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  1. #1

    10 items or less, 10 things you like about your life and yourself

    Sometimes we caught up in the world around us so much so that we forget to take a second to enjoy the little stuff. For fun post your list of ten good things you like and would keep in your life and ten bad things you would get rid of :)

    10 Good Things
    1 Unlimted Pizza Options
    2 My two little cats Liz and Scully they make me laugh
    3 Warm blankets on a cold
    4 Playing Mario Kart and having bragging rights over my friends that beat me in other games.
    5 A drawing turning out the way I planned
    6 The way the girl I like smiles at me when I tell her nerdy stuff and she still listens
    7 A really good back crack when I wake up in the morning
    8 Waking up on my own without being late some place
    9 Seeing my family when I have the chance
    10 Coming on here and feeling like in some way I did something that made someone smile

    10 Bad Things
    1. Being a swore old man
    2. Stubbing my tooth
    3. Spicy Foods!
    4. Having to work two jobs to get by
    5. Anixety
    6. The bad students taking there emotions out on me
    7. Magners at retail stores
    8. Not having enough time to do all I need to do
    9. Family Drama
    10. Misudnerstandings that end in bad fights

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


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  2. #2
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    10 Good Things
    1. Graphic art
    2. Nice cold beer
    3. A warm cup of coffee
    4. Catchy, energetic music
    5. That nice, satisfied feeling after a good workout.
    6. Fun and easy-going gaming
    7. Chatting and goofing around PXR
    8. Action movies that know how to be funny as well
    9. Magic the Gathering games
    10. Fun, casual parties with a few friends

    10 Bad Things
    1. Unemployment, this is such a killer to me lately :(
    2. Politics
    3. Cleaning and vacuuming
    4. Not having enough time for all the things I want to do.
    5. Buying something that I thought was going to be awesome and isn't even close to what I was expecting.
    6. Feeling way older than I want to be (seriously, shave off 10 years and I'd be elated)
    7. Having to clean up other people's messes because I'm the only one who cares to see things clean.
    8. Still living at home when I want a place of my own.
    9. Feeling not as physically strong as everyone else.
    10. Being late because of other people

  3. #3
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
    Site Editor

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    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Route 1
    10 Good Things
    1. PXR
    2. Sending out Valentines
    3. Bulbasaur
    4. Homemade gnocchi for lunch
    5. I FINISHED MY THESIS and just need to submit it
    6. Last night I made cherry pie and there is some left over :D
    7. You guys being funny all the time and making the guy next to me at work keep asking why I'm smiling
    8. I get to teach in two classes this semester, money!!!!
    9. I have a cute valentine!
    10. I got a new drink bottle cos mine leaks

    10 Bad Things
    1. Trying to find a full time job as a scientist :(
    2. Cleaning up dog poo all over the lounge yesterday cos my dog was sick overnight o_o
    3. I need a new phone cos they're stopping the old network mine runs on :/
    4. Undergrads are back at uni next week, gonna be so busy, sigh
    5. I really need (and want!) to do more exercise (team sports!!!!) but I don't have enough friends to make a team with :(
    6. Hugh Laurie is getting so old :(
    7. I used to do SO many hobbies but I have been lazy the last two years
    8. My 10 year high school reunion is next month but I'm too scared to go (I only still speak to one person from there anyway xD)
    9. The final experiment I wanted to do before submitting my thesis is being a failure
    10. Hungry

  4. #4
    Unbowed, unbent, unbroken Homura's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    10 Good Things
    1. Rem
    2. Maki
    3. That long commute for work so I'm catching up on manga
    4. Wow I got a valentine o_O
    5. 24/7 Anime any time
    6. Life is pretty simple right now
    7. I have a job
    8. I have a good core set of friends to troll with
    9. Rediscovering my love for casual mtg
    10. Karaoke

    10 Bad Things
    1. Doing jack with an MD
    2. Wow I don't got a Valentine (if you know what I mean ;w; )
    3. Cleaning and vacuuming
    4. The MTA, gosh I'm gonna be late again
    5. Not enough hours in a day
    6. Perpetual tiredness
    7. Getting up in the weeeee hours in the morning
    8. Actual danger of losing my job because of the US President
    9. Dang it Neo, meet me at Nintendo World >.<
    10. That stupid heater stop making that banging noise, I need to sleep >.<
    What is happiness?
    It's being called by someone
    It's being able to call someone
    It's when someone is thinking of you
    But Heaven has none of this
    A lizard girl took pity on God
    So the lizard girl tore God in two and brought a half from Heaven to Earth

  5. #5
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    On a fluffy cloud of cotton-candy.
    10 Good Things
    1. The fact I can listen to my own music in my car
    2. Oh god, coffee
    3. Video games! (I'd be lost without these)
    4. The forum <3 (my second home is here)
    5. My art
    6. Comedy shows (I love a good laugh)
    7. I just made an awesome new friend .u.
    8. A good book to read
    9. I got to see Xanthe the other day ;u;
    10. My Pika Pair (who listens to me even when I'm being an ***)

    10 Bad Things
    1. Needing a crap tonne of experience just to get any kind of job
    2. Being short enough the visor in my car doesn't work :/
    3. Things that just don't fit (ie. clothes and everything)
    4. Today's radio music, bleh
    5. Being overly stressed
    6. Trying to save up for a house when my work hours were cut
    7. Not being able to stay up late anymore
    8. Horrible drivers
    9. Need more friiiiiiends (or some that at least live close by)
    10. Don't have enough money for all the anime/manga/games I want.. <3


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