Welcome to Mimikyu Mondays! This week... Dewgong and Zangoose! You get two Mimikyus this week because I missed last week. Sorry about that, I was on vacation and didn't have access to a scanner. I wasn't even sure I was going to be able to do this week but I pulled it off!

This week, Dewgong Mimikyu seems to have ripped its costume! But never fear, Zangoose Mimikyu is here with a sewing needle and some thread to help fix it up! I think the most difficult part about this one was, for Dewgong, showing the cut. I tried googling a few different reference images so hopefully it turned out all right. For zangoose, trying to have the fingers wrapped around the needles was really hard to show since Mimikyu's hands are black. I ended up going in during the post editing and touching it up so hopefully that's clear enough. Either way, for as quick of a sketch as this was, I'm very pleased with how it turned out.