Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
No worries at all, I don't wanna debate about anything. xD I was just curious about what your take on those things were. Thanks for answering! I mean over here when someone says they're a republican I feel like they would kinda be seen in a bad light (especially cos of Trump now), but I know some of you guys on the forum are republican and I find it hard to believe that stuff about you guys, you know?

I think plenty of people are against, say, same sex marriage for religious reasons and I totally understand why that is, since you're taught from a young age that it's wrong! I personally think people should be free to do things if they're not hurting others, no matter what I believe. Like my religious beliefs shouldn't govern someone else's life. And you basically said the same thing when you said you'd attend a friend's same sex marriage even if you have moral issues with it. But then that is still kinda supporting same sex marriage in my mind. xD So I figure we're not that different on that topic, even if you feel like you're against it and I feel like I'm for it, it's like the same outcome int he end? haha.

But yeah, obviously it's a lot more complex than I thought. xD I still think you'd be a great president :)
They're seen in an awful light over here too so it's not just an Australia thing and the way politics has been going in the past few years I'm not surprised. You just have to realize that those are stereotypes and not everything the media says is true. It's often highly exaggerated.

Yeah exactly! You get it. See the problem with politics nowadays is people aren't willing to set aside their beliefs, even just a little bit to make compromises. For example, I personally am not a huge fan of welfare. I can see some pluses to it but overall everything I've heard about it and the horror stories I could tell you can make you understand why I'm not the biggest fan of it. Now, I'm not saying we entirely get rid of it because it does help people, but if we just re-instituted that two year limit that was in place during the Clinton administration I think a lot of issues with it could be solved! Stuff like that. But since people aren't willing to compromise nowadays that isn't going to happen. It's where the politician's paradox comes in. The actual definition of a good politician is someone who is willing to compromise for the greater good for both sides, but in the public's eye those are bad politicians because they're not strong enough to stand by what they believe in, so people that are too stubborn to compromise are put into office and now nothing gets done.

I appreciate the compliment but I could never be president. And it's not for the reasons you'd probably think. Let's just say, if you want change to come to America, I'm probably better off being a senator or representative.