
    Appearance: 1-2 paragraphs on how your character looks
    Personality: 1-2 paragraphs on how they act
    History: 1-2 paragraphs on how they ended up here
    Pokemon Team: Up to six, no Megas

    Accepted Characters
    Teri and Alan Romer -Winter
    Vincent Gray - Soups
    Sable Hawthorn - Sieses
    Alice Fern - Pokemon Trainer Sarah
    Eloise "Izzy" Beauregard and Keahi (NPC) - Midnight Sun
    Garret Marshall - Wisteria
    Morgan "Camelot" Fay - Noblejanobii
    Drew Abbes - Velocity

    Death's Spook
    Last edited by Winter; 02-05-2017 at 07:16 PM.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  2. #2
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Name: Teri Romer
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Teri is the kind of face that doesn’t really stand out in a crowd unless you know him for what he is. Standing a rather unimpressive 5’5” and having a pretty, expressive face, and lean body. most people are quick to believe he’s a teenaged girl rather than a young man. This often leads people to misjudge Teri’s physical strength, which he often views as a blessing and a curse. Shaggy purple hair that’s badly in need of a cut and style pokes out from under a gray beanie, which sports a gold pin in the shape of an increasingly familiar hourglass in the cuff. His bright hazel eyes always seem to suggest he’s taking note of the world around him, though he often fights to keep his bangs from obscuring his vision. He’s usually found wearing darker jeans in various states of disrepair, as well as dark hoodies and t-shirts in similar states, alongside black high top shoes that are now almost literally falling apart. When out in public, he usually carries his things in a gray messenger bag, also decorated in with the hourglass, but in black paint that clearly wasn’t applied by a professional hand.
    Personality: Teri’s a quiet individual, and tends to be softspoken even when you get him really going about something--usually taking care of Pokemon, or his little brother, Alan. He gets a bit fidgety around unfamiliar and larger numbers of people, not that he lets this interfere with how much he interacts with society, though the difference in how he interacts with people and Pokemon is astounding. The young man knows a lot about Pokemon and how to raise them, which makes sense when you realize he’s running a Pokemon rehabilitation center out of his home...that’s as self sufficient as it could possibly be. Despite his unease around large numbers of people, however, Teri is the founder and leader of Team Hourglass, and is determined to stop the Natural Order group, if not expose them for what they truly are.
    History: Teri doesn’t talk about his early life, and that is that. Most people who know him well know that he arrived in Alola by himself when he was eleven years old--he’s never mentioned anything about his parents or relatives, and he’s never been seen sending anything at the local post office. At the time, he was accompanied by a shiny Boldore and a Honedge, as well as a Braixen, which leads many to believe he was born in Unova, but no one really knows. He began to try his hand at the Island Trials shortly after his arrival, but not long after his adventure began, he gave up on the Trials in order to work at a Pokemon Center. He was still working at the Center when people began to realize that what remained of Team Skull had finally grown bored of Po Town and cleared out of it. At the age of thirteen, he and his Pokemon rolled into the now abandoned town and began fixing up the old mansion, turning it into a living space that would eventually double as a Pokemon rehabilitation facility that Teri handled alone, with the help of his team, of course.

    With the aid of some of the locals, the facility flourished, and word of the place got around--which Teri is pretty sure is why one morning when he was fifteen, he opened the front door of the mansion to find a very young boy crying. No more than a few months old and wrapped in blankets, strapped inside a baby carrier, it was obvious that the child was left there on purpose. Used to taking care of Pokemon by now, Teri adopted the little boy as his brother, and named him Alan. While the local police did try to look into the abandonment and find the boy’s parents, they never turned up--not that it was much of a problem. The Pokemon portion of the household quickly took to the idea of raising the boy as well, and things were good. Teri picked up odd jobs here and there to cover the costs for the food they couldn’t grow, and electric, as well as repairs to the house. He and Alan got along well, and alongside their Pokemon, the crew became a tightly knit family.

