So I drew the other type altered Pokemon from my most recent nuzlocke. I found these were a bit more difficult, especially since I'm doing them black and white. If they were in color it might be easier but since they're not, I had to get creative with it.

For Jingles and Jaws, they were both ground types, so I tried to show it through darkening some of the lighter areas of their bodies (such as giving Jingles dark paws and a tail line and then giving Jaws black claws and while it's hard to see making Jaws's fang black) and then looking up symbols for the earth and putting them on there. The three symbols I used were the circle with the cross inside as Jingles's earrings, the triangle with a line through the bottom to replace Jaws's star on his underbelly, and then the Japanese character for earth/chi according to Wikipedia on Jingles's forehead and Jaws's side.

Hunter was a bit more difficult. Since he's a psychic type, I wasn't sure what to do for him. I ended up adding some markings under his eyes mostly because they looked cool and then adding a second ring to his eye to symbolize how Pokemon's eyes glow in the anime when they use psychic powers. The footprints and floating rocks around Hunter represent his ability to use stomp and rockslide, respectively. I also drew his as both a silcoon and a Beautifly because I could.