Without going into too much detail because I have enough stress and anxiety and mental struggles in my life already than to follow every little nuance of everything (and frankly observing trends going on in this country angries up the blood), I'm not very impressed with the leadership of my country and regret voting for Trudeau. He's done some things I approve of but overall has proven to be a flaky virtue signaler, and seems to care more about image, in-fashion identity politics issues and newcomers than real assistance to Canadians already here who need it. Especially military personnel and injured veterans, and the military in general (we have world-class trained soldiers but near-obsolete equipment for them because we just don't spend as much on it as we should; can't count on good national reputation to be a shield forever, not with the kind of natural resources we possess).

He's a nice poster-child for """progressiveness""", looks good and young and hip on TV appearances and is a master of PR with his guarded, "tell you what you wanna hear and speak a lot of words without actually saying anything" speech but a poor actual leader. I really get the impression that a huge number of people voted for his party with getting rid of Stephen Harper in mind, rather than with him and what he'll do in mind. And I think it was a mistake in hindsight.

Such is my view, be it not worth much coming from someone like me near the fringe of our society.