    Of course, that’s why when he overheard the Natural Order group meeting discussing the mass elimination of Pokemon, Teri couldn’t let it go, no matter how hard he tried to dismiss it. He couldn’t listen to their speeches without hearing and seeing contradictions. And that is why he ultimately decided to try to form Team Hourglass--to protect all Pokemon and their bond with the Trainers that they came to love so much, and to protect his family. He’s well aware that he may only ever be known as a villain in history, but he is willing to accept that risk, if that is what it takes.
    Pokemon Team:
    Herman, the male Passimian
    Shiki, the female Tsareena
    Morrigan, the female Salazzle
    Gaia, the shiny male Gigalith
    Lucina, the female Doublade
    Beetle, the male Golisopod
    Other: Often lovingly calls Alan “Alice” at home, has the utmost love and respect both for and from his Team, though most of the Pokemon he live with would attempt to shred anything that poses a threat to him. Also, if you haven't figured it out yet, he's the leader of Team Hourglass.

    Name: Alan Romer
    Age: 10
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Despite his young age, Alan seems to be catching up to his big brother pretty quickly, and standing in at 4’11”, he tends to have the exact opposite problem Teri has--most people tend to think he’s older than he actually is. His more athletic build makes him a bit more suited to his household duties--which he often has to do with a particularly clingy Komala attached to his arm. His golden blond hair is usually every bit as unkept as his brother’s, if not worse since he doesn’t have the benefit of a hat to hide most of it, and his blue eyes are almost always lit with amusement and mischief. He’s often seen wearing various t-shirts that have seen better days, usually bearing designs that have something to do with local plants or berries, paired with jeans that are starting to look rather worse for wear, and travels everywhere he possibly can without shoes on, though in a pinch, flip-flops will do.
    Personality: To say that Alan was raised by Pokemon wouldn’t be wrong, and it’s reflected in how the boy acts. While full of cheer and seemingly endless reserves of energy, Alan’s got little to no fear of Pokemon, regardless of their size, type, or even power level. He seems to be able to understand and communicate with Pokemon in a way that most can’t, and despite his age, he’s learned to put this skill to good use--usually to get help doing his household chores. He’s surprisingly mature for his age, and it’s not rare for Teri to leave the house under Alan’s supervision when he has to leave for work, and he spends most of his free time using their excess collection of berries to make different juice mixes to sell visiting tourists and native kids on their Island Trials. While fully aware that Teri isn’t actually his brother, he loves the young man and the Pokemon who raised him just the same, and wouldn’t have it any other way. Which is exactly why he’s determined to try to help his brother and Team Hourglass in any way that Teri will let him.
    History: Abandoned on Teri’s doorstep when he was just a few months old, Alan’s never known what it was like to have a normal family--and he’s totally okay with that. Actually, his closeness with Pokemon has helped him learn to understand and communicate with them more well as learn from them. He’s given the passing locals plenty of scares over the years, including an incident when he was seven in which he spent a week in the hospital on a diet of pecha berry recipes after trying to pet a Grimer, not quite believing Teri when his older brother told him it was poisonous. He has ince learned his lesson, and no longer challenges what his brother tells him to do (Teri had told him to put on gloves before touching the Grimer to begin with).

    While not having a mother growing up hasn’t ever really bothered him, Alan has formed a particularly close bond with a mute Primarina that has been with in the house only a little longer than he has, and often lovingly refers to the Pokemon as Makuahine, and it’s actually the Primarina who initially got the boy interested in working with berries, as he wanted to see if mixing berries might be able to ease the discomfort he’d noticed she had been feeling. While his adventures in trying to combine berries to create more effective natural medicine haven’t proven very effective yet, though, he has discovered that mixing berry juice can result in some very tasty and refreshing drinks--a fact he has used to start up his own small juice stand in order to bring in money to help with the house. Teri’s asked him time and time again, and even encouraged the boy to try and participate in the Island Trials, but he’s not really interested in battling Pokemon--he’d rather take care of them He dreams of going to school to study Pokemon medicine in the future, but right now, his priority is helping his older brother in any way he can to protect their family, and everyone else’s bonds with their Pokemon...not that Teri will let him do very much.
    Pokemon Team:
    Irwin, the male Komala
    Stella, the female Petilil
    Ame , the male Rockruff
    Kim, the female Bewear
    Sally, the female Passimian
    Christine/Makuahine, the female Primarina (mute)
    Other: Usually refers to Teri as “Teresa” or “Resa” instead of his actual name, the result of a joke made when both were younger, and doesn’t get mad when Teri calls him “Alice” and “Allie.” Is absolutely adored by most of the Pokemon that live with he and Teri, the most notable exception is Alexander the Oranguru, who often regards him with annoyance.

