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  1. #1
    Chief Administrator HKim's Avatar
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    PXR Summer Event

    Greetings Friends!

    I hope you're all excited for Pokemon Sun and Moon! I know I am. Also the third version of the game will be Pokemon Star(s). That's not news, but my prediction. But I figured I'd go ahead an say it first.

    Anyway, before all of that happens, we'll have the 2016 Summer Break and you know what that means!

    Pokemon with way too much time on their hands. (Except Me and Other People)

    Seriously though, March is usually the time of the year we begin to start figuring out what we want to do. It may seem early now, but June arrives sooner than you know. More importantly, we'll need that time because we have a lot to talk about.

    In terms of logistics and organization, the War event last year was great. Everything proceeded smoother than normal, we didn't have any serious section breakdowns or lost judges and managed to finish things on time. Probably one of the best managed seasons ever.

    That being said, the War was also the source of a lot of drama and arguments as well. While the events may have went without much of a hitch, the discussions regarding it all was full of a lot of issues. Too many fires, not enough water.

    I think the problem is that the War, as a concept, isn't what works for this community. It was a great idea for Pe2K and served as a great source of entertainment there, but this is not Pe2K and what applied then does not apply now. We simply have changed as a community and that's a good thing! If we had not changed, we'd be destined for the same fate as the fateful ship.

    I believe everyone is in favor of having a major event during the summer. Now what we need to figure out is what we're going to do. If not the War, then what?

    That's what this thread is for: to figure things out. In the early years of the War, we used to create this kind of idea thread early on so we could hash things out. The truth was, we didn't know what the War was going to look like or how it would work, so we needed everyone's ideas and inputs. And as people replied and commented, we put together what would be an enduring legacy. The War was not the design of a single individual or even a group of people, but by the entire community.

    We need to do so again now. This Summer, let us hold a new kind of event that continues to embrace the whole community. Let us put our heads together and think of a new way to have fun and enjoy each other's company. Let us talk and discuss innovative ideas and figure out ways to implement them. Nothing is sacred and everything can be considered!

    It's time to create a new tradition for our community, one that everyone can enjoy and celebrate.

    Friends, in this thread, I'd like to ask you to think about what you want to see. I want you to post your ideas of what might involved in this event. Let us innovate and let us develop what will be our Summer Event, for only we can determine what we might enjoy.

    Let us begin.

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