We have some pretty interesting and unique usernames here on PXR. Why did you pick yours.

I have had four on PXR.

Cobalt Shadow was my name on pe2k and I automatically chose the same name. However on pe2k I wanted Cobalt originally but it was taken. Sometime during PXRs development I realised I had a whole world of usernames since barely anyone had joined yet. I then switched to Cobalt. It was a bit awkward when Cobalt of pe2k arrived and had to choose a different name haha.

When I became moderator around last October, I wanted a name change and ended up changing my name to The Operator, due to my Slenderman obsession and being called Slenderfairy by a few people on here (ask @Eternity, @Dragotech and @Charmander009)

Recently I felt like another change and decided to change to Comatose. Comatose is the name of my favourite album, a metal album by a band called Skillet, as well as my favourite song. My user title is lyrics from it, though slightly incorrect due to character limits.