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  3. #3
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    This sounds like an awesome idea! I'd love to try joining. I haven't been in an RP besides GCEA in YEARS though and never ones that have super long/detailed posts. So I hope I can keep up. xD

    I've only ever made one character and I find it so hard to come up with them xD So I think I'd like to use a grown up version of my GCEA character, Alice. Is it okay if my character is a Pokemon trainer who became a Pokemon professor in Kanto, and who specialises in Fossil Pokemon? Or is it better if she is a regular trainer (I can use a younger version)? :) @Winter

  4. #4
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    @Pokemon Trainer Sarah Glad to see you're interested in giving this a shot! I really don't expect super long/detailed paragraphs from everyone--in fact, you'd probably be fine with just a simple paragraph. Your biggest concern in replying to RPs like these is simply making sure you are giving the person posting after you has enough material to work with, so that we can keep the RP going.

    I have heard from a fairly reliable source that Teri isn't going to be too picky about who his (possible?) allies are, as long as they aren't committing serious crimes while using the Team Hourglass name. So as long as Alice isn't, say, trying to rob Pokemon Centers or something in her spare time, she's welcome to join in in whichever form you'd like her to join with.

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  5. #5
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    @Pokemon Trainer Sarah Glad to see you're interested in giving this a shot! I really don't expect super long/detailed paragraphs from everyone--in fact, you'd probably be fine with just a simple paragraph. Your biggest concern in replying to RPs like these is simply making sure you are giving the person posting after you has enough material to work with, so that we can keep the RP going.

    I have heard from a fairly reliable source that Teri isn't going to be too picky about who his (possible?) allies are, as long as they aren't committing serious crimes while using the Team Hourglass name. So as long as Alice isn't, say, trying to rob Pokemon Centers or something in her spare time, she's welcome to join in in whichever form you'd like her to join with.
    Awesome, thanks! :D I just read through your sign ups properly and noticed you're using the name Alice so I will probably change her name just so it doesn't get confusing :) I will edit this post with my sign up when it's done! Woohoo! I'm excited xD

    Name: Alice Fern
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Alice is average height and weight, a bit on the skinny side and has an athletic build. She has ice blue eyes that change from green to blue in different light, and light brown, almost blonde, shoulder-length hair. She mostly wears brown ankle-high boots, stockings, a knee-length skirt and a thin, pale green, long sleeve shirt under a long white, collared coat which somewhat resembles a lab coat. If it's cold, she wears a grey hat and coloured scarf.
    Personality: Alice can be quite reserved around new people. She is naturally trusting and so she forces herself not to get too close to people until she is sure that she should trust them. Despite this, she still appears friendly. She is very determined and competitive and when she is competing with someone is the time that her true personality comes out. She is very harsh on herself and expects the same standards of others. She can also be a bit of a sore loser, though she tries not to show it. She does her best to be a nice person but she can have a short temper and can be incredibly impatient, especially in situations where others are doing something she thinks is less than intelligent. She gets anxious in social situations, but tries to appear calm, and has improved a lot as she has grown older. She is clever and generally cheerful and helpful, but holds grudges forever. Once she is betrayed it is almost impossible to ever win back her trust. Alice is analytical and cautious.
    History: Alice was born in Viridian City, Kanto to scientist parents. As a child, she grew up in a house full of Pokemon and was mostly left to her own devices. This gave her a strong bond with the creatures who she regarded as family. She learned how to tend to small wounds, calm angered Pokemon and soothe anxious ones after living among them for so long. When Alice was 5, the family relocated to Ambrette Town, Kalos, for her father's work on Pokemon fossils.
    Alice loved fossil Pokemon and always knew she wanted to be a scientist, so she headed straight for university rather than going on a childhood Pokemon journey. When she was rejected from a prestigious professorship program due to lacking enough hands-on experience with Pokemon (something she disputes to this day), she went on a Pokemon journey around her original home of Kanto at age 19. She doesn't speak of the journey, and some say strange things were happening in Kanto at the time involving Team Rocket, which have since been covered up. It is generally accepted that Alice's journey was difficult and dangerous, part of the reason she emerged with a strong team of Pokemon, consisting primarily of her beloved fossils. When Alice returned to Kalos at age 21, she entered the professorship program and requested to work in Pallet Town, Kanto. After two years working as an assistant, she was given her own laboratory space and regularly conducts research into topics of her choosing (commonly fossil revival and Pokemon genetics) as well as breeding starter Pokemon for new trainers. Her Pokemon are a big part of her laboratory and are used to being her helpers and test subjects. Alice loves her Pokemon above all else, and when she heard about what was happening in Alola, she was immediately suspicious of the Natural Order and was sure the Pokemon weren't to blame. She petitioned the Pokemon League to allow her to leave her post and travel to Alola to investigate the crisis. They agreed, as long as she kept a low profile and understood that their support would only be granted in secret, and withdrawn if she threatened international relations. Upon arriving there, many strange rumours were circulating about a Team Hourglass. Alice didn't know anything about them but if they were set on uncovering the Natural Order's plans, she wanted to help.
    Pokemon Team:

    Plume the Female Archen
    Aster the Male Venusaur
    Requiem the Male Tyrantrum
    Armageddon the Male Aerodactyl
    Paprika the Female Raichu
    Marionette the Female Banette
    Other: Plume the Archen is almost always hanging off Alice's shoulder.

    Edit: Done! @Winter :D

  6. #6
    Extra Clever Earthbound Spirit Gef's Avatar
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    @Winter Nice to see another roleplay come to life here.

    Is there anything else you can tell us about the Natural Order? I presume they're being kept vague on purpose but I would mostly like to know details such as the way they're organized or, potentially, the sort of people that make up their ranks; their ambitions, or at least the nature of them, are already strongly implied.

    This also might be a weirdly-worded question but what's the "standard" of Pokemon ownership in this universe? I see both of your characters have a full team whose subordinates aren't anything to sneeze at. Would this apply to most people in Alola, as in, would most people aim to have a full team, regardless if they are serious Trainers, Captains, etc.? Or is that just dependent on a character's background?

    One more question: opinion on having a Trial Captain character? This takes place years after the original story, so what would the likelihood be of one of the original's losing or retiring from their position?

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  7. #7
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @Pokemon Trainer Sarah Don't worry about changing names, Teri can just stick to Allie, or come up with something different.
    @Gef Sadly the RP boards here aren't he most active ones here on the forum, but I'must glad I finally got some more inspiration.

    Where Natural Order is concerned, I don't entirely have details for organization/specific characters worked out yet, though it is unlikely that the general public knows a ton about the higher ups anyway. Most of what the public sees are the members who legitimately seem to think separation of people and Pokémon is best, and who have no idea what the actual plan is. I might be able to provide more info once I have the details worked out entirely, but with these things not really being public knowledge in-RP anyway, it doesn't make a ton of sense to do so.

    To answer the second question, I'don't say it is more dependent on background--I noticed a lot of the trainers you battle in Alola don't have full teams, and that might be because the culture of the region seems so laid back, but I am sure some people are more gung-ho about having more Pokémon than others. For instance, most of Teri and Alan's teams are actually just the rescues/rehabs that have the most attachment to them. Teri has to be a bit more careful with his choices since he leaves the house more frequently, but once the RP is underway, it should be pretty easy to tell that neither brother defaults to battling, and most of their Pokémon have reasons for being taken in to begin with.

    As for the third, Teri's not going to be picky about the help he gets, but I'd keep in mind what the actual position of a Trial Captain means, so if they are going to work for Team Hourglass, I'd advise them having a certain schedule, or noting that they have a temp replacement doing their actual job or something.

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  8. #8
    Extra Clever Earthbound Spirit Gef's Avatar
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    @Winter To be honest, I wouldn't say it's a good idea to leave details about the antagonists ill-defined prior to the roleplay, especially since the main objective is to defeat them. I'd think, from a game master perspective, having those ironed out beforehand, even if not enumerated for potential players, would be inestimably useful for predicting what sort of events the cast would face or sorts of obstacles they may have to overcome; the actual RP would be better organized as a result. And it should be noted that, even if the general public understands very little about the Natural Order, there are no real restrictions set in place on Hourglass recruits, so the amount a character claims to know is essentially up to their player, right?

    As for your second answer, the amount of Pokemon a character owns is up to, essentially, who they are. That's what I meant by "dependent on background"; a rich boy from Kanto would likely have different Pokemon than a waitress with a five-to-nine gig who's lived in Hau'oli her entire life, similarly to a young man who's made a living out of rescuing Pokemon would have a different party than someone who hasn't. I'll also presume that, because of what you brought up about Trainers in the game, the culture of Alola is exactly that: lax, laid-back, just like a tropical island paradise. Of course, that atmosphere could be perturbed by the construction of the League, drawing in more competitive Pokemon Trainers from neighboring regions.

    But, going back to the detail about Pokemon ownership, I'll note that I'd feel uncomfortable not describing my own character's connection with their partners in their bio section, just to "justify" things, in a sense. At the same time, I'm also not fond of giving my character a full team from the get-go. It's a preference thing, really; I suppose I just like treating each Pokemon like its own little character and having six makes that overwhelming to do. That's essentially why I asked the second question, and also because I wanted to see how much world-building you'd already done. Wouldn't want to create inconsistency if I end up writing an app.

    I should also be the person—as if I'm not "that person" already, aha—to bring up battle mechanics. How will battling and move usage translate to this RP? Things like dodging, the amount of moves a Pokemon can use, etc.

    And Trial Captains, in some form, are permitted. Okay! It's something I'll keep in mind but I probably wouldn't head that direction myself. It really depends.

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  9. #9
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @Gef I fully intend to have the group more fleshed out come RP time, but after having two RPs get little to no attention in the past year, I've become a little more cautious about getting super invested in the more specific details of RPs until I know I have a few people actually interested in joining.

    It seems I managed to miss a typo there, sorry about that. I was replying from my tablet, which has...very special autocorrect. It freaks out the moment I put an apostrophe anywhere, and I'm usually pretty good at keeping track of when it does this. That was meant to be "I'd think," not "I don't think." I would imagine that most of the older generation in Alola is still fairly lax, the younger generation might be more fired up because of the boosted tourism from the league, but it would ultimately still depend on the person.

    You're welcome to add on whatever you'd like--it is your SU, and the info sheet there only requires the bare minimum. If you have a preference, you are welcome to stick to that preference--I know some people who turn their SUs into essays, and I'm fine with that, I'm just not going to ask the same of other players.

    We'd be looking at something similar to the anime. I do usually ask to restrict to four moves, but stuff like abilities/actual numbers will be overlooked. I'm generally pretty lax about letting people make their own decisions about taking hits/etc, though I will be keeping an eye out to make sure that the doesn't get abused. Do keep in mind though, that the lot does center around them trying to stop a group of people who are pushing for the separation of people and Pokemon...meaning not everyone the characters will be facing will even have Pokémon. Battles will not be quite as much of a focus here as they may be in other Pokemon-based RPs.

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  10. #10
    Soulless Bidoof~ Midnight Sun's Avatar
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    I think I got the time to commit to one RP, and this sounds pretty interesting.

    May I have a reserve? I'll try and have the SU done on Wednesday; Monday and Tuesday are my heavy days at school.
    Paired with my sweet sunshine, DVB


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